All Stories

  1. One (Financial Well-Being) Model Fits All? Testing the Multidimensional Subjective Financial Well-Being Scale Across Nine Countries
  2. Facing the heat: A descriptive review of the literature on family and community resilience amidst wildfires and climate change
  3. Caregivers’ concerns through health professionals’ eyes
  4. Trust-based health decision-making recruits the neural interoceptive saliency network which relates to temporal trajectories of Hemoglobin A1C in Diabetes Type 1
  5. Families Navigating Macroeconomic Hard Times: The Experiences of Portuguese Emerging Adults and Their Parents in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
  6. Preditores de psicopatologia
  7. YES, WE COPE: Dyadic Coping as a Mediator Between Perceived Relationship Quality and Emotional Representation of COVID-19
  8. Economic strain and quality of life among families with emerging adult children: The contributions of family rituals and family problem‐solving communication
  9. Employment Disruption and Wellbeing Among Young Adults: A Cross-National Study of Perceived Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown
  10. How culturally unique are pandemic effects? Evaluating cultural similarities and differences in effects of age, biological sex, and political beliefs on COVID impacts
  11. Abnormal Responses in Cognitive Impulsivity Circuits Are Associated with Glycosylated Hemoglobin Trajectories in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Metabolic Control
  12. Profiles of emerging adults’ resilience facing the negative impact of COVID-19 across six countries
  13. Trust-Based Decision-Making in the Health Context Discriminates Biological Risk Profiles in Type 1 Diabetes
  14. Children's version of the systemic clinical outcome and routine evaluation ( C‐SCORE ): Exploring the psychometric qualities in the Portuguese context
  15. COVID-19 and Hidden Family Challenges: What About Family Caregivers?
  16. COVID-19 and Hidden Family Challenges: What About Family Caregivers?
  17. Healthconomics: trust-based decision-making in the health context discriminates biological risk profiles in Type 1 Diabetes
  18. Portuguese translation and linguistic validation of the Michigan Retinal Degeneration Questionnaire and the Michigan Vision-Related Anxiety Questionnaire in a cohort with inherited retinal degenerations
  19. Erratum to Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries
  20. Funcionamento Familiar: Revisão de Estudos Empíricos sobre Medidas de Avaliação (FAD, FACES-IV e SCORE-15)
  21. Dropout Versus Retention in Family Therapy: How are they Associated with Behavioral Manifestations of the Therapeutic Alliance?
  22. A Cross-National Study of COVID-19 Impact and Future Possibilities Among Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty
  23. Economic stress among couples with emerging adult children in Portugal.
  24. Caring for people who take care: What is already done?
  25. Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries
  26. Successful metabolic control in diabetes type 1 depends on individual neuroeconomic and health risk-taking decision endophenotypes: a new target in personalized care
  27. Second Journey through a Descriptive Review of Research on African Marital Relationships – Empirical Findings
  28. Missingness Amount and Mechanisms in Family Economic Stress Research: Mapping (Non)answers to Economic-Related Variables of Fathers, Mothers, and Emerging Adult Children
  29. A Critical Review of Judicial Professionals Working Conditions’ Studies
  30. Global Perspective on Marital Satisfaction
  31. Family Dynamics During Emerging Adulthood: Reviewing, Integrating, and Challenging the Field
  32. Questionário de Estilos e Dimensões Parentais: Validação Preliminar no Contexto Angolano
  33. Support interventions for families of people with terminal cancer in palliative care
  34. Cross‐Cultural Validity of Bowen Theory in Southern European Countries
  35. Future Hopes and Fears of Portuguese Emerging Adults in Macroeconomic Hard Times: The Role of Economic Strain and Family Functioning
  36. A Visual-Analogue Screening Tool for Assessing Mood and Quality of Daily Life Complications in Family Members of People Living With Cancer: Portuguese Version of the Emotion Thermometers: Burden Version
  37. Emerging adults’ family relationships in the 21st century: A systematic review
  38. Hopes and Fears Questionnaire--Portuguese Version
  39. Emerging Adults and Facebook Use: the Validation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS)
  40. Mapping the “good mother” – Meanings and experiences in economically and socially disadvantaged contexts
  41. Global Study of Social Odor Awareness
  42. Emerging Adults Thinking About Their Future: Development of the Portuguese Version of the Hopes and Fears Questionnaire
  43. Psychometric study of the Portuguese version of the Family Distress Index (FDI).
  44. When the family is opposed to coming to therapy: A study on outcomes and therapeutic alliance with involuntary and voluntary clients.
  45. Psychological morbidity in family members of terminal cancer patients
  46. Family Distress Index--Portuguese Version
  47. Family Therapy with Involuntary Clients. The Therapeutic Alliance as a Major Key to Therapy Success
  48. Correction to: Family Therapy with Involuntary Clients. The Therapeutic Alliance as a Major Key to Therapy Success
  49. Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation--29-Item Version; Portuguese Version
  50. Family Problem Solving Communication Index--Portuguese Version
  51. First Journey by a Descriptive Review of Empirical Research on African Marital Relationships—Scientific Dissemination, Thematic Focus, and Methodology
  52. Cuidados paliativos oncológicos em contexto de internamento e domiciliário: Necessidades, morbilidade psicológica e luto antecipatório nos familiares do doente terminal e impacto na qualidade de vida familiar
  53. Validation Study of the Portuguese Version of the Family Problem Solving Communication (FPSC) Index
  54. Correction to: ICTs and Family Functioning: A Study on Portuguese Families with Adolescents and Emerging Adults
  55. ICTs and Family Functioning: A Study on Portuguese Families with Adolescents and Emerging Adults
  56. Corrigendum: Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries
  57. Measuring family needs of people living with cancer. Portuguese validation and descriptive studies of the Family Inventory of Needs
  58. A Portuguese translation of the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation (SCORE): the psychometric properties of the 15- and 28-item versions
  59. Risk factors for pathological gambling along a continuum of severity: Individual and relational variables
  60. Marital Satisfaction, Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values: Data from 33 Countries
  61. Risk factors for pathological gambling along a continuum of severity: Individual and relational variables
  62. Jogo patológico em 3D: Variáveis familiares, conjugais e individuais
  63. Preferred Interpersonal Distances: A Global Comparison
  64. Needs of the terminally ill’s relatives in palliative care: Critical review of literature
  65. Building Alliances with (In)Voluntary Clients: A Study Focused on Therapists’ Observable Behaviors
  66. Corrigendum: The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study
  67. The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study
  68. Gambling Behavior Severity and Psychological, Family, and Contextual Variables: A Comparative Analysis
  69. Avaliação familiar: vulnerabilidade, stress e adaptação vol. II
  70. 3D Pathological gambling: family, marital and individual variables
  71. Families in the context of macroeconomic crises: A systematic review.
  72. Parent education program “Em Equilíbrio”: critical-reflexive study
  73. Information and Communication Technologies and Family: Patterns of Use, Life Cycle and Family Dynamics
  74. Gambling and the Couple: Comparing Gamblers' and Spouses' Views on Family, Marital and Individual Levels
  75. The Pathological Gambler and his Spouse: How do their Narratives Match?
  76. Family functioning and information and communication technologies: How do they relate? A literature review
  77. Economic crisis and family difficulties: two faces of the same coin?
  78. The 15-item Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation (SCORE-15) Scale: Portuguese Validation Studies
  79. The therapeutic alliance with involuntary clients: how does it work?
  80. The State of the Art in Family Therapy Research: What Works? How it Works?
  81. Family assessment instruments
  82. Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation: SCORE‑15
  83. Inventário de Diferenciação do Self--Revisto
  84. Escala de Congruência (EC)
  85. Congruence Scale--Portuguese Version
  86. Escala de objetivos atingidos (GAS)
  87. Inventário de diferenciação do Self‑Revisto (IDS‑R)
  88. Sistema de observação da aliança em terapia familiar versão auto‑resposta (SOFTA‑s)
  89. Sistema de observação da aliança em terapia familiar versão observacional (SOFTA‑o)
  90. Family and Systems Therapy and Training in Portugal
  91. Pathological Gambling and Couple: Towards an Integrative Systemic Model
  92. A intervenção com clientes involuntários: complexidade e dilemas
  93. proFamilies: a psycho-educational multi-family group intervention for cancer patients and their families
  94. Portuguese Version of the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances
  95. Intervenção com pais: Significações parentais e complexidade
  96. Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)
  97. Family Hardiness Index (FHI)
  98. Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP)
  99. Voluntary vs. Involuntary Clients: A Research Proposal
  100. The Measure of Differentiation of Self: Implications for Theory Development
  101. Inventário de avaliação pessoal orientado para a crise em família (F-COPES)
  102. Inventário das Necessidades Familiares (FIN – versão portuguesa)
  103. Escala do Impacto da Dor na Família (FIPS)
  104. Qualidade de vida: versão reduzida (QOL-VR)
  105. Inventário do Luto para os Cuidadores de Marwit-Meuser - Forma Reduzida (MMCGI-SF)