All Stories

  1. Combined interventions for the testing and treatment of HIV and schistosomiasis among fishermen in Malawi: a three-arm, cluster-randomised trial
  2. A health decision analytical model to evaluate the cost‐effectiveness of female genital schistosomiasis screening strategies: The female genital schistosomiasis SCREEN framework
  3. The first BILGENSA Research Network workshop in Zambia: identifying research priorities, challenges and needs in genital bilharzia in Southern Africa
  4. Zipime-Weka-Schista study protocol: a longitudinal cohort study and economic evaluation of an integrated home-based approach for genital multipathogen screening in women, including female genital schistosomiasis, human papillomavirus, Trichomonas and H...
  5. Female genital schistosomiasis burden and risk factors in two endemic areas in Malawi nested in the Morbidity Operational Research for Bilharziasis Implementation Decisions (MORBID) cross-sectional study
  6. Female genital schistosomiasis is a women’s issue, but men should not be left out: involving men in promoting care for female genital schistosomiasis in mainland Tanzania
  7. A cross‐sectional pilot household study of Schistosoma mansoni burden and associated morbidities in Lake Albert, Uganda
  8. Time to bring female genital schistosomiasis out of neglect
  9. Female Genital Schistosomiasis Lesion Resolution Post-Treatment with Praziquantel in Zambian Adults
  10. Schistosomiasis
  11. Baseline Liver Ultrasound Findings in Preschool Children From the Praziquantel in Preschoolers Trial in Lake Albert, Uganda
  12. The Zipime-Weka-Schista study protocol: a longitudinal cohort study and economic evaluation of an integrated home-based approach for genital multi-pathogen screening in women, including female genital schistosomiasis, HPV, Trichomonas and HIV in Zambia
  13. Relationships Between Schistosoma Mansoni Infection Intensity and Nutritional Status and Anemia Among Preschool-aged Children in Uganda
  14. An Update on Schistosomiasis
  15. Visual diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women from hand-held colposcopy: agreement of expert image review and association with clinical symptoms
  16. Perspective on Schistosomiasis Drug Discovery: Highlights from a Schistosomiasis Drug Discovery Workshop at Wellcome Collection, London, September 2022
  17. A 14-year follow-up of ultrasound-detected urinary tract pathology associated with urogenital schistosomiasis in women living in the Msambweni region of coastal Kenya
  18. Visual diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women from hand-held colposcopy: agreement of expert image review
  19. The Presence of Hemoglobin in Cervicovaginal Lavage Is Not Associated With Genital Schistosomiasis in Zambian Women From the BILHIV Study
  20. A review of the genetic determinants of praziquantel resistance in Schistosoma mansoni: Is praziquantel and intestinal schistosomiasis a perfect match?
  21. Validation of the isothermal Schistosoma haematobium Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) assay, coupled with simplified sample preparation, for diagnosing female genital schistosomiasis using cervicovaginal lavage and vaginal self-swab samples
  22. Impact of a Novel, Low-Cost and Sustainable Health Education Program on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Intestinal Schistosomiasis in School Children in a Hard-to-Reach District of Madagascar
  23. An update on female and male genital schistosomiasis and a call to integrate efforts to escalate diagnosis, treatment and awareness in endemic and non-endemic settings: The time is now
  24. The praziquantel in preschoolers (PIP) trial: study protocol for a phase II PK/PD-driven randomised controlled trial of praziquantel in children under 4 years of age
  25. The challenges for women’s health in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons learned from an integrative multistakeholder workshop in Gabon
  26. Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of investigational regimens’ drugs in the TB-PRACTECAL clinical trial (the PRACTECAL-PKPD study): a prospective nested study protocol in a randomised contr...
  27. Association of Female Genital Schistosomiasis With the Cervicovaginal Microbiota and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Zambian Women
  28. Association between cervical dysplasia and female genital schistosomiasis diagnosed by genital PCR in Zambian women
  29. Prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis in pre-school aged children: a pilot survey in Marolambo District, Madagascar
  30. Five-Year Follow-Up on the Prevalence and Intensity of Infections of Schistosoma mansoni in a Hard-to-Reach District of Madagascar
  31. Cervicovaginal Immune Activation in Zambian Women With Female Genital Schistosomiasis
  32. Malaria and helminth co-infections in children living in endemic countries: A systematic review with meta-analysis
  33. Promoting gender, equity, human rights and ethnic equality in neglected tropical disease programmes
  34. Meningococcal carriage among Hajj pilgrims, risk factors for carriage and records of vaccination: a study of pilgrims to Mecca.
  35. Use of facemasks and other personal preventive measures by Hajj pilgrims and their impact on health problems during the Hajj
  36. Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia
  37. Correction: Female genital schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS: Reversing the neglect of girls and women
  38. Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Giardiasis Co-Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can a One Health Approach Improve Control of Each Waterborne Parasite Simultaneously?
  39. Genital self-sampling compared with cervicovaginal lavage for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women: The BILHIV study
  40. Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Giardiasis Co-Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can a One Health Approach Improve Control of Each Waterborne Parasite Simultaneously?
  41. Population Pharmacokinetics of Praziquantel in Pregnant and Lactating Filipino Women Infected with Schistosoma japonicum
  42. Integration of prevention and control measures for female genital schistosomiasis, HIV and cervical cancer
  43. Application of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay and pilot field testing for Giardia duodenalis at Lake Albert, Uganda
  44. Could This Child Have Schistosomiasis?
  45. Beyond the barrier: Female Genital Schistosomiasis as a potential risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition
  46. Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia
  47. A cross-sectional study of periportal fibrosis and Schistosoma mansoni infection among school-aged children in a hard-to-reach area of Madagascar
  48. Schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review
  49. Focused Assessment with Sonography for Urinary Schistosomiasis (FASUS)—pilot evaluation of a simple point-of-care ultrasound protocol and short training program for detecting urinary tract morbidity in highly endemic settings
  50. Implementation of a Highly Accurate Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Group a Streptococcus Detection at a Large Pediatric Emergency Department in South London
  51. Schistosoma mansoni Infection as a Predictor of Low Aerobic Capacity in Ugandan Children
  52. Female genital schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS: Reversing the neglect of girls and women
  53. Schistosomiasis in Africa: Improving strategies for long-term and sustainable morbidity control
  54. Cognitive deficits and educational loss in children with schistosome infection—A systematic review and meta-analysis
  55. Praziquantel for the treatment of schistosomiasis during human pregnancy
  56. Paediatric and maternal schistosomiasis: shifting the paradigms
  57. High burden of Schistosoma mansoni infection in school-aged children in Marolambo District, Madagascar
  58. Point-of-care tests for infectious diseases: barriers to implementation across three London teaching hospitals
  59. One hundred years of neglect in paediatric schistosomiasis
  60. A call to strengthen the global strategy against schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: the time is now
  61. Expanding Praziquantel (PZQ) Access beyond Mass Drug Administration Programs: Paving a Way Forward for a Pediatric PZQ Formulation for Schistosomiasis
  62. Predictors of fever-related admissions to a paediatric assessment unit, ward and reattendances in a South London emergency department: the CABIN 2 study
  63. Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Praziquantel in Ugandan Children with Intestinal Schistosomiasis: Higher Dosages Are Required for Maximal Efficacy
  64. A centenary of Robert T. Leiper's lasting legacy on schistosomiasis and a COUNTDOWN on control of neglected tropical diseases
  65. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Assessment of Tropical Infectious Diseases—A Review of Applications and Perspectives
  66. Anemia Among Children Exposed to Polyparasitism in Coastal Kenya
  67. Age-Stratified Profiles of Serum IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α Cytokines Among Kenyan Children with Schistosoma haematobium, Plasmodium falciparum, and Other Chronic Parasitic Co-Infections
  68. Endomyocardial Fibrosis (EMF) in a Ugandan Child with Advanced Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis: Coincidence or Connection?
  69. Diagnostics for schistosomiasis in Africa and Arabia: a review of present options in control and future needs for elimination
  70. Cross-sectional Study of the Burden of Vector-Borne and Soil-Transmitted Polyparasitism in Rural Communities of Coast Province, Kenya
  71. HIV and schistosomiasis co-infection in African children
  72. Human schistosomiasis
  73. Parasitic Helminths
  74. Development of a Specimen-Sparing Multichannel Bead Assay to Detect Antiparasite IgG4 for the Diagnosis of Schistosoma and Wuchereria Infections on the Coast of Kenya
  75. Preventive chemotherapy for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis by cotreatment with praziquantel and albendazole
  76. Schistosomiasis
  77. Fecal Occult Blood and Fecal Calprotectin as Point-of-Care Markers of Intestinal Morbidity in Ugandan Children with Schistosoma mansoni Infection
  78. Schistosomiasis in African infants and preschool children: let them now be treated!
  79. Evaluation of the Health-related Quality of Life of Children in Schistosoma haematobium-endemic Communities in Kenya: A Cross-sectional Study
  80. Impact of Polyparasitic Infections on Anemia and Undernutrition among Kenyan Children Living in a Schistosoma haematobium-Endemic Area
  81. Impact of Drought on the Spatial Pattern of Transmission of Schistosoma haematobium in Coastal Kenya
  82. Measuring Fitness of Kenyan Children with Polyparasitic Infections Using the 20-Meter Shuttle Run Test as a Morbidity Metric
  83. Modeling the Effect of Chronic Schistosomiasis on Childhood Development and the Potential for Catch-Up Growth with Different Drug Treatment Strategies Promoted for Control of Endemic Schistosomiasis
  84. Flukes (Liver, Lung, and Intestinal)
  85. Schistosomiasis (Schistosoma)