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  1. Perspectives On Environmental Impacts And A Land Reclamation Strategy For Solar And Wind Energy Systems
  2. Plant Community Development Following Reclamation of Oil Sands Mines Using Four Cover Soil Types In Northern Alberta
  3. Effects of cover soil stockpiling on plant community development following reclamation of oil-sands sites in Alberta
  4. Large scale biotic damage impacts on forest ecosystem services
  5. Retention level affects dynamics of understory plant community recovery in northern temperate hemlock-cedar forests
  6. Response of overstory and understory vegetation 37 years after prescribed burning in an aspen-dominated forest in northern Minnesota, USA – A case study
  7. Aftermath of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in British Columbia: Stand Dynamics, Management Response and Ecosystem Resilience
  8. Consequences of mountain pine beetle outbreak on forest ecosystem services in western Canada
  9. Bud flush phenology and nursery carryover effect of paper birch provenances
  10. Impact of a Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak on Young Lodgepole Pine Stands in Central British Columbia
  11. Can Boreal and Temperate Forest Management be Adapted to the Uncertainties of 21st Century Climate Change?
  12. Variability in height growth, survival and nursery carryover effect ofBetula papyriferaprovenances
  13. Radial growth of residual overstory trees and understory saplings after mountain pine beetle attack in central British Columbia
  14. Improving site index estimates for pine and spruce plantations: a case study in the sub-boreal spruce zone in British Columbia
  15. Vegetation management with glyphosate has little impact on understory species diversity or tree growth in a sub boreal spruce plantation – A case study
  16. Spring bud phenology of 18Betula papyriferapopulations in British Columbia
  17. Residual mature trees and secondary stand structure after mountain pine beetle attack in central British Columbia
  18. Genetic variation of Taxus baccata L. populations in the Eastern Alps and its implications for conservation management
  19. Structural diversity of English yew (Taxus baccata L.) populations
  20. Population viability risk management (PVRM) for in situ management of endangered tree species—A case study on a Taxus baccata L. population
  21. Comparison of ecological condition and conservation status of English yew population in two Austrian gene conservation forests