All Stories

  1. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Dollars: Visual Aids Promote Investor Decisions
  2. Fear and promise of the unknown: How losses discourage and promote exploration
  3. Decisions about overdraft coverage: Disclosure design and personal finances.
  4. Repeat use of short‐term credit: The case of deposit advance products
  5. Fear and Promise of the Unknown: How Losses Discourage and Promote Exploration
  6. Take-Up of Financial Education: Demographic Characteristics and Prior Knowledge
  7. Don't watch me read: how mere presence and mandatory waiting periods affect consumer attention to disclosures
  8. Exploring the relationships between impatience, savings automation, and financial welfare
  9. Helping consumers to evaluate annual percentage rates (APR) on credit cards.
  10. Consumer Bankruptcy Stigma: Understanding Relationships with Familiarity and Perceived Control
  11. Eliciting Stock Market Expectations: The Effects of Question Wording on Survey Experience and Response Validity
  12. Bored in the USA: Experience sampling and boredom in everyday life.
  13. Understanding the Formation of Consumers' Stock Market Expectations
  14. Identifying a Reliable Boredom Induction
  15. The National Debt in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election