All Stories

  1. Introduction to a Special Issue of Latin American Research Review
  2. Colonial Latin America and Early British America
  3. Language and Archaeology in Colonial Andean Amalgamation Refineries
  4. Digital Humanities Research about the Popol Wuj
  5. Researching the Popol Wuj with Graduate Students in Digital Humanities
  6. Follow-up Special Collection on Latin American Studies and the Humanities
  7. Women, Men, and the Legal Languages of Mining in the Colonial Andes
  8. Incorporating indigenous knowledge into extractive economies: The science of colonial silver
  9. Book review
  10. Emily Berquist Soule.The Bishop’s Utopia: Envisioning Improvement in Colonial Peru. (Early Modern Americas.) 336 pp., illus., index. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. $45 (cloth).
  11. Gendered Language and the Science of Colonial Silk
  12. Missionary Linguistics in New England and New Spain