All Stories

  1. Return to Humbie: Minister and Heritors in the Eighteenth Century
  2. Investing church funds in commercial enterprises in eighteenth century Scotland
  3. “Decently and order”: Scotland and Protestant pastoral power
  4. Influence of religion on accounting textbooks produced by Scottish authors in the eighteenth century
  5. The limits of process: On (re)reading Henri Bergson
  6. Bringing History into the Study of Routines: Contextualizing Performance
  7. Europe, the British Empire and the Madeira Trade: Catholicism, Commerce and the Gordon of Letterfourie Networkc.1730–c.1800
  8. Marginal Importance
  9. India, Scotland and agricultural improvement
  10. ‘Accountable creatures’: Scottish Presbyterianism, accountability and managerial capitalism
  11. ‘To bring the work to greater perfection’: Systematising Governance in the Church of Scotland, 1696–1800
  12. Anthony Giddens and Structuration Theory
  13. ‘Shared Protestantism’ and British identity: contrasting church governance practices in eighteenth-century Scotland and England
  14. Exploring information flows at Nottingham City Homes
  15. Sociomateriality — Taking the wrong turning?
  16. Systemic Accountability and the Governance of the Kirk: the Presbytery of Garioch in the Eighteenth Century
  17. Sydney Nevile: Squire in the slums or progressive brewer? A response to David Gutzke
  18. Exposing electoral corruption in eighteenth century Scotland
  19. Custom and Personal Accountability in Eighteenth-Century South Nottinghamshire Church Governance
  20. Improving the public house in Britain, 1920–40: Sir Sydney Nevile and ‘social work’
  21. Explaining the relationship between organizational use of technology and broader social influences
  22. Weber and Church Governance: Religious Practice and Economic Activity
  23. Dominant logic, culture and ideology
  24. Theories and Evidence
  25. Managing Information and Knowledge in Organizations
  26. Public houses as multiple retailing: Peter Walker & Son, 1846–1914
  27. Concerns with "Mutual Constitution"
  28. Social influences on styles of thought
  29. Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation.By Margaret Archer
  30. Shaping the Public House, 1850–1950: Business Strategies, State Regulation and Social History
  31. Management Practice and Kirk Sessions: an Exploration of the Scottish Contribution to Management
  32. Magistrates and Public House Managers, 1840–1914: Another Case of Liverpool Exceptionalism?
  33. Magistrates and Public House Managers, 1840–1914: Another Case of Liverpool Exceptionalism?
  34. Managing managers: an early twentieth century service industry information system
  35. Thinking Strategically about Assessment
  36. The construction of a ‘traditional’ occupation: welding, 1900-1960
  37. Where do public house managers come from? Some survey evidence
  38. Trends and tensions in UK public house management
  39. Influences on how managers use information
  40. Unions and Information, Britain 1900–1960: An Essay in the History of Information
  41. The impact of information technology on ‘traditional’ occupations: the case of welding
  42. Employability or learning? Groupwork in higher education
  43. The English Tourist Network Automation project: a case study in interorganizational system failure
  44. No such thing as … information resource management
  45. IT and small tourism enterprises: a case study of cottage-letting agencies
  46. Successful use of information technology in a small tourism enterprise: the case of Country Holidays
  47. Concerns with "Mutual Constitution"
  48. Concerns with "Mutual Constitution"