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  1. Thermal buckling analysis of agglomerated multiscale hybrid nanocomposites via a refined beam theory
  2. Buckling analysis of embedded graphene oxide powder-reinforced nanocomposite shells
  3. A machine learning-based model for the estimation of the temperature-dependent moduli of graphene oxide reinforced nanocomposites and its application in a thermally affected buckling analysis
  4. Static stability analysis of agglomerated multi-scale hybrid nanocomposites via a refined theory
  5. Vibration analysis of fluid-conveying multi-scale hybrid nanocomposite shells with respect to agglomeration of nanofillers
  6. Wave Propagation Analysis of Smart Nanostructures
  7. Free vibration analysis of multi-scale hybrid nanocomposite plates with agglomerated nanoparticles
  8. Modeling vibration behavior of embedded graphene-oxide powder-reinforced nanocomposite plates in thermal environment
  9. Vibration analysis of multi-scale hybrid nanocomposite plates based on a Halpin-Tsai homogenization model
  10. An analytical solution for static stability of multi-scale hybrid nanocomposite plates
  11. Wave dispersion characteristics of agglomerated multi-scale hybrid nanocomposite beams
  12. Vibration analysis of magnetically affected graphene oxide-reinforced nanocomposite beams
  13. Finite element vibration analysis of multi-scale hybrid nanocomposite beams via a refined beam theory
  14. Vibration analysis of porous metal foam shells rested on an elastic substrate
  15. A novel porosity-dependent homogenization procedure for wave dispersion in nonlocal strain gradient inhomogeneous nanobeams
  16. Vibration analysis of graphene oxide powder-/carbon fiber-reinforced multi-scale porous nanocomposite beams: A finite-element study
  17. Thermal vibration analysis of embedded graphene oxide powder-reinforced nanocomposite plates
  18. Wave dispersion characteristics of heterogeneous nanoscale beams via a novel porosity-based homogenization scheme
  19. Application of the nonlocal strain gradient elasticity on the wave dispersion behaviors of inhomogeneous nanosize beams
  20. Magnetic field effects on thermally affected propagation of acoustical waves in rotary double-nanobeam systems
  21. On thermo-mechanical vibration analysis of multi-scale hybrid composite beams
  22. On modeling wave dispersion characteristics of protein lipid nanotubules
  23. Viscoelastic wave propagation analysis of axially motivated double-layered graphene sheets via nonlocal strain gradient theory
  24. Thermo-mechanical wave dispersion analysis of nonlocal strain gradient single-layered graphene sheet rested on elastic medium
  25. Wave dispersion characteristics of embedded graphene platelets-reinforced composite microplates
  26. Effect of humid-thermal environment on wave dispersion characteristics of single-layered graphene sheets
  27. Thermo-magnetic field effects on the wave propagation behavior of smart magnetostrictive sandwich nanoplates
  28. Wave dispersion characteristics of orthotropic double-nanoplate-system subjected to a longitudinal magnetic field
  29. Wave propagation analysis of magnetostrictive sandwich composite nanoplates via nonlocal strain gradient theory
  30. On wave dispersion characteristics of double-layered graphene sheets in thermal environments
  31. Wave propagation analysis of embedded nanoplates based on a nonlocal strain gradient-based surface piezoelectricity theory
  32. Wave dispersion characteristics of rotating heterogeneous magneto-electro-elastic nanobeams based on nonlocal strain gradient elasticity theory
  33. Wave propagation in embedded inhomogeneous nanoscale plates incorporating thermal effects
  34. Wave propagation analysis of smart rotating porous heterogeneous piezo-electric nanobeams
  35. Nonlocal strain gradient based wave dispersion behavior of smart rotating magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates
  36. On flexural wave propagation responses of smart FG magneto-electro-elastic nanoplates via nonlocal strain gradient theory
  37. Wave propagation analysis of a size-dependent magneto-electro-elastic heterogeneous nanoplate
  38. Wave dispersion characteristics of axially loaded magneto-electro-elastic nanobeams
  39. A nonlocal strain gradient theory for wave propagation analysis in temperature-dependent inhomogeneous nanoplates