All Stories

  1. Electrified Cloud Areas Observed in the SHV and LDR Radar Modes
  2. Incorporating geostationary lightning data into a radar reflectivity based hydrometeor retrieval method: An observing system simulation experiment
  3. Evolution of GLM-Observed Total Lightning in Hurricane Maria (2017) during the Period of Maximum Intensity
  4. Performance Evaluation of an Explicit Lightning Forecasting System
  5. Relationships between Electrification and Storm-Scale Properties Based on Idealized Simulations of an Intensifying Hurricane-Like Vortex
  6. Improving Lightning and Precipitation Prediction of Severe Convection Using Lightning Data Assimilation With NCAR WRF-RTFDDA
  8. Evaluation of deep convective transport in storms from different convective regimes during the DC3 field campaign using WRF-Chem with lightning data assimilation
  9. Electrification and Lightning in Idealized Simulations of a Hurricane-Like Vortex Subject to Wind Shear and Sea Surface Temperature Cooling
  10. Assimilation of Flash Extent Data in the Variational Framework at Convection-Allowing Scales: Proof-of-Concept and Evaluation for the Short-Term Forecast of the 24 May 2011 Tornado Outbreak
  11. Present State of Knowledge of Electrification and Lightning within Tropical Cyclones and Their Relationships to Microphysics and Storm Intensity
  12. Explicitly Simulated Electrification and Lightning within a Tropical Cyclone Based on the Environment of Hurricane Isaac (2012)
  13. Impact of Storm-Scale Lightning Data Assimilation on WRF-ARW Precipitation Forecasts during the 2013 Warm Season over the Contiguous United States
  14. Relationships between California rainfall variability and large-scale climate drivers
  15. An Electrical and Polarimetric Analysis of the Overland Reintensification of Tropical Storm Erin (2007)
  16. Relationships between Southeast Australian Temperature Anomalies and Large-Scale Climate Drivers
  17. Evaluation of a Cloud-Scale Lightning Data Assimilation Technique and a 3DVAR Method for the Analysis and Short-Term Forecast of the 29 June 2012 Derecho Event
  18. The Implementation of an Explicit Charging and Discharge Lightning Scheme within the WRF-ARW Model: Benchmark Simulations of a Continental Squall Line, a Tropical Cyclone, and a Winter Storm
  19. Links between Central West Western Australian Rainfall Variability and Large-Scale Climate Drivers
  20. Determining Key Model Parameters of Rapidly Intensifying Hurricane Guillermo (1997) Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
  21. Application of a Lightning Data Assimilation Technique in the WRF-ARW Model at Cloud-Resolving Scales for the Tornado Outbreak of 24 May 2011
  22. Tropical Oceanic Hot Towers: Need They Be Undilute to Transport Energy from the Boundary Layer to the Upper Troposphere Effectively? An Answer Based on Trajectory Analysis of a Simulation of a TOGA COARE Convective System
  23. Evolution of Eyewall Convective Events as Indicated by Intracloud and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity during the Rapid Intensification of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina
  24. High-Resolution Simulation of the Electrification and Lightning of Hurricane Rita during the Period of Rapid Intensification
  25. Australian east coast rainfall decline related to large scale climate drivers
  26. Microphysics of Maritime Tropical Convective Updrafts at Temperatures from −20° to −60°
  27. The Impact of Horizontal Grid Spacing on the Microphysical and Kinematic Structures of Strong Tropical Cyclones Simulated with the WRF-ARW Model
  28. On How Hot Towers Fuel the Hadley Cell: An Observational and Modeling Study of Line-Organized Convection in the Equatorial Trough from TOGA COARE
  29. Numerical Simulations of the Microphysics and Electrification of the Weakly Electrified 9 February 1993 TOGA COARE Squall Line: Comparisons with Observations
  30. A high-resolution simulation of microphysics and electrification in an idealized hurricane-like vortex
  31. Electrification and Lightning in an Idealized Boundary-Crossing Supercell Simulation of 2 June 1995*