All Stories

  1. Suffused: baleen fringe mat porosity and hydrodynamics in balaenid and balaenopterid whales
  2. Dynamic filtration in baleen whales: recent discoveries and emerging trends
  3. Humpback whales inflate throat pleats to rub against the seafloor for skin maintenance
  4. Baleen–Plastic Interactions Reveal High Risk to All Filter-Feeding Whales from Clogging, Ingestion, and Entanglement
  5. Cetacean tongue mobility and function: A comparative review
  6. Osteological correlates of evolutionary transitions in cetacean feeding and related oropharyngeal functions
  7. Convergent Evolution of Secondarily Aquatic Feeding in Mammals
  8. Skulls, Teeth, and Sex
  9. Case studies on longitudinal mercury content in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) baleen
  10. The brain limit
  11. Differential baleen growth and its consequences
  12. How we Think About Human Nature: Cognitive Errors and Concrete Remedies
  13. Anatomy and function of feeding
  14. Rorqual Lunge-Feeding Energetics Near and Away from the Kinematic Threshold of Optimal Efficiency
  15. Case Studies on Longitudinal Mercury Content in Humpback Whale ( <i>Megaptera Novaeangliae</i>) Baleen
  16. A perfectly inelastic collision: Bulk prey engulfment by baleen whales and dynamical implications for the world's largest cetaceans
  17. Structure and properties of baleen in the Southern right (Eubalaena australis) and Pygmy right whales (Caperea marginata)
  18. How We Think about Human Nature: The Naturalizing Error
  19. Retraction: Whale jaw joint is a shock absorber
  20. Cetaceans as Exemplars of Evolution and Evolutionary Ecology: A Glossary
  21. Baleen turnover and gut transit in mysticete whales and its environmental implications
  22. Whale jaw joint is a shock absorber
  23. Whale breaching says it loud and clear
  24. Teleology’s long shadow
  25. Multiaxial movements at the minke whale temporomandibular joint
  26. Lunge filter feeding biomechanics constrain rorqual foraging ecology across scale
  27. Evaluating Environmental Threats to the Trophic Ecology of Arctic Marine Mammals
  28. Pectoral herding: an innovative tactic for humpback whale foraging
  29. A Method to Replace Whale Gingival Tissue for Long-Term Study or Exhibition of Full Baleen Racks
  30. Correction to: Enamel Microstructure in Cetacea: a Case Study in Evolutionary Loss of Complexity
  31. Enamel Microstructure in Cetacea: a Case Study in Evolutionary Loss of Complexity
  32. New views of humpback whale flow dynamics and oral morphology during prey engulfment
  33. Oil adsorption does not structurally or functionally alter whale baleen
  34. Slick, Stretchy Fascia Underlies the Sliding Tongue of Rorquals
  35. Filtration area scaling and evolution in mysticetes: trophic niche partitioning and the curious cases of sei and pygmy right whales
  36. Baleen
  37. How do baleen whales stow their filter? A comparative biomechanical analysis of baleen bending
  38. Are there Limits to Evolutionary Explanations?
  39. Sling, Scoop, and Squirter: Anatomical Features Facilitating Prey Transport, Processing, and Swallowing in Rorqual Whales (Mammalia: Balaenopteridae)
  40. Oral cavity hydrodynamics and drag production in Balaenid whale suspension feeding
  41. How Baleen Whales Feed: The Biomechanics of Engulfment and Filtration
  42. Are there Limits to Evolutionary Explanations?
  43. Baleen is more flexible than previously thought
  44. The Naturalizing Error
  45. Baleen Hydrodynamics and Morphology of Cross-Flow Filtration in Balaenid Whale Suspension Feeding
  46. Baleen wear reveals intraoral water flow patterns of mysticete filter feeding
  47. What Makes Biology Tick?
  48. Vestiges of the natural history of development: historical holdovers reveal the dynamic interaction between ontogeny and phylogeny
  49. The Evolutionary Truth About Living Fossils
  50. Flow-dependent porosity and other biomechanical properties of mysticete baleen
  51. An Intraoral Thermoregulatory Organ in the Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus), the Corpus Cavernosum Maxillaris
  52. Abdominal fat pads act as control surfaces in lieu of dorsal fins in the beluga (Delphinapterus)
  53. Avoiding the Pitfall of Progress and Associated Perils of Evolutionary Education
  54. Hydrodynamic and Sensory Factors Governing Response of Copepods to Simulated Predation by Balaenid Whales
  55. Adaptations of the cetacean hyolingual apparatus for aquatic feeding and thermoregulation
  57. Blunter heads and rounder mouths improve suction feeding
  58. Evolution & Development Are Not the Same
  59. Evolution & Development Are Not the Same
  60. Functional Morphology of the Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) Tongue, with Reference to Suction Feeding
  61. Models of hydrodynamic flow in the bowhead whale filter feeding apparatus
  62. Simple Lessons in Biomechanics & Biological Materials Using Everyday Objects
  63. Simple Lessons in Biomechanics & Biological Materials Using Everyday Objects
  65. Feeding in Marine Mammals