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  1. Differentiation of Arctic Charr Salvelinus alpinus Complex (Salmonidae) in Lakes Lama and Kapchuk (Taimyr) Based on Genetic Analysis, External Morphology, and Otolith Shape
  2. Secondary contact, hybridization, and diversification in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.) species complex) from lakes of the Norilo-Pyasinskaya water system, Taimyr: how many forms exist there?
  3. Charrs of the genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae): hybridization, phylogeny and evolution
  4. On the Origin of Two Species of Charrs (Salvelinus, Salmonidae) in Lake Elgygytgyn: Data on the ATPase6–NADH4L Region of Mitochondrial DNA
  5. Inferring phylogenetic structure, hybridization and divergence times within Salmoninae (Teleostei: Salmonidae) using RAD-sequencing
  6. On the Origin of the Lacustrine Charr Salvelinus alpinus Complex from the Kolyma and Sea of Okhotsk Basins
  7. Speciation and genetic divergence of three species of charr from ancient Lake El'gygytgyn (Chukotka) and their phylogenetic relationships with other representatives of the genusSalvelinus