All Stories

  1. Rhythm and Poetic Mysticism in the Laude of Iacopone Da Todi
  2. Considering Creation Care
  3. Nature and Aesthetics
  4. Introduction
  5. Pandemic and the Nature-Alienated Self
  6. The Role of Plotinus in the Romantic Philosophy of Novalis
  7. Christian Platonism, Nature and Environmental Crisis
  8. Christianity and Platonism
  9. Ecology and the unbuffered self
  10. Pandemic, Ecology and Theology
  11. Mystical Poetics
  12. Romanticism and the Re-Invention of Modern Religion
  13. Nature’s Beauty: Legitimacy, Imagination and Transcendence in Hepburn and the New Nature Writing
  14. Transcendence and Immanence: Deciphering Their Relation
  15. Re-Imagining Nature in the New Nature Writing
  16. Unquiet Things: Secularism in the Romantic Age. By Colin Jager. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. Pp. viii + 332. Cloth, $75.00.
  17. An English Source of German Romanticism: Cudworth, Spinoza and Herder
  18. Religion and the Problem of Subjectivity in the reception of Early German Romanticism
  19. Dalia Nassar: The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early German Romantic Philosophy, 1795–1804
  20. The Aesthetic Foundations of Romantic Mythology: Karl Philipp Moritz
  21. The Conquest of Mythos by Logos