All Stories

  1. The current status of the W@DIS information system
  2. Systematization of graphically plotted published spectral functions of weakly bound water complexes
  3. Thematic virtual research environment for analysis, evaluation and prediction of global climate change impacts on the regional environment
  4. From Atmospheric Gas Spectroscopy to Climatological Problems
  5. The virtual atomic and molecular data centre (VAMDC) consortium
  6. Information system for molecular spectroscopy. 7. Systematization of information resources on the main isotopologue of methanol molecule
  7. A systematization of spectral data on the methanol molecule
  8. Spectroscopic information resources at Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS
  9. Representation of absorption cross sections in information system W@DIS
  10. An ontological description of states and transitions in quantitative spectroscopy
  11. Systematization of published spectral data on sulfur dioxide molecule and its isotopologues
  12. Systematization of published spectral data on deuterated isotopologues of hydrogen sulfide molecule
  13. IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational–vibrational spectra of water vapor. Part IV. Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for D216O, D217O, and D218O
  14. IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational–vibrational spectra of water vapor, Part III: Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for H216O
  15. Systematization of published data on phosphine isotopologues
  16. Information system for molecular spectroscopy. 5. Ro-vibrational transitions and energy levels of the hydrogen sulfide molecule
  17. VAMDC—The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre—A New Way to Disseminate Atomic and Molecular Data—VAMDC Level 1 Release
  18. IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational–vibrational spectra of water vapor. Part II
  19. Virtual atomic and molecular data centre
  20. IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational–vibrational spectra of water vapor. Part I—Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for H217O and H218O
  21. Distributed information system on molecular spectroscopy
  22. Web information system: atmospheric spectroscopy
  23. Software for modeling chemical kinetics by parallel programming methods for a computer cluster
  24. Information-computational system: integrated model of atmospheric optics
  25. Simple models for the dynamics of complex atmospheric-optical processes
  26. Information-computational system: atmospheric chemistry
  27. Atmospheric chemistry database: structure, interface, and applications
  28. Basics and applications of the laser detection of weak light signals
  29. Multipurpose cw CO2 autodyne lidar
  30. Frequency dependence of the first-passage time for a two-mode ring laser
  31. On large statistical fluctuations in a two-mode laser with an injected signal
  32. Parametric laser-reception lidar
  33. Information System "Atmospheric Chemistry"