All Stories

  1. Textüberlieferung und Textkritik der altkirchenslavischen Übersetzung der Homilie «zum Neuen Sonntag» des Gregor von Nazianz
  2. Remarks on Middle Bulgarian Inscriptions in Greek Manuscripts: Dobryna’s Inscription in Codex Vat. Gr. 353 (Gospel Lectionary)
  3. Per l’interpretazione dell’aggettivo полоубоуивъ nell’iscrizione novgorodiana su corteccia di betulla N° 735 (metà del secolo XII)
  4. The Second Church Slavonic Translation of 1–4 Kingdoms: A Witness to the Proto-Lucianic Text
  5. The Old Serbian Version of the Antiochene Recension of Samuel-Kings: Some Preliminary Issues in Textual Criticism
  6. Старославянский перевод Слова 44 Григория Назианзина
  7. 1.10 Old Church Slavonic Texts
  8. 10.1.7 Georgian 
  9. 10.1.8 Slavonic
  10. 12.10 Slavonic
  11. 12.9 Georgian 
  12. 3.8 Georgian
  13. 3.9 Slavonic
  14. 6.8 Georgian 
  15. 6.9 Slavonic
  16. 1.4.10. Old Church Slavonic Translations
  17. 12.4.7. Old Church Slavonic Translations
  18. 18.4.7. Old Church Slavonic Translations