All Stories

  1. First Estimate of Wind Fields in the Jupiter Polar Regions From JIRAM-Juno Images
  2. Infrared observations of Jovian aurora from Juno's first orbits: Main oval and satellite footprints
  3. Preliminary JIRAM results from Juno polar observations: 3. Evidence of diffuse methane presence in the Jupiter auroral regions
  4. Preliminary JIRAM results from Juno polar observations: 2. Analysis of the Jupiter southern H3 + emissions and comparison with the north aurora
  5. Preliminary results on the composition of Jupiter's troposphere in hot spot regions from the JIRAM/Juno instrument
  6. Characterization of the white ovals on Jupiter's southern hemisphere using the first data by the Juno/JIRAM instrument
  7. Preliminary JIRAM results from Juno polar observations: 1. Methodology and analysis applied to the Jovian northern polar region
  8. Mapping of hydrocarbons and H3 + emissions at Jupiter's north pole using Galileo/NIMS data
  9. Water and carbon dioxide distribution in the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma from VIRTIS-M infrared observations
  10. Terrestrial OH nightglow measurements during the Rosetta flyby