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  1. Dynamics of a vertical-flow windrow vermicomposting system
  2. Changes of parameters during composting of bio-waste collected over four seasons
  3. Effect of composting and vermicomposting on properties of particle size fractions
  4. Properties of vermicompost aqueous extracts prepared under different conditions
  5. Mobility of mercury in soil as affected by soil physicochemical properties
  6. Nutrient recovery from apple pomace waste by vermicomposting technology
  7. Differences in the mobility of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn during composting of two types of household bio-waste collected in four seasons
  8. Inhibition effect of free ammonia and free nitrous acid on nitrite-oxidising bacteria during sludge liquor treatment: influence of feeding strategy
  9. Vermicomposting technology as a tool for nutrient recovery from kitchen bio-waste
  10. Effect of composting on the mobility of arsenic, chromium and nickel contained in kitchen and garden waste
  11. Composition and parameters of household bio-waste in four seasons
  12. The Role of Aeration Intensity, Temperature Regimes And Composting Mixture on Gaseous Emission During Composting
  13. Changes in cadmium mobility during composting and after soil application