All Stories

  1. Tree felling by beaver promotes regeneration in riparian woodlands whilst increasing resource availability for deer
  2. Will they be back? A framework to guide rare macrophyte conservation decisions in lakes
  3. Spatial and temporal variability in summertime dissolved carbon dioxide and methane in temperate ponds and shallow lakes
  4. How beavers affect riverine aquatic macroinvertebrates: a review
  5. Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps
  6. Are beavers a solution to the freshwater biodiversity crisis?
  7. The effectiveness of aquatic plants as surrogates for wider biodiversity in standing fresh waters
  8. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding of pond water as a tool to survey conservation and management priority mammals
  9. Rewilding wetlands: beaver as agents of within-habitat heterogeneity and the responses of contrasting biota
  10. Using ecosystem engineers as tools in habitat restoration and rewilding: beaver and wetlands
  11. Habitat engineering by beaver benefits aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem processes in agricultural streams
  12. Medium vs. short-term effects of herbivory by Eurasian beaver on aquatic vegetation
  13. Beavers and lilies: selective herbivory and adaptive foraging behaviour
  14. Using coralline algae to understand historic marine cloud cover