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  1. Assessment of the educational value of endodontic access cavity preparation YouTube video as a learning resource for students
  2. Evaluation of YouTube videos for patients’ education on periradicular surgery
  3. Bulk-fill composite marginal adaptation evaluated by cross-polarization optical coherence tomography
  4. Detecting the Second Mesiobuccal Canal in Maxillary Molars in a Saudi Arabian Population: A Micro-CT Study
  5. Fracture of nickel titanium rotary instrument during root canal treatment and re-treatment: a 5-year retrospective study
  6. Effect of nickel titanium file design on the root surface strain and apical microcracks
  7. Root surface strain during canal shaping and its influence on apical microcrack development: a preliminary investigation
  8. Endodontic instruments after torsional failure: Nanoindentation test