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  1. Leptin resistin and visfatin are important in determining who develops diabetes during pregnancy
  2. A community based prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Ho municipality of Ghana
  3. Prevalence of diabetes among homeless and slum dwellers in Accra, Ghana: a survey study
  4. Diabetes of pregnant women and its effect on pregnancy outcome
  5. Gestational diabetes mellitus and obstetric outcomes in a Ghanaian community
  6. Cholesterol levels and hypertension factors in women using birth control pills
  7. Hypertension and obesity comorbidities increases coronary risk, affects domains of sexual function and sexual quality of life
  8. Sexual dysfunction among diabetics and its impact on the SQoL of their partners
  9. Adiposity and hyperleptinemia during the first trimester among pregnant women with preeclampsia
  10. Alcohol Consumption Is Associated with Hypogonadism and Decreased Sexual Function in Ghanaian Diabetics
  11. The Metabolic Syndrome and Sexual Dysfunction in a State of Inflammation
  12. visfatin level in pregnant women
  13. Tobacco smoking is associated with decreased semen quality
  14. Obesity and Testosterone Levels in Ghanaian Men With Type 2 Diabetes