All Stories

  1. Serum S100B Levels Can Predict Computed Tomography Findings in Paediatric Patients with Mild Head Injury
  2. New insights into the mechanisms of action of aspirin and its use in the prevention and treatment of arterial and venous thromboembolism
  3. Cases of poisoning with organophosphates treated at the University Clinical Centre of Kosova.
  4. Prevention of failed back surgery syndrome with applications of different pharmacological agents: A Review article
  5. Surgical treatment of 137 cases with chronic subdural hematoma at the university clinical center of Kosovo during the period 2008-2012
  6. Biomechanical and Macroscopic Evaluation of the Effects of 5-FU
  7. Electrophysiological and functional evaluation of peroneal nerve regeneration in rabbit following topical hyaluronic acid or tacrolimus application after nerve repair
  8. Application of topical pharmacological agents at the site of peripheral nerve injury and methods used for evaluating the success of the regenerative process
  9. Surgical Treatment of 55 Patients with Pressure Ulcers at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Kosovo during the Period 2000–2010: A Retrospective Study
  10. A retrospective study of 22 patients with necrotising fasciitis treated at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo (2005-2010)
  11. Agon