All Stories

  1. Defining and researching the concept of resilience in LGBT+ later life: Findings from a mixed study systematic review
  2. LGBTI Happiness and Mental Health
  3. Capacity building in sexual health promotion: a longitudinal evaluation of a training-the-trainer programme in Ireland
  4. Individuals' experiences of involuntary admissions and preserving control: qualitative study
  5. The complex terrain of peer support in mental health: What does it all mean?
  6. Rapid tranquilization: An audit of Irish mental health nursing practice
  7. The required knowledge for lifespan mental health promotion and prevention for Master’s level mental health nurse education – the eMenthe project
  8. There is more to perinatal mental health care than depression: Public health nurses reported engagement and competence in perinatal mental health care
  9. Service Users’ Experiences of Involuntary Hospital Admission Under the Mental Health Act 2001 in the Republic of Ireland
  10. Outcomes of a co-facilitation skills training programme for mental health service users, family members, and clinicians: the EOLAS project
  11. Preparing master-level mental health nurses to work within a wellness paradigm: Findings from the eMenthe project
  12. Building resilience in the face of adversity: navigation processes used by older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults living in Ireland
  13. Survey of mental health nurses' attitudes towards risk assessment, risk assessment tools and positive risk
  14. Documentary analysis of risk-assessment and safety-planning policies and tools in a mental health context
  15. There is more to risk and safety planning than dramatic risks: Mental health nurses’ risk assessment and safety-management practice
  16. Psychiatric nurses’ attitudes towards children visiting their parents in psychiatric inpatient units
  17. Factors influencing advanced practitioners' ability to enact leadership: a case study within Irish healthcare
  18. Antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction: impact, effects, and treatment