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  1. Knowledge of COVID-19 and preventive behaviors among waiters working in food and drinking establishments in Southwest Ethiopia
  2. Determinants of Delayed Treatment-Seeking for Childhood Diarrheal Diseases in Southwest Ethiopia: A Case–Control Study
  3. Knowledge of Neonatal Danger Signs and Its Associated Factors among Mothers Attending Child Vaccination Centers at Sheko District in Southwest Ethiopia
  4. Depression and Its Associated Factors among Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending Selected Hospitals in Southwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
  5. Predictors of Clinical and Immunological Failure Among Patients on First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Southwest Ethiopia
  6. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction and related factors among diabetes mellitus patients in Southwest Ethiopia
  7. Prevalence of Obstructed Labor among Mothers Delivered in Mizan-Aman General Hospital, South West Ethiopia: A Retrospective Study