All Stories

  1. Problem-solving therapy for suicide prevention in veterans with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.
  2. Window to Hope
  3. Growing literature but limited evidence: A systematic review regarding prebiotic and probiotic interventions for those with traumatic brain injury and/or posttraumatic stress disorder
  4. A systematic review of suicide in homeless Veterans
  5. Conservative Care in Lumbar Spine Surgery Trials: A Descriptive Literature Review
  6. Accepted Abstracts from the International Brain Injury Association’s Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury
  7. Failure of ‘Conservative Care’ Amorphous Definition in Lumbar Spine Studies
  8. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Window to Hope: A psychological intervention to reduce hopelessness among US Veterans with traumatic brain injury
  9. Abstracts 2014
  10. A Novel Community-Based Buprenorphine Program
  11. Interventions for Mood-Related Issues Post Traumatic Brain Injury: Novel Treatments and Ongoing Limitations of Current Research
  12. Suicidal Ideation and Behaviours after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review
  13. Window to hope: A psychological treatment for hopelessness among veterans with TBI