All Stories

  1. MacroQC 1.0: An electronic structure theory software for large-scale applications
  2. Efficient implementations of the symmetric and asymmetric triple excitation corrections for the orbital-optimized coupled-cluster doubles method with the density-fitting approximation
  3. Energy and analytic gradients for the orbital-optimized coupled-cluster doubles method with the density-fitting approximation: An efficient implementation
  4. Analytic energy gradients for orbital-optimized MP3 and MP2.5 with the density-fitting approximation: An efficient implementation
  5. Assessment of the extended Koopmans' theorem for the chemical reactivity: Accurate computations of chemical potentials, chemical hardnesses, and electrophilicity indices
  6. Assessment of the orbital-optimized coupled-electron pair theory for thermochemistry and kinetics: Improving on CCSD and CEPA(1)