All Stories

  1. Editorial: Physical exercise related to student's academic performance
  2. What are students thinking in Physical Education classes
  3. effort tests in young futsal players
  4. Physical fitness levels in students with and without training capacities – A comparative study in physical education classes
  5. Lifelong Healthy Habits and Lifestyles
  6. Avaliação da aprendizagem: tecendo caminhos à reflexão da prática pedagógica
  7. Self-perception of quality of life and practice of physical activity
  8. Sports, Health and Exercise Medicine
  9. Motivation trans-contextual model application in the prediction of veteran athlete's life satisfaction
  10. Combined Interventions on Diabetes
  11. Exercise and Physical Activity - Contributions to Intervention in People with Dementia
  12. The Daily Life´s Routines of Children with Disabilities
  13. Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs - A Training Guide for Teachers, Students, and Professionals
  14. Subject Index
  15. List of Contributors
  16. Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire
  17. Physical Activity and Healthy Lifestyles in Health Sciences Students
  18. Physical Exercise as a Tool to Delay the Development Process of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  19. Attention in physical education classes: Differences between different individual modalities
  20. A Nintendo Wii na Expressão Fisico-motora: Relação e Contributos em crianças do Ensino Pré-escolar
  21. Benefits of physical activity in neurotrophic factors
  22. Influence of sociological aspects on the level of physical activity in physical education students
  23. Longitudinal study of physical fitness levels, BMI and childhood obesity in school context