All Stories

  1. Weiterbildungsdidaktik in der Alterspsychiatrie und -psychotherapie – Eine Literaturübersicht
  2. Patient*innen-Sicherheit 4.0: „Fehler der Woche“ – Um die Vorbildfunktion geht’s!
  3. Trainee doctors' preparedness for clinical work in geriatric psychiatry: A survey on 18 preliminary entrustable professional activities
  4. Near-peer compared to faculty teaching of abdominal ultrasound for medical students – A randomized-controlled trial
  5. A novel blended and interprofessional approach to pediatric emergency training: self-assessment, perception, and perceived long-term effects
  6. Clinical reasoning: What do nurses, physicians, and students reason about
  7. Cliques within the crowd: identifying medical conference attendee subgroups by their motivations for participation
  8. Entrustment versus performance scale in high-stakes OSCEs: Rater insights and psychometric properties
  9. Developing a European longitudinal and interprofessional curriculum for clinical reasoning
  10. Mixed methods instrument validation: Evaluation procedures for practitioners developed from the validation of the Swiss Instrument for Evaluating Interprofessional Collaboration
  11. Team leadership assessment after advanced life support courses comparing real teams vs. simulated teams
  12. Coaches in postgraduate training: a difficult choice
  13. Describing Ultrasound Skills Teaching by Near-Peer and Faculty Tutors Using Cognitive Apprenticeship
  14. Developing an Instrument to Evaluate Undergraduate Healthcare Students’ Professionalism
  15. Multisource-Feedback in der rztlichen Weiterbildung
  16. Arbeitsplatz-basierte Assessments: eine Bedarfsanalyse bei Assistenzärztinnen und ‑ärzten sowie ihren Supervisierenden
  17. Interprofessionelle Schulung für die Spital-Austrittsplanung: Effekte der Selbstwirksamkeit bei Pflege- und Medizinstudierenden
  18. Assessment of Human Factors After Advanced Life Support Courses Comparing Simulated Team and Real Team Assessment: A Randomized Controlled Cohort Trial
  19. The authors’ reply: Completing the picture on student performances in OSCEs: A mixed-methods study on integration of a standardized patient rating
  20. Geriatric medicine learning objectives and entrustable professional activities in undergraduate medical curricula: a scoping review
  21. Bottom-up feedback to improve clinical teaching: validation of the Swiss System for Evaluation of Teaching Qualities (SwissSETQ)
  22. How does multisource feedback influence residency training? A qualitative case study
  23. Entrusting students with independent patient care: A question of educational alliances?
  24. Blended Learning mit Virtuellen Kindernotfallpatientinnen und -patienten für Studierende
  25. Teaching the technical performance of bronchoscopy to residents in a step-wise simulated approach: factors supporting learning and impacts on clinical work – a qualitative analysis
  26. Why is it so difficult to implement a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum? A multicenter interview study on the barriers perceived by European health professions educators
  27. The effective group size for teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills – A randomized controlled simulation trial
  28. Development and national consensus finding on patient-centred high stakes communication skills assessments for the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination in Medicine
  29. If we could turn back time: Imagining time-variable, competency-based medical education in the context of COVID-19
  30. Elementary school children as standardized patients in a summative OSCE – A mixed-method study according to the Ottawa criteria for good assessment
  31. Workplace-based assessments of entrustable professional activities in a psychiatry core clerkship: an observational study
  32. Working with entrustable professional activities in clinical education in undergraduate medical education: a scoping review
  33. Suggestions for Improving the Assessment of a Learning Management System Used for Clinical Curriculum Development [Response to Letter]
  34. Introducing a Psychiatry Clerkship Curriculum Based on Entrustable Professional Activities: an Explorative Pilot Study
  35. Curriculum Development with the Implementation of an Open-Source Learning Management System for Training Early Clinical Students: An Educational Design Research Study
  36. Completing the picture on student performances in OSCEs: A mixed-methods study on integration of a standardized patient rating
  37. Entrustable Professional Activities in der psychiatrischen Weiterbildung: Ein vielversprechendes Konzept
  38. Predictive power of high school educational attainment and the medical aptitude test for performance during the Bachelor program in human medicine at the University of Bern: a cohort study
  39. Entrustment decisions and the clinical team: A case study of early clinical students
  40. An overview of and approach to selecting appropriate patient representations in teaching and summative assessment in medical education
  41. Teaching Middle Ear Anatomy and Basic Ear Surgery Skills: A Qualitative Study Comparing Endoscopic and Microscopic Techniques
  42. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: comparing organised groups to individual first responders
  43. A german-language competency-based multisource feedback instrument for residents: development and validity evidence
  44. Innovating Pediatric Emergency Care and Learning Through Interprofessional Briefing and Workplace-Based Assessment
  45. The introduction of a standardised national licensing exam as a driver of change in medical education: A qualitative study from Switzerland
  46. Measurement precision at the cut score in medical multiple choice exams: Theory matters
  47. Improving the assessment of communication competencies in a national licensing OSCE: lessons learned from an experts’ symposium
  48. Introducing a clerkship curriculum based on entrustable professional activities: a pilot study
  49. The need for longitudinal clinical reasoning teaching and assessment: Results of an international survey
  50. Entrustable Professional Activities in Psychiatry: A Systematic Review
  51. A German-language competency-based multisource feedback instrument for residents: Development and validity evidence
  52. Acquisition of basic ear surgery skills: a randomized comparison between endoscopic and microscopic techniques
  53. Kerninhalte der pädiatrischen Weiterbildung
  54. Primary non-communicable disease prevention and communication barriers of deaf sign language users: a qualitative study
  55. Pediatric in-hospital emergencies: real life experiences, previous training and the need for training among physicians and nurses
  56. Animation and interactivity facilitate acquisition of pediatric life support skills: a randomized controlled trial using virtual patients versus video instruction
  57. How do Swiss medical schools prepare their students to become good communicators in their future professional careers: a questionnaire and interview study involving medical graduates, teachers and curriculum coordinators
  58. Assessment of Middle Ear Anatomy Teaching Methodologies Using Microscopy versus Endoscopy: A Randomized Comparative Study
  59. Influences on the implementation of Mini-CEX and DOPS for postgraduate medical trainees’ learning: A grounded theory study
  60. The educational impact of Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) and Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) and its association with implementation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  61. The Authors reply: Factors influencing the educational impact of mini-CEX and DOPS
  62. Factors influencing the educational impact of Mini-CEX and DOPS: A qualitative synthesis
  63. Multiple true–false items: a comparison of scoring algorithms
  64. Electronic assessment of clinical reasoning in clerkships: A mixed-methods comparison of long-menu key-feature problems with context-rich single best answer questions
  65. Applying the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) to code medical students’ written responses to written case scenarios: Some methodological and practical considerations
  66. In Reply to Robison et al and White et al
  67. Physicians’ attitudes toward, use of, and perceived barriers to clinical guidelines: a survey among Swiss physicians
  68. Student perceptions of a video-based blended learning approach for improving pediatric physical examination skills
  69. The Role for Virtual Patients in the Future of Medical Education
  70. The influence of students’ prior clinical skills and context characteristics on mini-CEX scores in clerkships – a multilevel analysis
  71. What supports students’ education in the operating room? A focus group study including students’ and surgeons’ views
  72. Cost-effectiveness of peer role play and standardized patients in undergraduate communication training
  73. Medical educators: How they define themselves – Results of an international web survey
  74. Improving Pediatric Basic Life Support Performance Through Blended Learning With Web-Based Virtual Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial
  75. Losingconnectivitywhen using EHRs: a technological or an educational problem?
  76. Exploring the validity and reliability of a questionnaire for evaluating virtual patient design with a special emphasis on fostering clinical reasoning
  77. 16. Der virtuelle Patient im Rahmen der medizinischen Ausbildung
  78. Learner preferences regarding integrating, sequencing and aligning virtual patients with other activities in the undergraduate medical curriculum: A focus group study
  79. The Step 2 Clinical Skills Exam
  80. An innovative blended learning approach using virtual patients as preparation for skills laboratory training: perceptions of students and tutors
  81. The effect of using standardized patients or peer role play on ratings of undergraduate communication training: A randomized controlled trial
  82. Einsatz innovativer Lehrmethoden und Herausforderungen in der pädiatrischen universitären Lehre 3 Jahre nach Änderung der Approbationsordnung
  83. New directions in e-learning research in health professions education: Report of two symposia
  84. Kernausbildungsinhalte Pädiatrie für Medizinstudierende
  85. Outcome of parent–physician communication skills training for pediatric residents
  86. Expertise, needs and challenges of medical educators: Results of an international web survey
  87. The Virtual Patient for Education and Training: A Critical Review of the Literature
  88. Interactive film scenes for tutor training in problem-based learning (PBL): dealing with difficult situations
  89. Blended learning using virtual patients and skills laboratory training
  90. Virtual patient design and curricular integration evaluation toolkit
  91. Peer role-play and standardised patients in communication training: a comparative study on the student perspective on acceptability, realism, and perceived effect
  92. Design principles for virtual patients: a focus group study among students
  93. Towards a typology of virtual patients
  94. E-Learning in der medizinischen Ausbildung
  95. Der gute POL-Tutor – sein oder nicht sein: Lehrfilme für Tutoren
  96. Qualifizierungsbedarf, Expertise und Rahmenbedingungen engagierter Lehrender in der Medizin in Deutschland
  97. Virtuelle Patienten in der medizinischen Ausbildung: Vergleich verschiedener Strategien zur curricularen Integration
  98. Kommunikationsschulung mittels „Standardisierter Eltern” für Ärzte im Fachbereich der Pädiatrie – strukturierte Kompetenzvermittlung im Rahmen der ärztlichen Weiterbildung
  99. The R4 case: a non-medical paper case for training in problem-based learning
  100. Medical Education after the Flexner Report
  101. Master's degrees in medical education
  102. Characterisation of breast fine-needle aspiration biopsies by centrosome aberrations and genomic instability
  103. Improved Grading of Breast Adenocarcinomas Based on Genomic Instability
  104. Polypeptide Expression in Prostate Hyperplasia and Prostate Adenocarcinoma
  105. Virtual patients for learning of clinical reasoning