All Stories

  1. Everyday occupations prioritised by older adults participating in reablement. A cross-sectional study
  2. Reablement teams’ roles: a qualitative study of interdisciplinary teams’ experiences
  3. Interdisciplinary collaboration in reablement – a qualitative study
  4. The relatives’ voice: how do relatives experience participation in reablement? A qualitative study
  5. Predictors of outcomes following reablement in community-dwelling older adults
  6. Health care sciences
  7. Facilitating change from a distance - a story of success? A discussion on leaders' styles in facilitating change in four nursing homes in Norway
  8. Driving forces for home-based reablement; a qualitative study of older adults’ experiences
  9. Reablement in community-dwelling older adults: a randomised controlled trial
  10. Study protocol for a multicenter investigation of reablement in Norway
  11. Trygger eldre som skrives ut av sykehus
  12. Evidence Molded by Contact with Staff Culture and Patient Milieu: an Analysis of the Social Process of Knowledge Utilization in Nursing Homes
  13. Modeling and evaluating evidence-based continuing education program in nursing home dementia care (MEDCED)-training of care home staff to reduce use of restraint in care home residents with dementia. A cluster randomized controlled trial
  14. Reablement in community-dwelling adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
  15. The association between demographic factors, user reported experiences and user satisfaction: results from three casualty clinics in Norway
  16. The Patient Experiences Questionnaire for Out-of-Hours Care (PEQ-OHC): data quality, reliability, and validity
  17. O. Førland og medarbeidere svarer:
  18. Samhandling mellom ambulansearbeider og legevaktlege