All Stories

  1. Heat stress destabilizes symbiotic nutrient cycling in corals
  2. Using Aiptasia as a Model to Study Metabolic Interactions in Cnidarian-Symbiodinium Symbioses
  3. Metaorganisms in extreme environments: do microbes play a role in organismal adaptation?
  4. Dominance of Endozoicomonas bacteria throughout coral bleaching and mortality suggests structural inflexibility of the Pocillopora verrucosa microbiome
  5. High salinity conveys thermotolerance in the coral model Aiptasia
  6. Aiptasia as a model to study metabolic diversity and specificity in cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbioses
  7. Excess labile carbon promotes the expression of virulence factors in coral reef bacterioplankton
  8. Stimulated Respiration and Net Photosynthesis in Cassiopeia sp. during Glucose Enrichment Suggests in hospite CO2 Limitation of Algal Endosymbionts
  9. Iron enrichment reduces nitrogen fixation rates in the Red Sea coral Pocillopora verrucosa
  10. Nitrogen Fixation Aligns with nifH Abundance and Expression in Two Coral Trophic Functional Groups
  11. Marine Invertebrate Larvae Associated with Symbiodinium: A Mutualism from the Start?
  12. Sugar enrichment provides evidence for a role of nitrogen fixation in coral bleaching
  13. Nitrogen cycling in corals: the key to understanding holobiont functioning?
  14. Ocean acidification rapidly reduces dinitrogen fixation associated with the hermatypic coral Seriatopora hystrix