All Stories

  1. On Simmel’s Relativism and the Foundations of a Relational Approach
  2. Framing Bio-emergencies in Fiction: The Cases of ‘The Walking Dead’ and ‘Fear the Walking Dead’
  3. Between reality and imagination, between you and me: Emotions and daydreaming in times of electronic communication
  4. Linking Emotions: Emotions as the Invisible Threads that Bind People Together
  5. In Relation to Art. Art from a Relational Perspective
  6. Digithum 17 - The First Issue of a New Era
  7. Desired images, regulating figures, constructed imaginaries: The future as an apriority for society to be possible
  8. Simmel, Georg (1858–1918)
  9. Stilles Miteinander, lautlose Macht: Versuch über die Bedeutungen des Schweigens in Paarbeziehungen
  10. Gratitude – invisibly webbing society together
  11. Ana's Friends. Friendship in Online Pro-Ana Communities
  12. The Spanish Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility
  13. The Spanish Discourse on Corporate Social Responsibility
  14. Die Grenze als Relation Spanische Grenzrealität und europäische Grenzpolitik
  15. Der 32. Soziologiekongress in München
  16. A Sociological Theory of Value
  17. Frauenbewegungen in Spanien: Ein Blick zurück und ein Blick nach vorn
  18. Tausch bei Simmel. Ein Deutungsversuch