All Stories

  1. Applying a corpus-driven approach in linguistic analyses: The case of lexical bundles and phrase frames
  2. Phraseology and Style in Margaret Jull Costa’s English Translation of Marías’ Corazón Tan Blanco (1992)
  3. «Con tan enfermo cerebro»: Fraseología recurrente en Corazón tan Blanco de Javier Marías
  4. The use of conditionals on British hotel websites
  5. Words, Corpus and Back to Words: From Language to Discourse
  6. Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being
  7. Learning from learners: a non-standard direct approach to the teaching of writing skills in EFL in a university context
  8. A Corpus Study of Ideology-Driven Discourse Practice: The University Language Learner as Researcher. The Case of Prepositions
  9. Melani Nekić, Tourist Activities in Multimodal Texts: An Analysis of Croatian and Scottish Tourism Websites
  10. Target frames in British hotel websites
  11. Imperatives in voice-overs in British TV commercials: ‘Get this, buy that, taste the other’
  12. Lexical bundles and phrase frames in the language of hotel websites
  13. The authenticity of real texts in advanced English language textbooks
  14. Corpus linguistics and its aplications in higher education
  15. Change of core English vocabulary over time
  16. English Historical Linguistics 1992: Papers from the 7th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics
  17. English Historical Linguistics 1992
  18. Aspects of vocabulary building in Caxton'sRecuyell of the Historyes of troy
  19. The Truthfullness of the Prologue and the Epilogues to the Recuyell: Keys to a Biographic Interpretation of W. Caxton