All Stories

  1. Reproducing butterflies do not increase intake of antioxidants when they could benefit from them
  2. The proper time for antioxidant consumption
  3. Comparison of optimal foraging versus life‐history decisions during nestling care in Lincoln's Sparrows Melospiza lincolnii through stable isotope analysis
  4. Rethinking the role of dietary antioxidants through the lens of self-medication
  5. The long engagement of the emperor penguin
  6. The different breeding strategies of penguins: A review
  7. Rapid Effects of Hearing Song on Catecholaminergic Activity in the Songbird Auditory Pathway
  8. One meadow for two sparrows: resource partitioning in a high elevation habitat
  9. Estradiol-dependent modulation of serotonergic markers in auditory areas of a seasonally breeding songbird.
  10. Exogenous corticosterone and nest abandonment: A study in a long-lived bird, the Adélie penguin
  11. Oxidative status and telomere length in a long-lived bird facing a costly reproductive event
  12. Should I stay or should I go? Hormonal control of nest abandonment in a long-lived bird, the Adélie penguin
  13. Diving behaviour of chick-rearing Adélie Penguins at Edmonson Point, Ross Sea
  14. Is abdominal implantation of devices a good alternative to external attachment? A comparative study in Adélie penguins
  15. Adverse effects of instrumentation in incubating Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae)
  16. Can a handicapped parent rely on its partner? An experimental study within Adélie penguin pairs
  17. Practical method of estimating fresh mass of Adélie penguin eggs
  18. Alloparental feeding in Adélie penguins: why is it uncommon?
  19. Foraging movements of emperor penguins at Pointe Géologie, Antarctica