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  1. Ineffective self-management of lymphedema in mastectomized women: concept analysis
  2. Evidence of content validity of the nursing diagnosis risk for unstable blood pressure
  3. Content analysis of the nursing diagnosis of ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in patients with diabetic foot
  4. Compromised end‐of‐life syndrome in cancer patients: A clinical validation study
  5. Autogestão ineficaz de linfedema em mulheres mastectomizadas: análise de conceito
  6. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnostic proposition perioperative thirst
  7. Validación clínica de la propuesta diagnóstica de enfermería de sed perioperatoria
  8. Validação clínica da proposição diagnóstica de enfermagem sede perioperatória
  9. Middle range theory for the nursing phenomenon Ineffective social support network
  10. Specific causal validation of nursing diagnosis Risk for thrombosis: A case–control study
  11. Structural validity of nursing diagnosis insomnia in older adults of a community center
  12. Fatigue in patients with heart failure: A study of diagnostic accuracy fatigue in patients with heart failure
  13. Integrating factors associated with complex wound healing into a mobile application: Findings from a cohort study
  14. Deficient knowledge in patients with heart failure: A study of diagnostic accuracy and etiological relationships
  15. Diagnostic accuracy study of the clinical indicators of vascular trauma in patients undergoing antineoplastic chemotherapy in peripheral veins
  16. Etiological factors of chronic pain syndrome in young adults with post‐coronavirus disease 2019 condition
  17. Analysis of etiological factors of nursing diagnosis of impaired comfort in children and adolescents with cancer
  18. Prognostic factors for delayed healing of complex wounds in adults: A scoping review
  19. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis decreased diversional activity engagement in patients with diabetes
  20. Accuracy of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in patients with diabetic foot
  21. Inquérito de Conhecimento, Atitude e Prática sobre estilo de vida saudável em pessoas com HIV
  22. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey on healthy lifestyle in people with HIV
  23. Cartilha para estilo de vida saudável em pessoas com HIV: ensaio clínico
  24. Accuracy of the nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance in intensive care unit patients
  25. Acurácia dos indicadores clínicos da proposta diagnóstica de enfermagem sobre o ressecamento ocular em terapia intensiva
  26. Analysis of the health advocacy concept from the perspective of the evolutionary method
  27. Análise de conceito advocacia em saúde sob a ótica do método evolucionário
  28. Ocular dryness in intensive care: proposal for a new nursing diagnosis
  29. Ressecamento ocular em terapia intensiva: proposta de novo diagnóstico de enfermagem
  30. Content validation of the nursing diagnosis “inadequate social support network”
  31. Validação de conteúdo do diagnóstico de enfermagem “rede social de apoio inadequada”
  32. Content validity of the nursing diagnosis low self‐efficacy in health
  33. Simultaneous concept analysis of nursing diagnoses related to respiratory function
  34. Clinical indicators of the nursing diagnosis ineffective health management: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
  35. “Spiritual distress (00060)” in patients under fertility treatment: Clinical validation study
  36. Ineffective health management in people with hypertension: Accuracy study
  37. Diagnostic accuracy of clinical indicators of Imbalanced nutrition in pediatric patients submitted to chemotherapy
  38. Clinical indicators related to the nursing diagnosis “Post‐trauma syndrome” in women victims of violence: A systematic review with meta‐analysis
  39. Etiological factors related to the nursing diagnosis “post‐trauma syndrome” in women victims of violence: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  40. The role of researchers after the COVID-19 pandemic
  41. Knowledge, attitude and practice of people with HIV regarding a healthy lifestyle: clinical trial
  42. Accuracy of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis hypothermia in patients on hemodialysis
  43. Validade de conteúdo dos indicadores clínicos de desobstrução ineficaz de vias aéreas
  44. Excessive fluid volume risk middle-range theory
  45. Teoria de médio alcance do risco de volume de líquidos excessivo
  46. Validação de conteúdo do diagnóstico de enfermagem processos familiares interrompidos
  47. Middle-Range Theory of Ineffective Breathing Pattern in children with Congenital Heart Disease
  48. Teoria de Médio Alcance do Padrão Respiratório Ineficaz em Crianças com Cardiopatia Congênita
  49. Teoría de Mediano Alcance del Patrón de Respiración Ineficiente en niños con cardiopatías congénitas
  50. Differential validation of nursing diagnoses: An integrative literature review on the use of the method
  51. Ineffective health management: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of related factors
  52. Nursing diagnosis neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: A survival analysis
  53. Clinical indicators and aetiological factors of sedentary lifestyle in patients with arterial hypertension
  54. Accuracy of clinical indicators of the nursing diagnosis of dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility in infants
  55. Prognostic Indicators of Delayed Surgical Recovery in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
  56. Unidimensional analysis of the nursing diagnoses of situational low self‐esteem and chronic low self‐esteem
  57. Development and validation of a new nursing diagnosis: Perioperative thirst
  58. Diagnostic indicators of risk‐prone health behaviors in pregnant adolescents
  59. Concept analysis of Perioperative Thirst for the development of a new nursing diagnosis
  60. Content analysis of clinical indicators for Impaired gas exchange
  61. Content validation of the nursing diagnosis Risk for disturbed maternal-fetal dyad
  62. Content validity of the nursing diagnostic Breathing Pattern, Ineffective, in children with congenital heart defects
  63. Development and evaluation of a booklet to promote ealthy lifestyle in people with HIV
  64. Impact of the Peace Agreement on the social determinants of health in Colombia
  65. Mortality, survival and prognostic factors of people with AIDS in intensive care unit
  66. Nursing diagnosis “Terminality Syndrome”: a content analysis
  67. Content Analysis of the Diagnostic Proposition Risk of Excessive Fluid Volume in Hemodialysis Patients
  68. The factors related to a sedentary lifestyle: A meta‐analysis review
  69. Risk for impaired cardiovascular function nursing diagnosis: Content analysis to evaluate women in jail
  70. Precisión de las características definitorias del diagnóstico de enfermería termorregulación ineficaz en recién nacidos
  71. The Diagnostic Accuracy of Delayed Development in Adolescents
  72. A Middle‐Range Theory for Nurses to Diagnose Ineffective Infant Feeding Patterns
  73. Prognostic indicators of short-term survival of ineffective airway clearance in children with acute respiratory infection: a longitudinal study
  74. Transtorno mental comum em usuários de substâncias psicoativas
  75. A Content Analysis of Clinical Indicators of the Nursing Diagnosis Ineffective Breathing Pattern
  76. Nutritional Deficits In Children With Cancer: A Situation‐Specific Theory
  77. Readmissão hospitalar em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca: coorte prospectiva
  78. A Content Analysis of Clinical Indicators and Etiological Factors of Ineffective Infant Feeding Patterns
  79. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Defining Characteristics of Impaired Swallowing in Children with Encephalopathy
  80. Hierarchical analysis of factors associated with hospital readmissions for coronary heart disease: A case–control study
  81. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis risk for suicide in the older adults
  82. Middle Range Theory for the Nursing Diagnosis of Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response
  83. Transtorno mental e risco de suicídio em usuários de substâncias psicoativas
  84. Clinical Validation of the Nursing Diagnosis, Decreased Cardiac Tissue Perfusion, in Patients with Coronary Artery Obstruction
  85. Nursing Diagnosis Risk for Delayed Surgical Recovery (00246) in Adult and Elderly: A Case‐Control Study
  86. Development of middle-range theories in nursing
  87. Low Chronic Self-Esteem and Low Situational Self-Esteem: a literature review
  88. Accuracy of the clinical indicators of ineffective health management in celiac people
  89. Middle-Range Theory for the Nursing Diagnosis of Low Self-Efficacy in Health
  90. Anxiety and depression: a study of psychoaffective, family-related, and daily-life factors in celiac individuals
  91. Middle range theory for the nursing diagnosis Excess Fluid Volume in pregnant women
  92. Website sobre sexualidade e prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis para adolescentes católicos
  93. Análise de conteúdo dos diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à incontinência urinária
  94. Analysis of the NANDA-I taxonomy “maternal-fetal dyad” concept in high-risk pregnancy: integrative review
  95. Brazilian Nursing Process Research Network contributions for assistance in the COVID-19 pandemic
  96. Clinical Indicators of Impaired Swallowing in Children with Neurological Disorders
  97. Diagnósticos de enfermagem no período transoperatório: mapeamento cruzado
  98. Accuracy of the Defining Characteristics of the Sexual Dysfunction Nursing Diagnosis in Women with Breast Cancer
  99. Clinical Validation of Nursing Diagnoses Related to Self-Care Deficits in Patients with Stroke
  100. Simultaneous Concept Analysis of Diagnoses Related to Urinary Incontinence
  101. Evaluation of color-coded drug labeling to identify endovenous medicines
  102. Clinical validation of factors associated with sedentary lifestyle in adolescents
  103. Idade como fator de risco para diabetes mellitus gestacional/ Age as a risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus
  104. Idade como fator de risco para diabetes mellitus gestacional
  105. Accuracy and prevalence of defining characteristics of the diagnosis Impaired gas exchange in children
  106. Delay in growth in adolescents: Clinical validation of a proposed nursing diagnosis
  107. Intervenção educativa para a promoção do autocuidado de idosos com diabetes mellitus
  108. Riesgo para la violencia autoprovocada: preanuncio de tragedia, oportunidad de prevención
  109. Impaired Verbal Communication: diagnosis review in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  110. Nursing students' diagnostic accuracy using a computer-based clinical scenario simulation
  111. Características da rede social de apoio ineficaz: revisão integrativa
  112. Classification tree to screen for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective airway clearance
  114. Sobrecarga de cuidadores familiares de pessoas com transtornos mentais: análise dos serviços de saúde
  115. Validation of Clinical Indicators of the Nursing Diagnosis of Ineffective Protection in Adolescents With Cancer
  116. Ineffective health management in hemodialysis patients: content analysis
  117. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis of impaired memory in patients with a stroke
  118. Efeito de uma intervenção educativa na gravidez: ensaio clínico randomizado em cluster
  119. Impaired comfort in children and adolescents with cancer
  120. Educational interventions for a healthy diet promotion during pregnancy
  121. Accuracy of the defining characteristics in nursing diagnoses of Hyperthermia in newborns
  122. Predictors of pressure ulcer risk in adult intensive care patients: A retrospective case-control study
  123. Nursing Diagnosis of Neonatal Jaundice: Study of Clinical Indicators
  124. Impaired Gas Exchange: Prognostic Clinical Indicators of Short-Term Survival in Children with Acute Respiratory Infection
  125. Validation of nursing diagnosis ineffective health management
  126. Accuracy of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis for fatigue in women under radiotherapy
  127. Analysis of ineffective breathing pattern and impaired spontaneous ventilation of adults with oxygen therapy
  128. Clinical indicators for nursing diagnosis Ineffective protection in adolescents with cancer
  129. Clinical Validation of the Nursing Outcome “Swallowing Status” in People with Stroke: Analysis According to the Classical and Item Response Theories
  130. Accuracy of the Defining Characteristics of the Nursing Diagnosis Hypothermia in Newborns
  131. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis of ineffective protection in haemodialysis patients
  132. Influence of hormonal contraceptives and the occurrence of stroke: integrative review
  133. Drugs via enteral feeding tubes in inpatients: dispersion analysis and safe use of dispensers
  134. Clinical validation of the nursing outcome falls prevention behavior in people with stroke
  135. Excess fluid volume: sociodemographic and clinical analysis in haemodialysis patients
  136. Acurácia do diagnóstico de enfermagem “disposição para melhora da esperança” em pacientes renais crônicos
  137. Ineffective breathing pattern in cardiac postoperative patients: Diagnostic accuracy study
  138. Validação clínica do diagnóstico de enfermagem "Disposição para desenvolvimento melhorado do lactente"
  139. Ineffective airway clearance in adult patients after thoracic and upper abdominal surgery
  140. Clinical indicators of ineffective airway clearance in children with acute respiratory infection
  141. Developing and Testing of a Software Prototype to Support Diagnostic Reasoning of Nursing Students
  142. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis of dysfunctional family processes related to alcoholism
  143. Clinical validation of the NANDA-I diagnosis of impaired memory in elderly patients
  144. Validation of Clinical Indicators of Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements in Early Childhood
  145. Classification tree for the assessment of sedentary lifestyle among hypertensive
  146. Características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem "desobstrução ineficaz de vias aéreas"
  147. Clinical Differentiation of Respiratory Nursing Diagnoses among Children with Acute Respiratory Infection
  148. Validação clínica do resultado de enfermagem mobilidade em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral
  149. The construction and evaluation of new educational software for nursing diagnoses: a randomized controlled trial
  150. Prognostic clinical indicators of short-term survival for ineffective breathing pattern in children with acute respiratory infection
  151. Diagnostic accuracy of the defining characteristics of the excessive fluid volume diagnosis in hemodialysis patients
  152. Estilo de vida sedentário em indivíduos com hipertensão arterial
  153. Urinary incontinence nursing diagnoses in patients with stroke
  154. Adecuación de las características definitorias en los diagnósticos de deterioro del intercambio de gases y de la ventilación espontánea en niños asmáticos
  155. Measures of clinical accuracy and indicators of the nursing diagnosis of delayed surgical recovery
  156. Cardiovascular risk rate in hypertensive patients attended in primary health care units: the influence of pharmaceutical care
  157. Acurácia na inferência de diagnósticos de enfermagem de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca
  158. Impaired gas exchange: accuracy of defining characteristics in children with acute respiratory infection
  159. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and adolescents: prognostic factors and analysis of survival
  160. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adolescents
  161. Causation and Validation of Nursing Diagnoses: A Middle Range Theory
  162. Clinical Validation of the “Sedentary Lifestyle” Nursing Diagnosis in Secondary School Students
  163. Construction and validation of indicators and respective definitions for the nursing outcome Swallowing Status
  164. Instrument for evaluation of sedentary lifestyle in patients with high blood pressure
  165. Validation of educational hypermedia about peripheral venipuncture
  166. Agreement Between Experts Regarding Assessment of Postoperative Urinary Elimination Nursing Outcomes in Elderly Patients
  167. Ineffective breathing pattern in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease: accuracy of defining characteristics
  168. Clinical factors predicting risk for aspiration and respiratory aspiration among patients with Stroke
  170. Defining the key clinical indicators for ineffective breathing pattern in paediatric patients: a meta-analysis of accuracy studies
  171. Nursing diagnoses and adaptation problems among chronic renal patients
  172. Profile of nursing diagnoses in patients with respiratory disorders
  173. The adaptation problems of patients undergoing hemodialysis: socio-economic and clinical aspects
  174. Clinical Indicators of Impaired Gas Exchange in Cardiac Postoperative Patients
  175. Association Between Nursing Diagnoses and Socioeconomic/Clinical Characteristics of Patients on Hemodialysis
  176. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the accuracy of clinical indicators for ineffective airway clearance
  177. Statistical Characteristics of the Weighted Inter-Rater Reliability Index for Clinically Validating Nursing Diagnoses
  178. Desobstrução ineficaz de vias aéreas: prevalência e espectro de seus indicadores clínicos
  179. Development and validation of an educational booklet for healthy eating during pregnancy
  180. Prevalence of nursing diagnosis of fluid volume excess in patients undergoing hemodialysis
  181. Dysfunctional family in the context of alcoholism: concept analysis
  182. Nursing diagnoses in patients undergoing prostatectomy: identification of the significance of its components
  183. Teaching Modern Physics for Future Physics Teachers
  184. Evaluation of patients with stroke monitored by home care programs
  185. Validação de diagnósticos de enfermagem: desafios e alternativas
  186. Ineffective Breathing Pattern: Defining Characteristics in Children With Acute Respiratory Infection
  187. Knowledge of users of low-dose oral combined contraceptives about the method
  188. Clinical indicators of ‘caregiver role strain’ in caregivers of stroke patients
  189. Revisão do diagnóstico de enfermagem Estilo de Vida Sedentário em pessoas com hipertensão arterial: análise conceitual
  190. Validation of the Mobility Nursing Outcome in Stroke Survivors
  191. Mulheres idosas: desvelando suas vivências e necessidades de cuidado
  192. Intervention for ineffective airway clearance in asthmatic children: A controlled and randomized clinical trial
  193. Sífilis congênita no Ceará: análise epidemiológica de uma década
  194. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Aspiration among patients who experienced a cerebrovascular accident
  195. Results of medium-term survival in patients undergoing cardiac transplantation: institutional experience
  196. Baixa autoestima situacional em gestantes: uma análise de acurácia
  197. Nutritional status of children with congenital heart disease
  198. Adherence to the Treatment of Children Living with HIV: A Conceptual Analysis
  199. Escalas para avaliação da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pacientes com Acidente Vascular Encefálico
  200. Estudio longitudinal de los diagnósticos de enfermería respiratorios en niños con infección respiratoria aguda
  201. A análise de diagnósticos de enfermagem sob uma perspectiva bayesiana
  202. Desobstrução ineficaz das vias aéreas em crianças asmáticas: um estudo descritivo
  203. Methods for Establishing the Accuracy of Clinical Indicators in Predicting Nursing Diagnoses
  204. Clinical indicators of ineffective airway clearance for patients in the cardiac postoperative period
  205. Clinical Indicators of the Nursing Diagnosis of “Imbalanced Nutrition: More than Body Requirements” in Pregnant Women
  206. Prevalência do diagnóstico de enfermagem: nutrição desequilibrada mais do que as necessidades corporais em gestantes
  207. Intervenções de enfermagem relacionadas à promoção da saúde em portadores de hipertensão
  208. Intervenções de enfermagem aos pacientes com acidente vascular encefálico: uma revisão integrativa de literatura
  209. Barreiras ao tratamento da hipertensão arterial
  210. Effects of the Use of Semipermeable Membranes on Fluid Loss in Low-Birth-Weight Premature Newborns
  211. Eficácia do uso de membrana semipermeável em neonatos pré-termo na redução de perdas transepidérmicas
  212. Nursing diagnosis: educational strategy based on problem-based learning
  213. Risk for decreased cardiac output: validation of a proposal for nursing diagnosis
  214. Diagnósticos enfermeros en niños con cardiopatías congénitas: diferencias por género y edad
  215. Operational definitions of outcome indicators related to ineffective breathing patterns in children with congenital heart disease
  216. Lactação com amenorréia: experiência de enfermeiros e a promoção dessa opção contraceptiva
  217. Acurácia das características definidoras do diagnóstico controle familiar ineficaz do regime terapêutico
  218. Conceito de risco para câncer de mama em pesquisas de enfermagem
  219. Clinical Indicators of Ineffective Breathing Pattern in Children With Congenital Heart Diseases
  220. Predictive Factors of the Nursing Diagnosis Sedentary Lifestyle in People with High Blood Pressure
  221. Análise do conceito de tecnologia na enfermagem segundo o método evolucionário
  222. Evaluación de las características definitorias de los diagnósticos de enfermería nutricionales en niños matriculados en una guardería
  223. Demographic Factors and Risk Indicators of Stroke: Comparison Between Inhabitants of Fortaleza Municipal District and the National Profile
  224. Sobrepeso entre adolescentes de escolas particulares de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil
  225. Prevalence of Sedentary Lifestyle in Individuals With High Blood Pressure
  226. Characterization of health status with regard to tissue integrity and tissue perfusion in patients with venous ulcers according to the nursing outcomes classification
  227. Utilidade da teoria de autocuidado na assistência ao portador do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/ Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida
  228. Pressão arterial de adolescentes de escolas particulares de Fortaleza-CE
  229. Physical activity level in people with high blood pressure
  230. Descripción de un caso: intervención de enfermería en un niño diagnosticado de limpieza ineficaz de las vías aéreas
  231. Importance of the Supportive-educative System of Orem Model in the patient compliance - reflexive study
  232. Sobrepeso em adolescentes de escolas públicas: desempenho de três critérios diagnósticos
  233. Clinical indicators of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease
  234. Cuff dimension for children and adolescents: a study in a northeastern Brazilian city
  235. Qualidade de vida e percepção da doença entre portadores de hipertensão arterial
  236. Evaluation of the health promotion behavior in patients with diabetes mellitus
  237. Análise de indicadores de risco para hipertensão arterial em crianças e adolescentes
  238. Condutas de enfermagem para o cuidado à criança com infecção respiratória: validação de um guia
  239. Clareza na utilização dos sistemas sociais da teoria de alcance de metas
  240. Pressão arterial de crianças e adolescentes de uma escola pública de Fortaleza - Ceará
  241. Nursing Diagnoses in Children With Congenital Heart Disease: A Survival Analysis
  242. Growth and Nutritional Status of Children With Congenital Heart Disease
  243. Association among nursing diagnoses, demographic variables, and clinical characteristics of patients with high blood pressure
  244. Evaluation of the growth percentiles of children with congenital heart disease
  245. Estudio longitudinal de los diagnósticos enfermeros identificados en niños con cardiopatías congénitas