All Stories

  1. The Immunomodulary Effects of Systematic Exercise in Older Adults and People with Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Systematic Balance Exercises Influence Cortical Activation and Serum BDNF Levels in Older Adults
  3. Decreased Blood Asprosin in Hyperglycemic Menopausal Women as a Result of Whole-Body Cryotherapy Regardless of Metabolic Syndrome
  4. Menstrual Cycle and Physical Effort
  5. Acute Anaerobic Exercise Affects the Secretion of Asprosin, Irisin, and Other Cytokines – A Comparison Between Sexes
  6. The effects of nordic walking training on blood antioxidant defence in patients with intermittent claudication
  7. Anaerobic Exercise-Induced Activation of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Blood of Women and Men
  8. Unchanged Erythrocyte Profile After Exposure to Cryogenic Temperatures in Elder Marathon Runners
  9. Energy expenditure for massage therapists during performing selected classical massage techniques
  10. Changes in chosen immune system indicators and the level of HSP-70 after single whole-body cryostimulation in healthy men
  11. Book of Abstracts: Spring Conferences of Sports Science
  12. Sex differences in oxidative stress after eccentric and concentric exercise
  14. Impact of single anaerobic exercise on delayed activation of endothelial xanthine oxidase in men and women
  15. Effects of nordic pole walking on oxidative stress and walking abilities in patients with intermittent claudication
  16. Effects of kinesio taping on anaerobic power recovery after eccentric exercise
  17. Poster Session
  18. Effect of maximal-intensity exercise on systemic nitro-oxidative stress in men and women
  19. Effect of sex and menstrual cycle in women on starting speed, anaerobic endurance and muscle power
  20. Effect of Body Composition on Walking Economy
  21. Poziom świadomości żywieniowej mężczyzn na temat źródeł antyoksydantów i znaczenia równowagi prooksydacyjno-antyoksydacyjnej organizmu dla zdrowia
  22. Changes in Non-Enzymatic Antioxidants in the Blood Following Anaerobic Exercise in Men and Women
  23. Physiological response during running in athletes with similar body mass but different body composition
  24. Longitudinal changes of cycling peak power in overweight and normal weight boys
  25. The changes in running economy during puberty in overweight and normal weight boys
  26. Influence of Increased Body Mass and Body Composition on Cycling Anaerobic Power
  27. Effect of Body Composition on Respiratory Compensation Point During an Incremental Test
  28. Physiological response is similar in overweight and normoweight boys during cycling: A longitudinal study
  29. Effect of Whole-Body Cryostimulation on Serum Mediators of Inflammation and Serum Muscle Enzyme in Healthy Men
  30. The Influence of Increased Body Fat or Lean Body Mass on Aerobic Performance
  31. Comparison of physiological and acid-base balance response during uphill, level and downhill running performed at constant velocity
  32. Respiratory compensation point during incremental test in overweight and normoweight boys: is it useful in assessing aerobic performance? A longitudinal study