All Stories

  1. The effect of individual factors on L3 teachers’ beliefs about multilingual education
  2. In-service teachers’ language attitudes in the Valencian educational system: the effect of the school language programme and the L1
  3. El multilingüisme a l’escola: tendències educatives i nous reptes
  4. Presentació del monogràfic «Retrat de l’educació multilingüe»
  5. Is Teacher Talk for Very Young Language Learners Pragmatically Tuned? Directives in Two EAL Classrooms
  6. Spokes in the Wheels of CLIL for Multilingualism or How Monolingual Ideologies Limit Teacher Training
  7. Teachers’ beliefs about multilingual pedagogies and the role of initial training
  8. Examining authentic and elicited data from a multilingual perspective. The real picture of child requestive behaviour in the L3 classroom
  9. Translanguaging as a teaching resource in early language learning of English as a an additional language (EAL)
  10. Pragmatic functions of formulaic speech in three different languages
  11. Multilingualism and Very Young Learners
  12. Leyre Ruiz de Zarobe and Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe: Speech acts and politeness across languages and cultures
  13. Teacher-to-be' language attitudes towards English, Spanish and Catalan
  14. Bilingual youth: Spanish in English-speaking societies