All Stories

  1. Writing Disabilities in Spanish-Speaking Children: Introduction to the Special Series
  2. Internal Structure and Development of Keyboard Skills in Spanish-Speaking Primary-School Children With and Without LD in Writing
  3. Effects of web-based training on Spanish pre-service and in-service teacher knowledge and implicit beliefs on learning to read
  4. Early Grade Writing Assessment: An Instrument Model
  5. What cognitive and numerical skills best define learning disabilities in mathematics? / ¿Qué habilidades cognitivas y numéricas definen mejor las dificultades de aprendizaje en matemáticas?
  6. Desarrollo de la conciencia sintáctica y fonológica en niños chilenos: un estudio transversal
  7. Teachers’ implicit theories of learning to read: A cross-cultural study in Ibero-American countries
  8. Developmental Changes in the Relations Between RAN, Phonological Awareness, and Reading in Spanish Children
  9. Pre-service students and in-service teachers’ rating of the Letra program: a piloting experience in Latin American countries / Valoración de estudiantes universitarios y maestros del programa tutorial Letra: una experiencia piloto en países del espacio...
  10. Syntactic Awareness and Learning Disabilities
  11. The Proposed Changes for DSM-5 for SLD and ADHD
  12. Prevalence and Reliability of Phonological, Surface, and Mixed Profiles in Dyslexia: A Review of Studies Conducted in Languages Varying in Orthographic Depth
  13. Evaluación del progreso de aprendizaje en lectura dentro de un Modelo de Respuesta a la Intervención (RtI) en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias
  14. Considering Cognitive Traits of University Students with Dyslexia in the Context of a Learning Management System
  15. Do Spanish Children Use the Syllable in Visual Word Recognition in Learning to Read?
  16. Gender ratio and cognitive profiles in dyslexia: a cross-national study
  17. Spanish developmental dyslexia: Prevalence, cognitive profile, and home literacy experiences
  18. The relative roles of IQ and cognitive processes in reading disability
  19. Desarrollo de las habilidades fonológicas y ortográficas en niños normolectores y con dislexia durante la educación primaria
  20. Are phonological processes the same or different in low literacy adults and children with or without reading disabilities?
  21. The Double-Deficit Hypothesis in Spanish Developmental Dyslexia
  22. Learning Disabilities in Guatemala and Spain: A Cross-National Study of the Prevalence and Cognitive Processes Associated with Reading and Spelling Disabilities
  23. Computer Speech-Based Remediation for Reading Disabilities: The Size of Spelling-to-Sound Unit in a Transparent Orthography
  24. Locus and Nature of Perceptual Phonological Deficit in Spanish Children With Reading Disabilities
  25. Evaluación de la conciencia fonológica en niños y adultos iletrados: ¿es más relevante la tarea o la estructura silábica?
  26. Solving Arithmetic Word Problems
  27. Evaluación de los efectos de la aceleración en alumnos con alta capacidad intelectual en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias
  28. Defining Phonological Awareness and Its Relationship to Reading Skills in Low-Literacy Adults.
  29. Publicaciones sobre dificultades de aprendizaje y otros trastornos o condiciones especiales asociados
  30. Modelo de identificación temprana del alumnado con alta capacidad intelectual en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias
  31. The Influence of Code-Oriented Versus Meaning-Oriented Approaches to Reading Instruction on Word Recognition in the Spanish Language
  32. The Relationship Between IQ and Reading Disabilities in English-Speaking Canadian and Spanish Children
  33. Do the Effects of Computer-Assisted Practice Differ for Children with Reading Disabilities With and Without IQ—Achievement Discrepancy?
  34. Strategy Choice in Solving Arithmetic Word Problems: Are there Differences between Students with Learning Disabilities, G-V Poor Performance and Typical Achievement Students?
  35. Estudio normativo sobre parámetros psicolingüísticos en niños de 6 a 8 años: la familiaridad subjetiva Normative study about psycholinguistic parameters in children between 6 and 8 years old: Subjective familiarity
  36. Conciencia fonémica y retraso lector: ¿Es determinante la edad en la eficacia de la intervención?
  37. Concepciones tempranas acerca del lenguaje escrito en prelectores
  38. Onset-Rime Units in Visual Word Recognition in Spanish Normal Readers and Children With Reading Disabilities
  39. Resolución de problemas verbales aritméticos en niños con dificultades de aprendizaje Solving arithmetic word problems in children with learning disabilities
  40. Word Identification and Reading Disorders in the Spanish Language
  41. An Analysis of the Word Naming Errors of Normal Readers and Reading Disabled Children in Spanish
  42. A Spanish Perspective on LD
  43. Is IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Relevant in the Definition of Arithmetic Learning Disabilities?
  44. Procedimientos de evaluación e intervención en el aprendizaje de la lectura y sus dificultades desde una perspectiva cognitive
  45. Efectos de la frecuencia silábica posicional en el aprendizajede la lectura Effects of syllable frequency in learning to read
  46. Conciencia fonológica y retraso lector en una ortografía transparente
  47. Effects of word linguistic properties on phonological awareness in Spanish children.
  48. Effects of word linguistic properties on phonological awareness in Spanish children.
  49. Is It True That the Differences in Reading Performance Between Students With and Without LD Cannot Be Explained by IQ?
  50. Variables del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito en los primeros niveles de la E.G.B.
  51. Factores predictivos del éxito en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura
  52. Writing Disorders and Their Relationship to Reading-Writing Methods