All Stories

  1. The effect of complex contrast training with different training frequency on the physical performance of youth soccer players: a randomized study
  2. The relationship between wellness and training and match load in professional male soccer players
  3. Smart Devices for Health and Wellness Applied to Tele-Exercise: An Overview of New Trends and Technologies Such as IoT and AI
  4. Relationship between Bioelectrical Impedance Phase Angle and Upper and Lower Limb Muscle Strength in Athletes from Several Sports: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
  5. Control of the intensity of effort. heart rate or rate of perceived effort
  6. Effect of walking with blood flow restriction in elderly women with osteoporosis/osteopenia
  7. Acute Hormonal Responses to Multi-Joint Resistance Exercises with Blood Flow Restriction
  8. Termografia Infravermelha como Ferramenta de Apoio ao Diagnóstico da Doença de Parkinson
  9. Comparison of the Effect of Osteopathic Manipulations and Exercises on the Myoelectric Activity of the Pelvic Floor: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  10. Changes in Muscle Thickness after 8 Weeks of Strength Training, Electromyostimulation, and Both Combined in Healthy Young Adults
  11. Are Strength Indicators and Skin Temperature Affected by the Type of Warm-Up in Paralympic Powerlifting Athletes?
  12. Static and Dynamic Strength Indicators in Paralympic Power-Lifters with and without Spinal Cord Injury
  13. Evaluation of Strength and Muscle Activation Indicators in Sticking Point Region of National-Level Paralympic Powerlifting Athletes
  14. Physiological and Biochemical Evaluation of Different Types of Recovery in National Level Paralympic Powerlifting
  15. Effect of Different Types of Warm-up on Strength and Skin Temperature of Paralympic Powerlifting Athletes
  16. Are Heart Rate and Rating of Perceived Exertion Effective to Control Indoor Cycling Intensity?
  17. Energetic and Biomechanical Contributions for Longitudinal Performance in Master Swimmers
  18. Are wearable heart rate measurements accurate to estimate aerobic energy cost during low-intensity resistance exercise?
  19. Gender Differences in Chronic Hormonal and Immunological Responses to CrossFit®
  20. Effects of Rio de Janeiro Ar Livre program on the autonomy of octogenarian elderly women
  21. Effect of Rest Interval Between Sets in the Muscle Function During a Sequence of Strength Training Exercises for the Upper Body
  23. Evaluation of two different resistance training volumes on the skin surface temperature of the elbow flexors assessed by thermography
  24. Does resistance training improve body image satisfaction among the elderly? A cross-sectional study
  25. Effects of resistance training on the physical condition of people with multiple sclerosis
  26. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Strength & Conditioning (2017)
  27. Effects of 16-weeks of Pilates on functional autonomy and life satisfaction among elderly women
  28. Cardiorespiratory, enzymatic and hormonal responses during and after walking while fasting
  29. The relationship between anxiety and the cortisol level in precompetition bodybuilding athletes
  30. Effects of 16-weeks of Pilates on health perception and sleep quality among elderly women
  31. Effect Of Cold Water Immersion On Elbow Flexors Muscle Thickness After Resistance Training
  32. Energy cost of isolated resistance exercises across low- to high-intensities
  33. Acute effect of a fight of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) on the serum concentrations of testosterone, cortisol, creatine kinase, lactate, and glucose
  34. Acute blood pressure response in hypertensive elderly women immediately after water aerobics exercise: A crossover study
  35. Effects of Daily and Flexible Non-Linear Periodization on Maximal and Submaximal Strength, Vertical Jump and Speed Performance of Brazilian Army Skydivers
  36. Sequence effects of combined resistance exercises with step choreography in the same session in women's oxygen uptake during and postexercise
  37. Acute effect of resistance exercise performed at different intensities on the hemodynamics of normotensive men
  38. Influence of Subcutaneous Fat Layer in Skin Temperature
  39. Correlation between skin temperature and heart rate during exercise and recovery, and the influence of body position in these variables in untrained women
  40. Comparison of oxygen uptake during and after the execution of resistance exercises and exercises performed on ergometers, matched for intensity
  41. Effects of swim training on energetic and performance in women masters’ swimmers
  42. The influence of subcutaneous fat in the skin temperature variation rate during exercise
  43. The use of thermal imaging to monitoring skin temperature during cryotherapy: A systematic review
  44. Using skin temperature and muscle thickness to assess muscle response to strength training
  45. Thermography: a technique for assessing the risk of developing diabetic foot disorders
  46. Comparing consumption oxygen during and after squat exercise in Smith Machine and whole-body vibration
  47. Different responses of the skin temperature to physical exercise: Systematic review
  48. Anthropometric profile and diabetic foot risk: a cross-sectional study using thermography
  49. Thermography in Neurologic Practice
  50. Physical exercise and functional fitness in independently living vs institutionalized elderly women: a comparison of 60- to 79-year-old city dwellers
  51. Order Effects of Combined Strength and Endurance Training on Testosterone, Cortisol, Growth Hormone, and IGF-1 Binding Protein 3 in Concurrently Trained Men
  52. Orientações motivacionais e atitudes desportivas em jovens futebolistas e suas associações com as pressões percebidas de agentes sociais significativos
  53. Uma sessão de exercícios de treino de força não promove alterações negativas na estrutura venosa dos membros inferiores em homens
  54. Changes in Skin Temperature During Muscular Work: A Pilot Study
  55. A influência da terapia de libertação posicional sobre a tensão miofascial do músculo trapézio
  56. Marcadores hematológicos e bioquímicos após um torneio de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro em atletas de elite
  57. Short-Term Effects of Complex Training on Agility with the Ball, Speed, Efficiency of Crossing and Shooting in Youth Soccer Players
  58. Effects of Pre-Exhausting the Biceps Brachii Muscle on the Performance of the Front Lat Pull-Down Exercise Using Different Handgrip Positions
  59. Chronic Effects of Strength Training Vs. Hydro Aerobics on Functional and Cardiorespiratory Ability in Postmenopausal Women
  60. Acute Effects of Strength Training Programs on Vertical Jump and Technical Actions in Handball during Preseason
  62. Influence of Inter-Set Stretching on Strength, Flexibility and Hormonal Adaptations
  63. Effects of Resistance Exercise Order on the Number of Repetitions Performed to Failure and Perceived Exertion in Untrained Young Males
  64. Does Aerobic and Strength Exercise Sequence in the Same Session Affect the Oxygen Uptake During and Postexercise?
  65. Frequência cardíaca, perceção subjetiva de esforço e lactato sanguíneo nas aulas de jump fit e hidro jump
  66. Energy Expenditure Combining Strength and Aerobic Training
  67. Neuromuscular Compression Garments: Effects on Neuromuscular Strength and Recovery
  68. Short-Term Effects of Complex and Contrast Training in Soccer Playersʼ Vertical Jump, Sprint, and Agility Abilities