All Stories

  1. Co-invasive exotic pines and their ectomycorrhizal symbionts show capabilities for wide distance and altitudinal range expansion
  2. Contracting montane cloud forests: a case study of the Andean alder (Alnus acuminata) and associated fungi in the Yungas
  3. Changes in composition and abundance of functional groups of arctic fungi in response to long-term summer warming
  4. Compositional and functional shifts in arctic fungal communities in response to experimentally increased snow depth
  5. Long-term increase in snow depth leads to compositional changes in arctic ectomycorrhizal fungal communities
  6. Long-term warming alters richness and composition of taxonomic and functional groups of arctic fungi
  7. Long‐term experimental warming alters community composition of ascomycetes in Alaskan moist and dry arctic tundra
  8. Greenhouse Seedlings of Alnus Showed Low Host Intrageneric Specificity and a Strong Preference for Some Tomentella Ectomycorrhizal Associates
  9. Summer temperature increase has distinct effects on the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of moist tussock and dry tundra in Arctic Alaska
  10. The Contribution of DNA Metabarcoding to Fungal Conservation: Diversity Assessment, Habitat Partitioning and Mapping Red-Listed Fungi in Protected Coastal Salix repens Communities in the Netherlands
  11. Large-scale fungal diversity assessment in the Andean Yungas forests reveals strong community turnover among forest types along an altitudinal gradient
  12. Phylogeny and phylogeography of the Tuber brumale aggr.
  13. Genomic Treasure Troves: Complete Genome Sequencing of Herbarium and Insect Museum Specimens
  14. Fungal palaeodiversity revealed using high-throughput metabarcoding of ancient DNA from arctic permafrost
  15. Evolution and Diversification
  16. Frequent circumarctic and rare transequatorial dispersals in the lichenised agaric genus Lichenomphalia (Hygrophoraceae, Basidiomycota)
  17. An arctic community of symbiotic fungi assembled by long-distance dispersers: phylogenetic diversity of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes in Svalbard based on soil and sporocarp DNA
  18. Phylogenetic and ecological analyses of soil and sporocarp DNA sequences reveal high diversity and strong habitat partitioning in the boreal ectomycorrhizal genus Russula (Russulales; Basidiomycota)
  19. Surviving climate changes: high genetic diversity and transoceanic gene flow in two arctic-alpine lichens,Flavocetraria cucullataandF. nivalis(Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota)
  20. High diversity of root associated fungi in both alpine and arctic Dryas octopetala
  21. Phylogeographic Analyses of a Boreal-Temperate Ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycete, Amanita Muscaria, Suggest Forest Refugia in Alaska During the Last Glacial Maximum
  22. Molecular phylogenetic biodiversity assessment of arctic and boreal ectomycorrhizalLactariusPers. (Russulales; Basidiomycota) in Alaska, based on soil and sporocarp DNA
  23. Evidence for strong inter- and intracontinental phylogeographic structure in Amanita muscaria, a wind-dispersed ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete
  24. Molecular diversity assessment of arctic and boreal Agaricus taxa
  25. Beringian origins and cryptic speciation events in the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)
  26. Phylogenetic analyses reveal deeply divergent species lineages in the genus Sphaerobolus (Phallales: Basidiomycota)
  27. Systematics of the genus Sphaerobolus based on molecular and morphological data, with the description of Sphaerobolus ingoldii sp. nov.
  28. Molecular evolution of Agaricus species based on ITS and LSU rDNA sequences
  29. Coalescent analyses reveal contrasting patterns of intercontinental gene flow in arctic-alpine and boreal-temperate fungi