All Stories

  1. Cognitive dissonance and mindset perturbations during crisis: “eco-socio-psycho-somatic” perspectives
  2. Zur Akzeptanz von Begrenzung und der komplexen Funktion der Affekte
  3. Kompetenzen in Psychotherapeutischer Medizin und Psychotherapie erwerben
  5. Affektkognitive Faktoren bei Psychose und Depression
  6. Expert Perspectives on the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
  7. Die psychoanalytische Kernkompetenz
  8. Ninety psychotherapy training programmes across the globe: Variations and commonalities in an international context
  9. Exploring the Synergy of Music and Medicine in Healthcare: Expert Insights into the Curative and Societal Role of the Relationship between Music and Medicine
  10. Finding Identity in the 2020s
  11. Efficacy of high-intensity versus low-intensity psychoanalytically oriented long-term treatments and determinants of outcome: individual participant data Meta-analysis of Long-term Analytic treatment Studies (MeLAS)
  12. Psychotherapeutic medicine in psychiatric residency training in Austria
  13. Effectiveness of Psychotherapy from the Patient’s Point of View
  14. A Case of Autoimmune Small Fiber Neuropathy as Possible Post COVID Sequelae
  15. Psychotherapie und medikamentöse Behandlung
  16. VersorgungsNOT – Psychotherapie als zentrale, aber marginalisierte Versorgungsleistung im Gesundheitssystem
  17. Editorial
  18. Zur Akzeptanz der Begrenzung
  20. Subjective well-being among psychotherapists during the coronavirus disease pandemic: A cross-cultural survey from 12 european countries
  21. Burnout among psychotherapists: a cross-cultural value survey among 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease pandemic
  22. Folgen der Psychotherapieforschung für die Psychotherapieausbildung
  23. COVID-19 survivors: Multi-disciplinary efforts in psychiatry and medical humanities for long-term realignment
  24. Artificial Intelligence, eHealth – die Bedeutung für Patient*innen
  26. Kontextveränderung und Resilienz bei posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung
  27. Freiheit und Verantwortung? Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen im Spannungsfeld von technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen und persönlichen Bedürfnissen – Teil 1
  28. Erinnertes elterliches Erziehungsverhalten und psychische Erkrankung – zur Bedeutung der Erste-Person-Perspektive
  29. Burnout among Psychotherapists: A Cross-cultural Value Survey among 12 European Countries during the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic
  30. Psychological Interventions for Young People With Psychotic Disorders: A Systematic Review
  31. Psychotherapist Trainees’ Quality of Life: Patterns and Correlates
  32. Editorial: Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People With Mental Disorders
  33. Personalized treatment - which interaction ingredients should be focused to capture the unconscious
  34. Importance of communication in medical practice and medical education: An emphasis on empathy and attitudes and their possible influences
  35. Importance of communication in medical practice and medical education: An emphasis on empathy and attitudes and their possible influences
  36. Affektregulation und soziale Kognition bei Psychose
  37. Die subjektive Verarbeitung chronischer Symptome und Schmerz bei Menschen mit Multipler Sklerose: Visualisierung und Externalisierung als Ausdruck der Lebensqualität
  38. Individual Perception of Telehealth: Validation of a German Translation of the Telemedicine Perception Questionnaire and a Derived Short Version
  39. Veränderungen der Kontextfaktoren und deren Auswirkungen auf die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung
  40. Pathological Effects and Adverse Events Associated with the Phenylethylamine Derivative NBOMe
  41. Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People With Mental Disorders
  42. Diagnostik in der Psychoanalyse
  43. Diagnostik in der Psychoanalytisch orientierten Psychotherapie
  44. Psychotherapeutische Diagnostik im tiefenpsychologisch-psychoanalytischen Cluster
  45. Simulating the mind and applications – a theory-based chance for understanding psychic transformations in somatic symptom disorders
  46. Affect regulation in psychoanalytic treatments of patients with a borderline personality disorder–psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy–a comparison
  47. How does the ‘environment’ come to the person? The ‘ecology of the person’ and addiction
  48. How does the ‘environment’ come to the person? The ‘ecology of the person’ and addiction
  49. „… da kann sie nichts Positives schildern …“ – Zur Auswirkung des Destruktiven auf die Mentalisierungsfähigkeit
  50. Gender Differences in Psychosocial, Religious, and Spiritual Aspects in Coping: A Cross-Sectional Study with Cancer Patients
  51. Future of processing and facilitating change and learning
  52. Dreams and Trauma Changes in the Manifest Dreams in Psychoanalytic Treatments – A Psychoanalytic Outcome Measure
  53. Herausgeberbrief
  54. Klinische Erfahrung und deren Auswirkungen auf Interventionstechnik und Working Alliance
  55. Predictors and moderators of outcome of psychotherapeutic interventions for mental disorders in adolescents and young adults: protocol for systematic reviews
  56. Analysis of a dream series by the <em>Dream Coding System</em> developed by Ulrich Moser
  57. Mentalisierungsfähigkeit und Empathie in der Psychiatrie – eine Sozialisationsfrage?
  58. Case Report: Individualization of Intensive Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy on the Basis of Ego Strength
  59. Construct Validity of the Mentalization Scale (MentS) Within a Mixed Psychiatric Sample
  60. NeoAct: A Randomized Prospective Pilot Study on Communication Skill Training of Neonatologists
  61. The Emerging Role of Interdisciplinarity in Clinical Psychoanalysis
  62. The Evidence-Base for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents: A Narrative Synthesis
  63. Zusammenhänge zwischen Empathie, therapeutischer Haltung und Wirkeffizienz
  64. Psychotherapists’ perception of their clinical skills and in-session feelings in live therapy <em>versus</em> online therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot study
  65. How to Include Patients' Perspectives in the Study of the Mind: A Review of Studies on Depression
  66. The Impact of Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical and Mental Health: The Lived Experience of Adolescents with Obesity and Their Caregivers
  67. Reflective Functioning in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Non-Affective Psychosis and Affective Disorders—Differences and Similarities
  68. Social cognition in individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and its link with psychopathology and social outcomes: a review
  69. Mind reading improvements in mentalization-based therapy training
  70. Disziplin, Profession und evidenzbasierte Praxis: Zur Stellung der Psychotherapie im Gesundheitssystem. Eine Bilanz
  71. Versorgungswirksamkeit von Psychotherapie in Österreich
  72. Predictors and moderators of outcome of psychotherapeutic interventions for mental disorders in young people: Protocol for systematic reviews
  73. Implementing a Clinical Research Department to Support Pediatric Studies: A SWOT Analysis
  74. Mentalisierung bei Störungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis
  75. Case studies in psychotherapy training using Austria as an example
  76. Strukturiertes fallorientiertes Lernen
  77. Manuscript No.: 55072-Review-HTML FIELD OF VISION Learning and competence development via clinical cases – what elements should be investigated to best train good medical doctors?
  78. Guaranteed Equal Opportunities? The Access to Nursing Training in Central Europe for People with a Turkish Migration Background
  79. Fallstudien in der psychotherapeutischen Ausbildung
  80. A New Method to Better Measure and Interpret Non-Verbal Communication in Patient-Therapist Interactions
  81. Relationship between Mentalizing and Working Conditions in Health Care
  82. Let us integrate sexual health—do psychiatrists integrate sexual health in patient management?
  83. Acute Limb Ischemia after Intake of the Phenylethylamine Derivate NBOMe
  84. Interpretation and Working through Contemptuous Facial Micro-Expressions Benefits the Patient-Therapist Relationship
  85. Psychotherapie-Berufsausbildung in Österreich: Basis- und soziodemographische Hintergrunddaten aus einer SPRISTAD-Pilotstudie (Society of Psychotherapy Research Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development)
  86. Does case-based blended-learning expedite the transfer of declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge in practice?
  87. Medical knowledge integration and “systems medicine”: Needs, ambitions, limitations and options
  88. Is countertransference a valid source of clinical information? Investigating emotional responses to audiotaped psychotherapy sessions
  89. Capturing the Unconscious—The “Psychoanalytic Core Competency Q-Sort”. An Innovative Tool Investigating Psychodynamic Therapeutic Skills
  90. Does Case-based blended-learning expedite the transfer of declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge in practice?
  91. Case-based blended eLearning scenarios—adequate for competence development or more?
  92. The Human Ecological Perspective and Biopsychosocial Medicine
  93. Does Case-based blended-learning expedite the transfer of declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge in practice?
  94. Psychotherapie in der Psychiatrie über digitale Medien? Kontra
  95. Does Case-based blended-learning expedite the transfer of declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge in practice?
  96. Does Case-based blended-learning expedite the transfer of declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge in practice?
  97. Therapieerfolgsindikatoren in Träumen
  98. Interprofessional care improves health-related well-being and reduces medical costs for chronic pain patients
  99. Competency in medical history taking—the training physicians’ view
  100. Self-reflectivity: a moment of professionalization in psychotherapy training
  101. Steps Toward an Integrative Clinical Systems Psychology
  102. Psychotherapieausbildung in Österreich
  103. Primary Healthcare Center
  104. Attitude Towards End of Life Communication of Austrian Medical Students
  105. Standardized patients in psychiatry – the best way to learn clinical skills?
  106. Does medical students’ personality have an impact on their intention to show empathic behavior?
  107. Empathy is proprioceptive: the bodily fundament of empathy – a philosophical contribution to medical education
  108. The search for attitude—a hidden curriculum assessment from a central European perspective
  109. Vienna Summer School on Oncology: how to teach clinical decision making in a multidisciplinary environment
  110. Transference and countertransference: A review
  111. Empathy in Psychoanalysis and Medical Education - what can we learn from each other?
  112. Commentary: Case-based learning and multiple choice questioning methods favored by students
  113. Rückgang von Empathie der Medizinstudierenden im Laufe des Studiums – was ist die Ursache?
  114. Training Interprofessional Communication within Clinical Reasoning Processes–E-Learning Cases
  115. Dimensions of Activity in Countertransference and Therapist Reactions: Therapist Reactions During Sessions with Depressed Patients
  116. Psychiatrists' emotional reactions: Useful for precise diagnosis in adolescence?
  117. Psychosomatic patients in integrated care: Which treatment mediators do we have to focus on?
  118. Psychotherapie bei Depression – 2. Teil
  119. An Examination of Communication Skills Curricula across Two European Medical Universities
  120. Can we still stop the migration of physicians from Austria?
  121. Psychiatrie in der Medizin – Psychotherapie in der Medizin
  122. Psychotherapie bei Depression
  123. Transcendence, religion and spirituality in medicine
  124. Significance of gender in the attitude towards doctor-patient communication in medical students and physicians
  125. Effekte regionaler Psychosomatiktherapiemodule
  126. Diagnostically Fit for the Future? The Students’ Perspective
  127. Influence of conversation technique seminars on the doctoral therapeutic attitude in doctor–patient communication
  128. Case-based learning and multiple choice questioning methods favored by students
  129. Countertransference Triggered Activity in Treatment. Good, Bad or Useful?
  130. State of the Art Praxisorientierte Psychotherapieforschung
  131. Now Moments in Professional Care - The Importance of Positive Affect in Patient-Therapist Matching
  132. Psychotherapieforschung. Teil 2
  133. Workshop „Scientist Practitioner – Austausch über Forschungsaktivitäten und wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis im Fachspezifikum“
  134. Psychotherapieforschung – eine Liaison zwischen Forschung und Praxis
  135. Isolation oder Unterwerfung – Fallanalyse einer Behandlung eines Patienten mit chronischer Alkoholabhängigkeit
  136. Psychotherapieforschung 1. Teil 1
  137. Diagnostische und therapeutische Möglichkeiten bei PatientInnen mit einer Persönlichkeitsstörung unter Beachtung des Bindungsverhaltens
  138. Tagungsbericht zur Fachtagung „Praxisorientierte Psychotherapieforschung. Verfahrensübergreifende, patientenorientierte Aspekte und Kompetenzentwicklung“, 7./8. November 2014, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Wien
  139. Can We Clinically Recognize a Vascular Depression?
  140. Not The Ghost in The Machine: Transforming Patient Data into E-Learning Cases Within A Case-Based Blended Learning Framework For Medical Education
  141. Do our medical students even want e-learning? A user rated evaluation of case based e-learning in undergraduate medical education at the medical university of Vienna.
  142. From clinical reasoning to effective clinical decision making—new training methods
  143. Psychoanalytic core competence
  144. Vergleich therapeutenspezifischer Wirkfaktoren im psychoanalytischen, psychoanalytisch orientierten und kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Therapieprozess der Depression
  145. The Dialogical Process in Three Different Diagnostic Procedures and Therapy Approaches
  146. Is It All about the Higher Dose? Why Psychoanalytic Therapy Is an Effective Treatment for Major Depression
  147. Bindung und Beziehung – eine Analyse aktueller psychoanalytischer Forschungsansätze
  149. Development of Therapeutic Attitudes: Teaching and Learning in Psychotherapy
  150. Clinical Reasoning and Authentic Clinical Care : The Role of Countertransference
  151. Clinical Reasoning and Authentic Clinical Care : The Role of Countertransference
  152. Methoden Psychoanalyse und psychoanalytische Psychotherapie – Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten
  153. An den Grenzen der Disziplin
  154. Das Geschlecht des Therapeuten / der Therapeutin. Auswirkung der Geschlechtszugehörigkeit auf die psychotherapeutische Behandlungssituation
  155. Q-sort-Methoden in Diagnostik und Therapieverlaufsbeobachtung
  156. Preparing for DSM 5 – Assessment of personality pathology during psychoanalytic and psychiatric treatments
  157. „Basiscurriculum in psychotherapeutischer Medizin“: Psychotherapeutische Ausbildung in der Psychiatrie – ein Beginn
  158. Fc24-06 - Exploration of personality factors and the predictive impact on therapy utilization: The externalizing mode of functioning
  159. Psychotherapie im Krankenhaus
  160. Der Affektwahrnehmung und Affektregulation Q-Sort-Test (AREQ): Validierung und Kurzform
  161. Erratum zu: Überweisungserfolg in Psychotherapie bei Patienten mit Persönlichkeitsstörungen – Therapeutische Konsequenzen
  162. Zur psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Identität
  163. Exploration of personality factors and their predictive impact on therapy utilization: The externalizing mode of functioning
  164. Assessment tools for affect regulation and quality of object relations in personality disorders: The predictive impact on initial treatment engagement
  165. Psychische Struktur bei chronischen Schmerzpatienten
  166. Überweisungserfolg in Psychotherapie bei Patienten mit Persönlichkeitsstörungen – Therapeutische Konsequenzen
  167. P02-255 - Dissociation, trauma, affect regulation and personality in patients with a borderline personality organization
  168. PW01-131 - Predictive power on therapy engagement in personality disorders: SWAP- 200 versus SCID-II
  169. Voraussagekraft für die Therapie-Inanspruchnahme bei Persönlichkeitsstörungen: SWAP-200 und SKID-II im Vergleich
  170. Das Bild der Psychotherapie(n) – ein Vergleich zwischen angehenden Psychotherapeuten und Laien
  171. Dissociation, trauma, affect regulation and personality in patients with a borderline personality organization
  172. „Affektlose Zustände?“
  173. Psychiatric morbidity in gynecological and otorhinolaryngological outpatients: a comparative study
  174. Einstellungen von Medizinstudenten zu Psychotherapie: Veränderungen nach Unterricht über Psychische Funktionen in Gesundheit und Krankheit
  175. Von der empirisch psychoanalytischen Prozess- und Ergebnisforschung zur klinischen Praxis
  176. Mentalisierungsfähigkeit bei depressiven Patientinnen: Eine Pilotstudie
  177. Die Bedeutung von Selbstkonzept und Aggression für die stationäre psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutische Behandlung von Borderlinepatienten
  178. Prädikatoren des Therapieabbruchs in psychoanalytischen Behandlungen von Patienten mit Persönlichkeitsstörungen
  179. Borderline: Psychoanalytic/Psychotherapeutic Essentials
  180. Zur Indikationsstellung von psychoanalytischen Behandlungen bei Persönlichkeitsstörungen
  181. Validation of the SWAP-200 for Diagnosing Psychostructural Organization in Personality Disorders
  182. Depressionsbehandlung - was brauchen Frauen?/ Treatment of depression: what do women need?
  183. Gender aspects in the planning of psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder
  184. Prädiktoren für die Inanspruchnahme einer Psychotherapie
  185. Prenatal care: the patient's perspective. A qualitative study
  186. Utilization of psychotherapy in patients with personality disorder: The impact of gender, character traits, affect regulation, and quality of object-relations
  187. Context-Oriented Model Development in Psychotherapy Planning ('COMEPP'): a useful adjunct to diagnosis and therapy of severe personality disorders
  188. Affective state of women following a prenatal diagnosis: predictors of a negative psychological outcome
  189. Self-report versus interview data of women's subjective theories of illness: Concordance and predictive validity in a psychosomatic-gynecological liaison service
  190. Predicting Psychotherapy Utilization for Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder
  191. Quality of life in nonorganic and organic sleep disorders: II. Correlation with objective and subjective quality of sleep and awakening
  192. Psychotherapieplanung bei "schwierigen Patienten"
  193. Gender and perversion - what constitutes a "Bad Mother"
  194. Quality of life in nonorganic and organic sleep disorders: I. Comparison with normative data
  195. Depression and quality of life in multiple sclerosis
  196. Relationship between Depression, Anxiety and Quality of Life: A Study of Stroke Patients Compared to Chronic Low Back Pain and Myocardial Ischemia Patients
  197. Depressionen nach zerebrovaskulären Ereignissen