All Stories

  1. The breaking points of human development-the separating role of national borders
  2. Not Fit for 55: Prioritizing Human Well-Being in Residential Energy Consumption in the European Union
  3. Happiness and international migration – The spatial dimension of a relationship
  4. (In)Visible Tourism According to Online Cash Registers in Hungary, 2018–2020
  5. The geographical network of international migration
  6. Spatial Evolution of the Energy and Economic Centers of Gravity
  7. A Magyarországon élő külföldi kötődésű népesség térbeli autokorreláltsága
  8. A gazdasági és az energetikai erőterek elmozdulása a világon
  9. The Effect of Large Companies on Spatial Structure in Central and Eastern Europe with a Particular Focus on Enterprises in the Technology, Media _ Telecommunications Industry
  10. Commuting patterns: the flow and jump model and supporting data
  11. Analyzing the effect of the 500 biggest Central European companies on spatial structure
  12. Exploring the position of cities in global corporate research and development: A bibliometric analysis by two different geographical approaches
  13. Further We Travel the Faster We Go
  14. An improved radiation model and its applicability for understanding commuting patterns in Hungary
  15. Az átutazó turizmus magyarországi sajátosságai, különös tekintettel a költésre
  16. Characteristics of transit tourism in Hungary with a focus on expenditure
  17. Identifying settlements involved in Hungary’s transit traffic
  18. Mapping the position of cities in corporate research and development through a gravity model-based bidimensional regression analysis
  19. Opportunities for Adaptation of the Smart City Concept - A Regional Approach
  20. The world’s economic centre of gravity
  21. The command and control function of cities
  22. Accessibility Models Based On the Gravity Analogy: In Theory and Practice
  23. The changing economic spatial structure of Europe
  24. The Application of Gravity Model in the Investigation of Spatial Structure
  25. Modelling the spatial structure of Europe
  26. Same or Different Development Paths? A Comparative Study of the Large Cities and Regions in Hungary
  27. The role of transport in European tourism flows
  28. The spatial structures of Europe
  29. Investigation of spatial structure: modelling approach
  30. Transportation and accessibility at European level
  31. Analysing the competitiveness of tourism regions in Hungary: new findings
  32. Competitiveness of tourism regions in Hungary
  33. New aspects of European road accessibility
  34. Tourism and accessibility: An integrated approach
  35. A hazánkba bevándorlók területi elhelyezkedésének vizsgálata
  36. Az elérhetőség és az idegenforgalom kapcsolata
  37. Elérhetőségi modellek
  38. Autópályák és a városi fejlődés
  39. Területi autokorrelációs vizsgálat a Local Moran I módszerével
  40. A logisztika és szerepe a regionális fejlődésben