All Stories

  1. Design and development of the LATILL platform for retrieving adequate texts to foster reading skills in German
  2. Preliminary study of the usability of the INGAME game for social inclusion and civic participation
  3. Emotional AI in Healthcare: a pilot architecture proposal to merge emotion recognition tools
  4. A platform to support the visual analysis of the SALMANTICOR study outcomes: conveying cardiological data to lay users
  5. Bringing machine learning closer to non-experts: proposal of a user-friendly machine learning tool in the healthcare domain
  6. ICT tools highlighted and their usefulness during the pandemic
  7. Virtualization of the academic offer of the business Administration Career in a local public university
  8. Flipped classroom insights after nine-year experience applying the method
  9. An overview of passive students’ characteristics
  10. Initial performance analysis in the evaluation of computational thinking from a gender perspective in higher education
  11. Multimodal Learning Analytics in Students with Learning Difficulties: How the Environment Can Affect their Learning Positively or Negatively
  12. Teaching and Learning Strategies for Introductory Programming in University Courses
  13. CreaSTEAM. Towards the improvement of diversity gaps through the compilation of projects, best practices and STEAM-Lab spaces
  14. Computational thinking competences training for primary education teachers
  15. Open approach of scaled agile for organizations and communities dedicated to the development of Open-Source projects
  16. TEEM 2021 Preface
  17. Heuristic evaluation of a mentoring portal
  18. RoboSTEAM project the pilot phases
  19. Proposal of a multivariate analysis model to evaluate the learning outcomes of students in higher education
  20. An introduction to TEEM 2021 Track 15: The Doctoral Consortium
  21. Current trends in robotics in education and computational thinking
  22. Outstanding methodologies in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning
  23. A Tool Help for Introductory Programming Courses
  24. Learning Analytics Icons for analytics' transparency, information, and easy comprehension of data treatment of students
  25. A Dashboard to Support Decision-Making Processes in Learning Ecosystems
  26. Developing a design phase for a mentoring mobile app
  27. Introduction for the TEEM 2020 Doctoral Consortium track
  28. Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education
  29. Advances in Computational thinking and robotics in education
  30. A platform for management and visualization of medical data and medical imaging
  31. Promoting Open Education Through Gamification in Higher Education: the OpenGame project
  32. Online instrument: Perception of virtual learning of the doctorate in the context of COVID-19
  33. Overview of European educational projects on eLearning and related methodologies
  34. Validation of the K-Social-C questionnaire for measuring the Social Construction of Knowledge from Open Innovation in Social Innovation Laboratories
  35. Ecuadorian Higher Education in COVID-19: A Sentiment Analysis
  36. Adaption of RoboSTEAM Project to the Pandemic Situation
  37. Hybrid Flipped Classroom: adaptation to the COVID situation
  38. Intelligent Tutoring Systems approach to Introductory Programming Courses
  39. Advances in the use of domain engineering to support feature identification and generation of information visualizations
  40. Towards an Open Science technological ecosystem for a Mexican University
  41. The Use of Instagram as a Digital Marketing Tool by the Brazilian Library Councils in times of Covid-19
  42. Evaluation of an interactive educational system in urban knowledge acquisition and representation based on students' profiles
  43. Evaluación del pensamiento computacional para el aprendizaje de programación de computadoras en educación superior
  44. Representing Data Visualization Goals and Tasks Through Meta-Modeling to Tailor Information Dashboards
  45. Protected Users: A Moodle Plugin To Improve Confidentiality and Privacy Support through User Aliases
  46. Technological Ecosystems in Citizen Science: A Framework to Involve Children and Young People
  47. Aggregation Bias: A Proposal to Raise Awareness Regarding Inclusion in Visual Analytics
  48. An Online Sales System to Be Managed by People with Mental Illness
  49. Acciones, políticas y estrategias para el balance de género en el ámbito STEM: Resultados de una dinámica World Café
  50. Digital competence of early childhood education teachers: attitude, knowledge and use of ICT
  51. Engineering Education and Technological/Professional Learning
  52. Sensor Technologies for Caring People with Disabilities
  53. Connecting domain-specific features to source code: towards the automatization of dashboard generation
  54. Automatic generation of software interfaces for supporting decision-making processes. An application of domain engineering and machine learning
  55. A method to propose good practices of teaching educational innovation
  56. An app based on cooperative learning for the detection of danger points and the prevention of risk areas in a city
  57. Capturing high-level requirements of information dashboards' components through meta-modeling
  58. Computational thinking and robotics in education
  59. Development of a toolkit for a mentoring program
  60. Didactical use of a remote lab
  61. Engaging women into STEM in Latin America
  62. GDPR Security and Confidentiality compliance in LMS' a problem analysis and engineering solution proposal
  63. How to Measure Teachers' Acceptance of AI-driven Assessment in eLearning
  64. Impact indicators of educational innovations based on active methodologies
  65. Initial learning scenarios based on the computational thinking evaluation for the course Programming fundamentals at INACAP
  66. Interpretation of computational thinking evaluation results for enrollment prediction
  67. Learning Analytics in Ecuador
  68. Modelling the business structure of a digital health ecosystem
  69. NextMed, Augmented and Virtual Reality platform for 3D medical imaging visualization
  70. Predicting Student Failure in an Introductory Programming Course with Multiple Back-Propagation
  71. RoboSTEAM - A Challenge Based Learning Approach for integrating STEAM and develop Computational Thinking
  72. Teaching and learning strategies of programming for university courses
  73. Organizational change management
  74. The role of basic mathematics concepts in programming teaching and learning
  75. Track 16
  76. Different Didactical Approaches Using a Remote Lab: Identification of Impact Factors
  77. Interactive and collaborative technological ecosystems for improving academic motivation and engagement
  78. Engagement in the course of programming in higher education through the use of gamification
  79. Analyzing the usability of the WYRED Platform with undergraduate students to improve its features
  80. This research explains how to generate customized user interfaces for decision-making
  81. Effects of a Gamified Educational Program in the Nutrition of Children with Obesity
  82. Exploring the unknown: The effect of resistance to change and attachment on mobile adoption among secondary pre‐service teachers
  83. Veinte aniversario de la revista EKS
  84. Actions to Promote Diversity in Engineering Studies: a Case Study in a Computer Science Degree
  85. Technological Ecosystems in the Health Sector: a Mapping Study of European Research Projects
  86. Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Biomedical Imaging
  87. Technological Ecosystems in Care and Assistance: A Systematic Literature Review
  88. La red Openergy
  89. Break the Walls! Second-Order Barriers and the Acceptance of mLearning by First-Year Pre-Service Teachers
  90. Cultural values and technology adoption: A model comparison with university teachers from China and Spain
  91. A Model to Define an eHealth Technological Ecosystem for Caregivers
  92. Addressing Fine-Grained Variability in User-Centered Software Product Lines: A Case Study on Dashboards
  93. Personal Data Broker Instead of Blockchain for Students’ Data Privacy Assurance
  94. Tailored information dashboards
  95. An App to Support Yoga Teachers to Implement a Yoga-Based Approach to Promote Wellbeing Among Young People: Usability Study
  96. Measuring Students’ Acceptance to AI-Driven Assessment in eLearning: Proposing a First TAM-Based Research Model
  97. Study of the Usability of the WYRED Ecosystem Using Heuristic Evaluation
  98. The Neuro-Subject: A Living Entity with Learnability
  99. Information Dashboards and Tailoring Capabilities - A Systematic Literature Review
  100. Active Peer-Based Flip Teaching
  101. Data Analysis Platform for the Optimization of Employability in Technological Profiles
  102. Personal Data Broker: A Solution to Assure Data Privacy in EdTech
  103. Trends in studies developed in Europe focused on the gender gap in STEM
  104. Clickstream for learning analytics to assess students’ behavior with Scratch
  105. 4 Elements Proposed to Offer Personalized Education in the University Superior Technical Level
  106. Interacción en los ecosistemas tecnológicos de aprendizaje
  107. Information retrieval methodology for aiding scientific database search
  108. Analyzing the software architectures supporting HCI/HMI processes through a systematic review of the literature
  109. Learning Objects to Strengthen Learning. Experience in Regular Basic Education in Perú
  110. Towards equality in higher education
  111. Validation of the learning ecosystem metamodel using transformation rules
  112. Posicionamiento de la investigación en Ciencias Sociales
  113. Empirical evaluation of educational interactive systems
  114. Identidad digital como investigadores. La evidencia y la transparencia de la producción científica
  115. Empleabilidad de los titulados universitarios en España. Proyecto OEEU
  116. Las competencias transversales de los egresados de los másteres universitarios
  117. Inclusion of gender perspective in Computer Engineering careers: Elaboration of a questionnaire to assess the gender gap in tertiary education
  118. Pilot experience applying an active learning methodology in a software engineering classroom
  119. Exploring the computational thinking effects in pre-university education
  121. Editorial Computational Thinking
  122. Learning Scenarios for the Subject Methodology of Programming From Evaluating the Computational Thinking of New Students
  123. Virtual Reality as an Educational and Training Tool for Medicine
  124. Co-creation and open innovation: Systematic literature review
  125. User Experience in Institutional Repositories
  126. Preface
  127. Enabling Adaptability in Web Forms Based on User Characteristics Detection Through A/B Testing and Machine Learning
  128. Learning Ecosystem Metamodel Quality Assurance
  129. How Different Versions of Layout and Complexity of Web Forms Affect Users After They Start It? A Pilot Experience
  130. Proposing a Machine Learning Approach to Analyze and Predict Employment and its Factors
  131. A Deep-Learning-Based Proposal to Aid Users in Quantum Computing Programming
  132. Application of Domain Engineering to Generate Customized Information Dashboards
  133. Human Interaction in Learning Ecosystems Based on Open Source Solutions
  134. Micro Flip Teaching with Collective Intelligence
  135. Usability Test of WYRED Platform
  136. Domain engineering for generating dashboards to analyze employment and employability in the academic context
  137. Macro Analysis on how to Potentiate Experimental Competences Using VISIR
  138. A system of indicators for assessing scientific and technological capacity at local universities
  139. Academic digital books
  140. Building Skills in Introductory Programming
  141. Computational thinking and programming education principles
  142. Decision support tools for SLR search string construction
  143. Delphi study to identify the young people priorities about digital society
  144. Inclusion of the students in schools with an intercultural profile
  145. Increase of confidence for the solution of problems in preuniversity students through Computational Thinking
  146. Influence of the didactical design in the perception of knowledge management in MOOCs
  147. Learning Analytics' Privacy on the Blockchain
  148. MAIN
  149. Mapping the systematic literature studies about software ecosystems
  150. Methodology for Improvement in Energy Efficiency Training Programs in Professional Environments
  151. Mobile Acceptance and Learning Beliefs
  152. NextMed
  153. Ontological Search for Academic Resources
  154. Privacy and identity management in Learning Analytics processes with Blockchain
  155. The PhD Corner
  156. Trends in European research projects focused on technological ecosystems in the health sector
  157. Utilizing technological ecosystems to support graduate students in their practicum experiences
  158. Validity and reliability of a survey to know the technological acceptance of an institutional repository
  159. El futuro de los repositorios institucionales
  160. Special issue on exploring new Natural User Experiences
  161. A recommender system of open educational resources based on the purpose of learning
  162. El Proyecto WYRED
  163. May I teach you? Students' behavior when lectured by robotic vs. human teachers
  164. An adaptive hybrid MOOC model: Disrupting the MOOC concept in higher education
  165. We worked with AR and mobile pedestrian navigation in learning about heritage expierience.
  166. Usability Evaluation of a Private Social Network on Mental Health for Relatives
  167. La enseñanza de la informática, la programación y el pensamiento computacional en los estudios preuniversitarios
  168. Improving the information society skills: Is knowledge accessible for all?
  169. Ontological Flip Teaching: a Flip Teaching model based on knowledge management
  170. A Mixed Methods Research of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions about the Benefits of Wiki-Based Tasks and Discussion Boards
  171. The VISIR+ project-helping contextualize math in an engineering course
  172. Co-operative Networks and their Influence on Engagement: A Study with Students of a Degree in Nursing
  173. Presentación. La integración efectiva del dispositivo móvil en la educación y en el aprendizaje
  174. Motivación e innovación: Aceptación de tecnologías móviles en los maestros en formación
  175. Entornos personales de aprendizaje móvil: una revisión sistemática de la literatura
  176. Building, coding and programming 3D models via a visual programming environment
  177. Mitos y Realidades del Acceso Abierto
  178. Aprendizaje a partir de maneras complementarias de desarrollar capacidades experimentales
  179. Teamwork assessment in the educational web of data: A learning analytics approach towards ISO 10018
  180. Aprendizaje, Innovación y Competitividad: La Sociedad del Aprendizaje
  181. La modalidad semipresencial y la pronunciación de la lengua inglesa: Resultados de un modelo apoyado con TIC
  182. ¿Utilizarán los futuros docentes las tecnologías móviles? Validación de una propuesta de modelo TAM extendido
  183. Adjusting Higher Education Competences to Companies Professional Needs:
  184. Learning communities in social networks and their relationship with the MOOCs
  185. Open Source Solutions for Knowledge Management and Technological Ecosystems
  186. 360° vision applications for medical training
  187. A Metamodel Proposal for Developing Learning Ecosystems
  188. APFT
  189. Adaptive and Cooperative Model of Knowledge Management in MOOCs
  190. An architectural proposal to explore the data of a private community through visual analytic
  191. Assessment of the Disposition of Future Secondary Education Teachers Towards Mobile Learning
  192. Can We Apply Learning Analytics Tools in Challenge Based Learning Contexts?
  193. Computational thinking issues
  194. Digital competence, social networks and apps in education
  195. Do Students Really Understand the Difference Between Simulation and Remote Labs?
  196. ECoLab: A Cooperative System to Improve Training Processes
  197. Improving Computational Thinking Using Follow and Give Instructions
  198. Improving Success/Completion Ratio in Large Surveys: A Proposal Based on Usability and Engagement
  199. Improving the OEEU's data-driven technological ecosystem's interoperability with GraphQL
  200. Interaction Design Principles in WYRED Platform
  201. Personalized education using computational thinking and b-learning environment
  202. Pilot test for validation of an instrument of knowledge management in the massive open online context
  203. Preliminary validation of the metamodel for developing learning ecosystems
  204. Promoting Computational Thinking in K-12 students by applying unplugged methods and robotics
  205. TEEM 2017 Doctoral Consortium Track
  206. Virtual Simulation for Scoliosis Surgery
  207. Comparing Hierarchical Trees in Statistical Implicative Analysis & Hierarchical Cluster in Learning Analytics
  208. Definición de ecosistemas de aprendizaje independientes de plataforma - [Definición de ecosistemas de aprendizaje independientes de plataforma]
  209. Inteligencia colectiva en el aula. Un paradigma cooperativo - [Collective Intelligence in the classroom. A cooperative paradigm]
  210. Introducción de la Perspectiva de Género en la docencia de Ingeniería del Software - [Introduction of the Gender Perspective in the Teaching of Software Engineering]
  211. The Use of Online Quizzes in Blended Learning Modality
  212. Trabajo en equipo y Flip Teaching para mejorar el aprendizaje activo del alumnado - [Peer to Peer Flip Teaching]
  213. Usability evaluation focused on user experience of repositories related to energy sustainability
  214. Validación de un instrumento para la medida de los procesos de gestión del conocimiento en entornos masivos en línea - [Validation of an instrument to assess the knowledge management processes in massive open online enviroment, a MOOC]
  215. Information Technology Research
  216. ¿Son conscientes las universidades de los cambios que se están produciendo en la Educación Superior?
  217. La mentorización Intercultural – El proyecto INTO
  218. A technology-based approach to revitalise indigenous languages and cultures in online environments
  219. Analyzing navigation logs in MOOC
  220. Education in the knowledge society doctoral consortium
  221. Enjoyment, resistance to change and mlearning acceptance among pre-service teachers
  222. How wiki-based tasks, and forums favor university students' writing skills and promote collaborative autonomy
  223. Methodological proposal for massive training of Ecuador's civil servants, in the educational field, through MOOC courses on virtual learning environments
  224. Open access to educational resources in energy and sustainability
  225. Open innovation laboratories for social modeling sustainable society sensitive to social needs
  226. Personalized contents based on cognitive level of student's computational thinking for learning basic competencies of programming using an environment b-learning
  227. Systematic mapping of the literature
  228. The use of online quizzes for continuous assessment and self-assessment of second-language learners
  229. VISIR's usage as an educational resource
  230. A survey of resources for introducing coding into schools
  231. Analysing the attitude of students towards robots when lectured on programming by robotic or human teachers
  232. Approximation of statistical implicative analysis to learning analytics
  233. Assessment of pre-primary education pre-service teachers dispositional resistance to change using RCS
  234. Computational thinking in pre-university education
  235. Developing computational thinking via the visual programming tool
  236. Discovery tools for open access repositories
  237. Exploring mobile learning apps for medical students and health care professionals
  238. Heuristic evaluation of socialnet, the private social network for psychiatric patients and their relatives
  239. Internet technologies as a tool in indigenous education
  240. Ne-course for learning programming
  241. Networked youth research for empowerment in digital society
  242. Relationship of knowledge to learn in programming methodology and evaluation of computational thinking
  243. The systematic review of literature in LIS
  244. Learning analytics to identify the influence of leadership on the academic performance of work teams
  245. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
  246. Architectural pattern to improve the definition and implementation of eLearning ecosystems
  247. Delay in diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection in critically ill patients and impact on clinical outcome
  248. MLearning and pre-service teachers: An assessment of the behavioral intention using an expanded TAM model
  249. Providing open access to PhD theses: visibility and citation benefits
  250. A brief introduction to TACCLE 3 — coding European project
  251. Integration of the methods CBL and CBI for their application in the management of cooperative academic resources
  252. Preface
  253. SWOT analysis of the Mi Compu.MX ICT skills simulator
  254. Subjective norm and behavioral intention to use mobile technologies: A descriptive study on the attitudes of future primary education teachers
  255. Usalpharma: A Software Architecture to Support Learning in Virtual Worlds
  256. La socialización como proceso clave en la gestión del conocimiento
  257. hMOOC
  258. Knowledge discovery in software teams by means of evolutionary visual software analytics
  259. Psychiatric Patients Tracking Through a Private Social Network for Relatives: Development and Pilot Study
  260. Learning with mobile technologies – Students’ behavior
  261. Students’ perceptions and attitudes towards asynchronous technological tools in blended-learning training to improve grammatical competence in English as a second language
  262. Effects of Mobile Learning in Medical Education: A Counterfactual Evaluation
  263. Towards a social and context-aware mobile recommendation system for tourism
  264. Supporting, evaluating and validating informal learning. A social approach
  265. Informal tools in formal contexts: Development of a model to assess the acceptance of mobile technologies among teachers
  266. Virtual Placements Management Process Supported by Technology: Proposal and First Results of the Semester of Code
  267. Technological Ecosystems
  268. Informal learning recognition and management
  269. Comprendiendo las barreras para el desarrollo de las prácticas virtuales de los estudiantes en el Semester of Code
  270. La tercera misión
  271. PLEs in Mobile Contexts: New Ways to Personalize Learning
  272. Software Architectures Supporting Human-Computer Interaction Analysis: A Literature Review
  273. iMOOC Platform: Adaptive MOOCs
  274. Assessing the Effectiveness of Interactive and Collaborative Resources to Improve Reading and Writing in English
  275. Cooperative Micro Flip Teaching
  276. Evaluation of the CTMTC Methodology for Assessment of Teamwork Competence Development and Acquisition in Higher Education
  277. Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings
  278. Study of the Usability of the Private Social Network SocialNet using Heuristic Evaluation
  279. Future Trends in the Design Strategies and Technological Affordances of E-Learning
  280. Difluoromethylation of N-arylsulfonyl hydrazones with difluorocarbene leading to difluoromethyl aryl sulfones
  281. A focus on teaching and learning the sustainability and social compromise skills
  282. Informática Educativa y Educación en Informática
  283. Mapa de tendencias en Innovación Educativa
  284. Exploring Software Engineering Subjects by Using Visual Learning Analytics Techniques
  285. non-formal and informal learning supported by social networks in cooperative MOOC
  286. Behavioral intention of use of mobile technologies among pre-service teachers: Implementation of a technology adoption model based on TAM with the constructs of compatibility and resistance to change
  287. Un punto de reflexión
  288. An Empirical Assessment of a Technology Acceptance Model for Apps in Medical Education
  289. Epistemological and ontological spirals
  290. Cómo entender el concepto de presencialidad en los procesos educativos en el siglo XXI
  291. Using Learning Analytics to improve teamwork assessment
  292. Tap into visual analysis of customization of grouping of activities in eLearning
  293. Discovering usage behaviors and engagement in an Educational Virtual World
  294. Artesanía digital y modernidad educativa
  295. Una revisión actualizada del concepto de eLearning. Décimo Aniversario
  296. Espirales de conocimiento, espirales de reconocimiento, espirales de amistad
  297. Semester of Code: Piloting virtual placements for informatics across Europe
  298. Personal Learning Environments and Online Classrooms: An Experience With University Students
  299. Engineering Contributions to a Multicultural Perspective of the Knowledge Society
  300. To Be or Not to Be Successful?
  301. Exploring Student Interactions: Learning Analytics Tools for Student Tracking
  302. Evolution of the Conversation and Knowledge Acquisition in Social Networks Related to a MOOC Course
  303. Analysis and Improvement of Knowledge Management Processes in Organizations Using the Business Process Model Notation
  304. A Knowledge Management System to Classify Social Educational Resources Within a Subject Using Teamwork Techniques
  305. Extending MOOC ecosystems using web services and software architectures
  306. Analysis of knowledge management experiences in spanish public administration
  307. Analyzing the employability and employment factors of graduate students in Spain
  308. Learning services-based technological ecosystems
  309. Definition of a technological ecosystem for scientific knowledge management in a PhD programme
  310. Design of an innovative approach based on service learning for information technology governance teaching
  311. Level of innovation in health establishments.
  312. Designing an informal learning support framework
  313. Developing a VLE to enable the innovative learning of english pronunciation
  314. Doctoral consortium
  315. Educational innovation management
  316. Mobile acceptance among pre-service teachers
  317. Mobile personal learning environments
  318. Open access repositories as channel of publication scientific grey literature
  319. Rethinking informal learning
  320. Student perception of the use of a blended-learning model to improve grammatical competence
  321. Synopsis of discussion session on defining a new quality protocol for medical apps
  322. Faat
  323. Identifying educational innovation characteristics
  324. A repository of students' resources to improve the teamwork competence acquisition
  325. Editorial
  326. Innovating in the Engineering Processes: Engineering as a Means of Innovation
  327. Using software architectures to retrieve interaction information in eLearning environments
  328. Learning content management systems for the definition of adaptive learning environments
  329. Architectural pattern for the definition of eLearning ecosystems based on Open Source developments
  330. A systematic review of using mobile devices in medical education
  331. Visual learning analytics techniques applied in software engineering subjects
  332. Virtual placements for informatics students in open source business across Europe
  333. The impact of a mobile personal learning environment in different educational contexts
  334. Implementation and design of a service-based framework to integrate personal and institutional learning environments
  335. Mobile Personal Learning Applied to a Software Engineering Subject
  336. Defining Generic Data Collectors for Learning Analytics
  337. Visual analytical model for educational data
  338. Monitoring and feedback of learning processes in virtual worlds through analytics architectures
  339. Design and development of a Learning Analytics system to evaluate group work competence
  340. Using informal learning for business decision making and knowledge management
  341. Educational Software: Case Studies and Development Methods [Guest editorial]
  342. Development of e-Learning Solutions: Different Approaches, a Common Mission
  343. Analítica visual en e-learning
  344. A case study for measuring Informal Learning in PLEs
  345. Informal learning recognition through a cloud ecosystem
  346. A method of assessing academic learning experiences in virtual learning environments.
  347. Learning management system: evolving from silos to structures
  348. Teachers’ attitude regarding the use of ICT. A factor reliability and validity study
  349. Human behaviors in computer-based education systems
  350. Perceived openness of Learning Management Systems by students and teachers in education and technology courses
  351. TRAILER
  352. Usalpharma: A Cloud-Based Architecture to Support Quality Assurance Training Processes in Health Area Using Virtual Worlds
  353. SABUMO-dTest: Design and evaluation of an intelligent collaborative distributed testing framework
  354. Online Tutor 2.0
  355. Mobile Apps for Older Users – The Development of a Mobile Apps Repository for Older People
  356. Knowledge Spirals in Higher Education Teaching Innovation
  357. Educational Innovation Successful Cases: Part 1
  358. Analytics of information flows and decision making in heterogeneous learning ecosystems
  359. Developing win-win solutions for virtual placements in informatics
  360. A social framework for supporting, evaluating and validating informal learning
  361. Analysis of certificated mobile application for medical education purposes
  362. Applied educational innovation MOOC
  363. Assessing the effectiveness of a technological model to improve written skills in english in higher education
  364. Comparison of the use of personal learning environments (PLE) between students from Chile and Ecuador
  365. ICTs integration in education
  366. Improving the MOOC learning outcomes throughout informal learning activities
  367. Knowledge management ecosystem based on drupal platform for promoting the collaboration between public administrations
  368. Mobile apps repository for older people
  369. Mobile learning adoption from informal into formal
  370. Playing with SHULE
  371. Problems and opportunities in the use of technology to manage informal learning
  372. Social network analysis approaches for social learning support
  373. Students' essential characteristics for learning english in a hypermedia modular model
  374. Technological ecosystems for enhancing multiculturality doctoral consortium
  375. Transferring knowledge and experiences from informal to formal learning contexts
  376. Validation of informal learning
  377. Differences and similarities in use and acceptance of PLEs between universities in Ecuador and Spain
  378. Towards mobile personal learning environments (MPLE) in higher education
  379. First approach of mobile applications study for medical education purposes
  380. Managing informal learning in engineering contexts: The learners' perspective
  381. Application of a mobile personal learning environment to a computer science subject
  382. Relationships among Students Participation and Their Outcomes on E-Learning Environments
  383. Human–computer interaction in evolutionary visual software analytics
  384. Experimental evaluation of the impact of b-learning methodologies on engineering students in Spain
  385. Competence gaps in software personnel: A multi-organizational study
  386. Advanced human–computer interaction
  387. Science 2.0
  388. Impact of scientific content in open access institutional repositories
  389. Using the TRAILER tool for managing informal learning in academic and professional contexts
  390. Project managers in global software development teams: a study of the effects on productivity and performance
  391. The evolution of the technological ecosystems
  392. Tap into visual analysis of the customization of grouping of activities in eLearning
  393. Students’ Active Role on the Assessment of Learning Results in Blended-Learning Environments in Engineering in Spain
  394. Personal Learning Environments and the Integration with Learning Management Systems
  395. Modeling TRAILER project methodology for the recognition, tagging and acknowledge of informal learning activities
  396. Mobile learning
  397. Mobile Learning as an Asset for Development: Challenges and Oportunities
  398. Knowledge management system for applying educational innovative experiences
  399. Knowledge Co-Creation Process Based on Informal Learning Competences Tagging and Recognition
  400. Integration of Google Docs as a Collaborative Activity within the LMS Using IMS BasicLTI
  401. Formal and informal learning experiences in multicultural scopes
  402. Education in knowledge society
  403. Contribution of virtual classrooms to the personal learning environments (PLE) of the students of the career of informatics applied to education of National University of Chimborazo
  404. Analyzing users' movements in virtual worlds
  405. A Tool to Aid Institutions Recognize Their Employees Competences Acquired by Informal Learning
  406. A methodology proposal for developing adaptive cMOOC
  407. A Framework for the Evolutionary Visual Software Analytics Process
  408. Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education
  409. A Mobile Personal Learning Environment Approach
  410. Join the board
  411. An evolving Learning Management System for new educational environments using 2.0 tools
  412. Towards an ontology modeling tool. A validation in software engineering scenarios
  413. Using OWL-VisMod through a decision-making process for reusing OWL ontologies
  414. SEffEst: Effort estimation in software projects using fuzzy logic and neural networks
  415. Informal learning in work environments: training with the Social Web in the workplace
  416. Analyzing Human Resource Management Practices Within the GSD Context
  417. Is the astronomical forcing a reliable and unique pacemaker for climate? A conceptual model study
  418. Through the Data Modelling Process of an Ontology-Based Project for Mobile Intelligent Systems
  419. Improving Learning Object Quality
  420. Adaptive Assessments using Open Specifications
  421. MyElvin
  422. Clustering Projects for eLearning Interoperability
  423. How to Define and Apply Mobile Personal Learning Environments
  424. Metodología para determinar atributos y métricas de calidad en sistemas hipermedia adaptativos educativos basados en estilos de aprendizaje
  425. Interoperability Scenarios to Measure Informal Learning Carried Out in PLEs
  426. De los recursos didácticos para el aula a los contenidos para espacios virtuales educativos con componentes activos y herramientas de autor
  427. Analysis of the OWL ontologies: A survey
  428. An evolutionary visual software analysis tool for providing insights into software evolution
  429. An evolutionary visual software analysis tool for providing insights into software evolution
  430. AHKME eLearning Information System
  431. Supporting Moodle-Based Lesson through Visual Analysis
  432. Learning European history and geography in a multicultural and ICT perspective
  433. Semantic Zoom: A Details on Demand Visualisation Technique for Modelling OWL Ontologies
  434. Continuous assessment in software engineering
  435. Promoting quality during learning-object management through experts and users
  436. Web services layer for Moodle 2.0: a new area of possibilities in web based learning
  437. Towards eLearning 2.0 University
  438. Open knowledge
  439. Open knowledge management in higher education
  440. Retrieval Information Model for Moodle Data Visualization
  441. Metadata and Knowledge Management driven Web-based Learning Information System towards Web/e-Learning 3.0
  442. Verification and Unmasking of Widely Used Human Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines
  443. Qualified Dublin Core Metadata
  444. Defining Coupling Metrics among Classes in an OWL Ontology
  445. Web-Based Learning Information System for Web 3.0
  446. Use of the Question and Test Specification to Define Adaptive Test
  447. Open Integrated Personal Learning Environment: Towards a New Conception of the ICT-Based Learning Processes
  448. Adaptive Assessments using Open Standards
  449. A Survey on Ontology Metrics
  450. A European Languages Virtual Network Proposal
  451. A middleware framework to create data structures for a visual analytics object oriented approach
  452. Visualising Semantic Coupling among Entities in an OWL Ontology
  453. Moodle HEODAR implementation and its implantation in an academic context
  454. Applying CIPP Model for Learning-Object Management
  455. Assessment of a blended-learning methodology in engineering
  456. Interoperability for LMS: the missing piece to become the common place for e-learning innovation
  457. Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook (MIH): Tools for Learning History and Geography in a Multicultural and ICT Perspective
  458. Efficiency Assessment of a Blended-Learning Educational Methodology in Engineering
  459. Moodle 2.0 Web Services Layer and Its New Application Contexts
  460. Visualization of Large Software Projects by using Advanced Techniques
  461. Defining Adaptive Assessments Using Open Specifications
  462. A student-centered learning model applied in an introductory Software Engineering course
  463. SOA Initiatives for eLearning: A Moodle Case
  464. Supporting user-oriented analysis for multi-view domain-specific visual languages
  465. Software Advances in Education Computing
  466. Supporting the Quality of Learning Objects Through Their Ranking Visualization
  467. Personal Health Monitor
  468. Adapting LMS Architecture to the SOA: An Architectural Approach
  469. A Visual Analytics Tool for Software Project Structure and Relationships among Classes
  470. A Middleware Framework to Create and Manage Data Structures for Visual Analytics
  471. Combined visualization of structural and metric information for software evolution analysis
  472. Learning Objects Quality: Moodle HEODAR Implementation
  473. Learning objects quality management for e-learning systems
  475. Interoperability for LMS: The Missing Piece to Become the Common Place for Elearning Innovation
  476. Metadata and knowledge management driven web-based learning information system
  477. Effects of Everolimus Monotherapy on Hematological Parameters and Iron Homeostasis in De Novo Liver Transplant Recipients: Preliminary Results
  478. Multiagent system for learning objects retrieval with context attributes
  479. An association rule mining method for estimating the impact of project management policies on software quality, development time and effort
  480. Advances in E-Learning
  481. Supporting the understanding of the evolution of software items
  482. Understanding Educational Relationships in Moodle with ViMoodle
  484. OPEN SOURCE LMS CUSTOMIZATION - A Moodle Stadistical Control Aplication
  485. Recent Advances in Learning and Control
  487. Excellence in Virtual Education
  488. The Use of Information Visualization to Support Software Configuration Management
  489. DEFINING ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENTS - Construction of Adaptive Assessments Based in the Learning Style of the Students
  491. Lifelong learning online tutoring methodology approach
  492. Authoring Adaptive Learning Designs Using IMS LD
  493. AN AUTHORING TOOL TO DEVELOP ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENTS - Proposal Model to Construct Adaptive Assessment Items
  494. E-Docent: A Tool For The Creation Of Teaching Environments With Support For Educator Coordination
  495. LEARNING OBJECT MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION - Working with IMS Specifications and Metadata on AHKME LOM Tool
  496. IMS LD reusable elements for adaptive learning designs
  497. Educational hypermedia resources facilitator
  498. The impact of metadata on AHKME e-learning platform
  499. Authoring tools for adaptive learning designs in computer-based education
  500. Learning technology specifications: semantic objects for adaptive learning environments
  501. Building knowledge discovery-driven models for decision support in project management
  502. Software Modeling Techniques for a First Course in Software Engineering: A Workshop-Based Approach
  503. HyCo – An Authoring Tool to Create Semantic Learning Objects for Web-Based E-learning Systems
  504. Towards Adaptive Learning Designs
  505. Mining Interesting Association Rules for Prediction in the Software Project Management Area
  506. A open model to define adaptive educational hypermedia systems based on learning technology specifications
  507. Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Proposal Based on Learning Styles and Quality Evaluation
  508. An Architecture for Personalized Systems Based on Web Mining Agents
  509. Using Association Analysis of Web Data in Recommender Systems
  510. DocFlow: workflow based requirements elicitation
  511. Introducing systematic reuse in mainstream software process
  512. Software Process and Reuse: A Required Unification
  513. User Profiling Capabilities in OOWS
  514. A Web-Based E-commerce Facilitator Intermediary for Small and Medium Enterprises: A B2B/B2C Hybrid Proposal
  515. Automatic Generation of Use Cases from Workflows: A Petri Net Based Approach
  516. Effect of a hydride source (water, hydrogen, p -toluenesulfonic acid) on the hydroesterification of ethylene to methyl propionate using a Pd(PPh 3 ) 2 (TsO) 2 (TsO = p -toluenesulfonate anion) catalyst precursor
  517. Early metrics for object oriented information systems
  518. HyCo Authoring Features
  519. Pedagogical Patterns and Online Teaching
  520. AHKME eLearning Information System
  521. Multicultural Approach to Learning History and Geography at School in Europe
  522. Learning Object Model and Framework Design for the Digital Modules Production
  523. Electronic Government Systems for e-Procurement Procedure in the EU
  524. Philosophical and Epistemological Basis for Building a Quality Online Training Methodology
  525. Construction of Assessments with Double Adaptation Processes
  526. An Authoring Tool to Construct Adaptive Assessments
  527. Towards semantic metadata for i learning elements , i
  528. A Research Contribution to the Analysis of Mobile Devices in Higher Education from Medical Students' Point of View
  529. Assessing the Effectiveness of Interactive and Collaborative Resources to Improve Reading and Writing in English
  530. Do Mobile Technologies Have a Place in Universities?
  531. Enhancing Education for the Knowledge Society Era with Learning Ecosystems
  532. To Be or Not to Be Successful?
  533. Educational Technological Specifications to support Distance Education in an E-Learning Platform
  534. A Research on Students' Perceptions on a B-Learning English Environment to Improve Written Skills
  535. Students Skills in a Blended Learning Environment
  536. Current Situation and Appraisal Tendencies of M-Learning
  537. Scaffolding the OEEU's Data-Driven Ecosystem to Analyze the Employability of Spanish Graduates
  538. Towards an Intelligent System for the Territorial Planning
  539. The Role of Gender in Technology Acceptance for Medical Education
  540. Join The Board
  541. Framework Entrepreneurship Process
  542. Learning Objects for eLearning Systems
  543. Metadata and Knowledge Management Driven Web-Based Learning Information System
  544. A Web-Based Learning Information System - AHKME
  545. An experience of a CORBA based architecture for computer integrated manufacturing