All Stories

  1. L-Arginine Supplementation Alleviates Postprandial Endothelial Dysfunction When Baseline Fasting Plasma Arginine Concentration Is Low: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Overweight Adults with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
  2. A Slow- Compared with a Fast-Release Form of Oral Arginine Increases Its Utilization for Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Overweight Adults with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in a Randomized Controlled Study
  3. dietary protein and postprandial lipids
  4. Influence of Phytosterol and Phytostanol Food Supplementation on Plasma Liposoluble Vitamins and Provitamin A Carotenoid Levels in Humans: An Updated Review of the Evidence
  5. Effects of chronic oral l-arginine administration on the l-arginine/NO pathway in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease or coronary artery disease: l-Arginine prevents renal loss of nitrite, the major NO reservoir
  6. Biosynthesis of homoarginine (hArg) and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) from acutely and chronically administered free l-arginine in humans
  7. Plasma asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine in a rat model of endothelial dysfunction induced by acute hyperhomocysteinemia
  8. Slight chronic elevation of C‐reactive protein is associated with lower aerobic fitness but does not impair meal‐induced stimulation of muscle protein metabolism in healthy old men
  9. Natural Isotopic Signatures of Variations in Body Nitrogen Fluxes: A Compartmental Model Analysis
  10. Evaluation of a Diet Quality Index Based on the Probability of Adequate Nutrient Intake (PANDiet) Using National French and US Dietary Surveys
  11. The Nature of the Dietary Protein Impacts the Tissue-to-Diet 15N Discrimination Factors in Laboratory Rats
  12. L’inflammation postprandiale : les données récentes suggèrent un rôle préventif des protéines alimentaires et de leur nature
  13. Rapeseed and milk protein exhibit a similar overall nutritional value but marked difference in postprandial regional nitrogen utilization in rats
  14. A role for PPARα in the regulation of arginine metabolism and nitric oxide synthesis
  15. Potential pitfalls of health claims from a public health nutrition perspective
  16. Évaluation de l’intérêt nutritionnel d’isolats de protéines de colza chez le rat et l’Homme : application à la prévention du syndrome métabolique
  17. Early postprandial low-grade inflammation after high-fat meal in healthy rats: possible involvement of visceral adipose tissue
  18. When the Effect of Dairy “Protein” on Weight Gain Cannot Be Solely Ascribed to Protein
  19. Postprandial effects of a lipid-rich meal in the rat are modulated by the degree of unsaturation of 18C fatty acids
  20. Dose-response analyses using restricted cubic spline functions in public health research
  21. Whole-body basal nitric oxide production is impaired in postprandial endothelial dysfunction in healthy rats
  22. Rapeseed protein inhibits the initiation of insulin resistance by a high-saturated fat, high-sucrose diet in rats
  23. Converting Nitrogen into Protein—Beyond 6.25 and Jones' Factors
  24. Meal cysteine improves postprandial glucose control in rats fed a high-sucrose meal
  25. Dietary cysteine alleviates sucrose-induced oxidative stress and insulin resistance
  26. Medium-term methionine supplementation increases plasma homocysteine but not ADMA and improves blood pressure control in rats fed a diet rich in protein and adequate in folate and choline
  27. Contribution of plasma proteins to splanchnic and total anabolic utilization of dietary nitrogen in humans
  28. Nutrition et santé : lipides et protéines d’origine végétale - De nouvelles données pour juger de la qualité des protéines végétales chez l’homme - Implications et perspectives
  29. Protein quality and FAO/WHO recommendations
  30. Ileal losses of nitrogen and amino acids in humans and their importance to the assessment of amino acid requirements
  31. The bioavailability and postprandial utilisation of sweet lupin (Lupinus albus)-flour protein is similar to that of purified soyabean protein in human subjects: a study using intrinsically N-labelled proteins
  32. Protein metabolism and the gut