All Stories

  1. Threshold ionic contents for defining the nutritional strategies of gypsophile flora
  2. Red List Index application for vascular flora along an altitudinal gradient
  3. Plant evolution in alkaline magnesium-rich soils: A phylogenetic study of the Mediterranean genus Hormathophylla (Cruciferae: Alysseae) based on nuclear and plastid sequences
  4. Chewing Gum and pH Level of the Mouth: A Model-based Inquiry Sequence to Promote Scientific Practices
  5. A complex history of edaphic habitat islands in the Iberian Peninsula: phylogeography of the halo-gypsophyte Jacobaea auricula (Asteraceae)
  6. Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 3
  7. Conceptual baseline for a global checklist of gypsophytes
  8. The status of Hormathophylla baetica: a new combination and lectotypification in Hormathophylla cochleata
  9. AlyBase: database of names, chromosome numbers, and ploidy levels of Alysseae (Brassicaceae), with a new generic concept of the tribe
  10. Areas of endemism as a conservation criterion for Iberian gypsophilous flora: a multi-scale test using the NDM/VNDM program
  11. Areas of endemism and threatened flora in a Mediterranean hotspot: Southern Spain
  12. Extreme habitat loss in a Mediterranean habitat:Maytenus senegalensissubsp.europaea
  13. Genetic analysis based on plastidial and ribosomal sequences of the endemic bi-edaphic taxonJurinea pinnata(Lag.) DC. (Compositae) in the Guadix-Baza Basin
  14. Variability, genetic structure and phylogeography of the dolomitophilous speciesConvolvulus boissieri(Convolvulaceae) in the Baetic ranges, inferred from AFLPs, plastid DNA and ITS sequences
  15. Syntaxa-area relationships, lessons from the vegetation of the Betic high mountain ranges (southern Spain)
  16. Ecology, genetic diversity and phylogeography of the Iberian endemic plant Jurinea pinnata (Lag.) DC. (Compositae) on two special edaphic substrates: dolomite and gypsum
  17. Microsatellite Loci in the Gypsophyte Lepidium subulatum (Brassicaceae), and Transferability to Other Lepidieae
  18. Biogeography of the Baetic ranges (SE Spain): A historical approach using cluster and parsimony analyses of endemic dolomitophytes
  19. The dolomite shrublands of theConvolvuletalia boissieriorder and their preservation by means of the Habitats Directive