All Stories

  1. The NIHR 70@70 programme: transforming research
  2. Nurse roles in antimicrobial stewardship: lessons from public sectors models of acute care service delivery in the United Kingdom
  3. A multilevel neo‐institutional analysis of infection prevention and control in English hospitals: coerced safety culture change?
  4. Forecasting Implementation, Adoption and Evaluation Challenges For an Electronic Game-Based Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention: Results of a Codesign Workshop with Experts (Preprint)
  5. Forecasting Implementation, Adoption and Evaluation Challenges For an Electronic Game-Based Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention: Results of a Codesign Workshop with Experts (Preprint)
  6. Motivations, Beliefs, and Expectations of Spanish Nurses Planning Migration for Economic Reasons: A Cross-Sectional, Web-Based Survey
  7. Relation between health literacy, self-care and adherence to treatment with oral anticoagulants in adults: a narrative systematic review
  8. Appraising the quality standard underpinning international clinical practice guidelines for the selection and care of vascular access devices: a systematic review of reviews
  9. Investigating the impact of poverty on colonization and infection with drug-resistant organisms in humans: a systematic review
  10. Implementation of a knowledge mobilization model to prevent peripheral venous catheter-related adverse events: PREBACP study—a multicenter cluster-randomized trial protocol
  11. Influence of health literacy on acceptance of influenza and pertussis vaccinations: a cross-sectional study among Spanish pregnant women
  12. Antimicrobial resistance among migrants in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  13. Defining antimicrobial stewardship competencies for undergraduate health professional education in the United Kingdom: A study protocol
  14. Development of a patient-centred intervention to improve knowledge and understanding of antibiotic therapy in secondary care
  15. Comparison of governance approaches for the control of antimicrobial resistance: Analysis of three European countries
  16. Menstrual hygiene management among women and adolescent girls in the aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal
  17. Partnering With Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis to Prevent Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infections
  18. Investigating the burden of antibiotic resistance in ethnic minority groups in high-income countries: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
  19. A systematic review of clinical decision support systems for antimicrobial management: are we failing to investigate these interventions appropriately?
  20. Involving citizens in priority setting for public health research: Implementation in infection research
  21. Blogging in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology: Assessment of ‘Blogosphere’ Content
  22. How can multi-professional education support better stewardship?
  23. Gaceta Sanitaria en 2016. Una nueva etapa, fortalecimiento de eGaceta e internacionalización
  24. Effect of adding a mobile health intervention to a multimodal antimicrobial stewardship programme across three teaching hospitals: an interrupted time series study
  25. Obtaining antibiotics online from within the UK: a cross-sectional study
  26. Affect of Early Skin-to-Skin Mother–Infant Contact in the Maintenance of Exclusive Breastfeeding: Experience in a Health Department in Spain
  27. Capacity of English NHS hospitals to monitor quality in infection prevention and control using a new European framework: a multilevel qualitative analysis
  28. Mapping the decision pathways of acute infection management in secondary care among UK medical physicians: a qualitative study
  29. Determinants of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnant women in Valencia, Spain
  30. Identifying Research Priorities in Midwifery, a Multinational Delphi Survey
  31. Serious electronic games as behavioural change interventions in healthcare-associated infections and infection prevention and control: a scoping review of the literature and future directions
  32. Combination therapy in the management of giardiasis: What laboratory and clinical studies tell us, so far
  33. Patient engagement with infection management in secondary care: a qualitative investigation of current experiences
  34. Patient and public understanding and knowledge of antimicrobial resistance and stewardship in a UK hospital: should public campaigns change focus?
  35. Guidelines in infection prevention: Current challenges and limitations
  36. What are the factors driving antimicrobial resistance? Perspectives from a public event in London, England
  37. Las matronas y la alfabetización en salud relacionada con la vacunación, ¿un aspecto infrautilizado?
  38. A needs assessment study for optimising prescribing practice in secondary care junior doctors: the Antibiotic Prescribing Education among Doctors (APED)
  39. Exploring the coverage of antimicrobial stewardship across UK clinical postgraduate training curricula
  40. An Evidence-Based Antimicrobial Stewardship Smartphone App for Hospital Outpatients: Survey-based Needs Assessment Among Patients
  41. Is There a Role for a Bespoke App on Antimicrobial Stewardship Targeting Patients and the Public?: Table 1.
  42. Defining the user role in infection control
  43. Innovative tools for quality assessment: integrated quality criteria for review of multiple study designs (ICROMS)
  44. Mapping Antimicrobial Stewardship in Undergraduate Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing and Veterinary Education in the United Kingdom
  45. Health literacy and infectious diseases: why does it matter?
  46. Tobacco use in the third trimester of pregnancy and its relationship to birth weight. A prospective study in Spain
  47. Declaración de financiación recibida en investigaciones presentadas al mayor congreso internacional de investigación en enfermería
  48. Readability of Ebola Information on Websites of Public Health Agencies, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Europe
  49. Guidelines in infection prevention: Current challenges and limitations
  50. Towards changing healthcare workers' behaviour: a qualitative study exploring non-compliance through appraisals of infection prevention and control practices
  51. Impact of organizations on healthcare-associated infections
  52. The Role of Behavior Change in Antimicrobial Stewardship
  53. What makes people talk about antibiotics on social media? A retrospective analysis of Twitter use
  54. Do smartphone applications in healthcare require a governance and legal framework? It depends on the application!
  55. Fragmentation of Care Threatens Patient Safety in Peripheral Vascular Catheter Management in Acute Care– A Qualitative Study
  56. Análisis de la producción científica de la revista ENE en los años 2009-2013
  57. Evaluación de la calidad de casos clínicos y planes de cuidados en la revista de enfermería ENE en el periodo 2007-2013
  58. Evaluación mediante una herramienta piloto de la calidad metodológica de una muestra de artículos de investigación publicados en la revista ENE en el periodo 2009-2013
  59. Visibilidad de la enfermería mediante la calidad de su producto científico
  60. “On call: antibiotics”- development and evaluation of a serious antimicrobial prescribing game for hospital care
  61. International implementation of WHO's hand hygiene strategy
  62. Understanding the Determinants of Antimicrobial Prescribing Within Hospitals: The Role of "Prescribing Etiquette"
  63. Public behaviour and the response to pandemic influenza