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  1. Science on social media
  2. Origin of the Intra‐Oceanic Silverwood Block (New England Orogen, Australia): Evidence From Radiolarian Biostratigraphy and Detrital Zircon Petrochronology
  3. A record of plume-induced plate rotation triggering subduction initiation
  4. Opening and closure of Iranian back-arc basins: A seismic tomography view
  5. A record of plume-induced plate rotation triggering seafloor spreading and subduction initiation
  6. A transdisciplinary and community-driven database to unravel subduction zone initiation
  7. Intra-oceanic subduction initiation recorded by the metamorphic sole of the New Caledonia ophiolite: petrological, structural and age constraints
  8. Plate tectonic chain reaction constrained from noise in the Cretaceous Quiet Zone
  9. The trans-disciplinary and community-driven subduction zone initiation (SZI) database
  10. Western Tethys subduction history constrained through upper and lower mantle structure coupled to kinematic reconstruction
  11. Diachronous demise of the Neotethys Ocean as a driver for non-cylindrical orogenesis in Anatolia
  12. Forced subduction initiation recorded in the sole and crust of the Semail Ophiolite of Oman
  13. Paleomagnetic constraints on the timing and distribution of Cenozoic rotations in Central and Eastern Anatolia
  14. Quantifying Arabia–Eurasia convergence accommodated in the Greater Caucasus by paleomagnetic reconstruction
  15. A long-lived Late Cretaceous–early Eocene extensional province in Anatolia? Structural evidence from the Ivriz Detachment, southern central Turkey
  16. author final response se-2017-66
  17. Paleomagnetic constraints on the timing and distribution of Cenozoic rotations in Central and Eastern Anatolia
  18. Kinematics of a former oceanic plate of the Neotethys revealed by deformation in the Ulukışla basin (Turkey)
  19. Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey
  20. Structure and evolution of volcanic plumbing systems in fold-and-thrust belts: A case study of the Cerro Negro de Tricao Malal, Neuquén Province, Argentina
  21. Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 2. Suprasubduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
  22. Sulfide-Olivine Fe-Ni Exchange and the Origin of Anomalously Ni Rich Magmatic Sulfides
  23. Chromite in komatiites: 3D morphologies with implications for crystallization mechanisms