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  1. Exploring relationships among brand credibility, purchase intention and social media for fashion brands: A conditional mediation model
  2. The effects of perceived satisfaction with service recovery efforts: a study in a hotel setting
  3. Determinants and outcomes of price premium and loyalty: A food case study
  4. Sales agents vs the internet
  5. The effect of new technologies on psychological consequences and risk perceptions of sales agents
  6. How do offline and online environments matter in the relational marketing approach?
  7. A latent class segmentation analysis of airlines based on website evaluation
  8. A persuasive-based latent class segmentation analysis of luxury brand websites
  9. Is ICT good for employees? An analysis of its effects on sales agents’ perceptions of service cannibalization
  10. Consumer Sensitivity Analysis in Mobile Commerce Advertising
  11. Perceptions of service cannibalisation: The moderating effect of the type of travel agency
  12. The importance of packaging in purchase and usage behaviour
  13. Sales Agents' Perceptions of Service Cannibalization Questionnaire
  14. Developing and Validating an Instrument for Measuring the Driving Markets Approach
  15. Are the non‐governmental organizations' web sites effective?
  16. Global marketing segmentation usefulness in the sportswear industry
  17. Market driving in retail banking
  18. The Role of Market Orientation in Managing Crises During the Post-Crisis Phase
  20. An integrated model of price, satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical analysis in the service sector
  21. Market orientation and business performance: An empirical investigation in the airline industry
  22. Relational benefits and customer satisfaction in retail banking
  23. The customers' perspective on relational benefits in banking activities
  24. Market orientation in service