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  1. Flexibility exercises are often recommended but flexibility is rarely evaluated: a misconnection
  2. Clinical Utility of the Cardiorespiratory Optimal Point in Patients with Heart Failure
  3. High Cardiorespiratory Optimal Point Values Are Related to Cardiovascular Mortality in Men Aged 46 to 70 Years: a Prospective Cohort Study
  4. Cardiorespiratory Optimal Point Is a Submaximal Exercise Test Variable and a Predictor of Mortality Risk
  5. Successful 10-second one-legged stance performance predicts survival in middle-aged and older individuals
  6. Cognitive Development and Non-Aerobic Physical Fitness in Preschoolers: a Longitudinal Study
  7. Cardiorespiratory optimal point during exercise testing and sudden cardiac death: A prospective cohort study
  8. Cardiorespiratory optimal point during exercise testing is related to cardiovascular and all‐cause mortality
  9. Women Have Lower Mortality Than Men After Attending a Long-Term Medically Supervised Exercise Program
  10. A Multiprofessional Face-to-Face and Remote Real-Time Hybrid Mode of Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation: An Innovative Proposal During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  11. Mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the CLINIMEX exercise cohort in the year of 2020
  12. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sports and Covid-19: What Really Matters
  13. Effect of Beta-Blocker Use on Exercise Heart Rate Gradient and Reclassification of Mortality Risk in Patients Referred for Exercise Testing
  14. Diretriz Brasileira de Reabilitação Cardiovascular – 2020
  15. Handgrip strength is inversely associated with fatal cardiovascular and all-cause mortality events
  16. Physical activity and risk of venous thromboembolism: systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
  17. Cardiac reinnervation influences exercise training outcomes in heart transplant patients
  18. Recovery from sauna bathing favorably modulates cardiac autonomic nervous system
  19. Cardiorespiratory fitness is not associated with risk of venous thromboembolism: a cohort study
  20. Using the sitting-rising test (SRT) in clinical practice: reference scores
  21. Heart and Skeletal Muscles: Linked by Autonomic Nervous System
  22. The Brazilian Society of Cardiology and Brazilian Society of Exercise and Sports Medicine Updated Guidelines for Sports and Exercise Cardiology - 2019
  23. Updated Cardiovascular Prevention Guideline of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology - 2019
  24. CLINIMEX Aerobic Fitness Questionnaire: Proposal and Validation
  25. Exercise, Sports & Cardiovascular Health: Relevant Questions and Answers
  26. Measuring Heart Rate During Exercise: From Artery Palpation to Monitors and Apps
  27. Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport: A Five-Star Path for a Better Cardiovascular Health
  28. Sexual Counselling in Cardiac Rehabilitation: An Urgent Need for More Consideration and Study
  29. Association between cardiorespiratory fitness, obesity, and health care costs: The Veterans Exercise Testing Study
  30. A reference equation for maximal aerobic power for treadmill and cycle ergometer exercise testing: Analysis from the FRIEND registry
  31. Relative peak exercise oxygen pulse is related to sudden cardiac death, cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in middle-aged men
  32. Cardiorespiratory Optimal Point in Professional Soccer Players: A Novel Submaximal Variable During Exercise
  33. The Heart of Physically Active Young Individuals can be Remodeled with an Intense 35-Week Military Training
  34. Cardiac vagal index varies according to field position in male elite football players
  36. Cardiorespiratory optimal point during exercise testing as a predictor of all-cause mortality
  37. Pre-Participation Physical Fitness does not Influence Adherence to a Supervised Exercise Program
  38. Aerobic Exercise and The Heart: Discussing Doses
  39. Influence of central obesity in estimating maximal oxygen uptake
  41. Advising sexual activity to heart patients
  42. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Far Beyond Coronary Artery Disease
  43. Athlete: a working definition for medical and health sciences research
  44. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test: Fundamentals, Applicability and Interpretation
  45. Pharmacological Therapy Adherence: A Poorly Explored Benefit of Cardiac Rehabilitation
  46. Maximal heart rate in young adults: A fixed 188bpm outperforms values predicted by a classical age-based equation
  47. Sex-Specific Equations to Estimate Maximum Oxygen Uptake in Cycle Ergometry
  48. 4-Second Exercise Test: Reference Values for Ages 18-81 Years
  49. Cardiorespiratory Optimal Point: A Submaximal Exercise Variable to Assess Panic Disorder Patients
  50. A six-time Ultraman winner and a normal heart: A case report
  51. Exercise heart rate gradient: A novel index to predict all-cause mortality
  52. Detailing the Writing of Scientific Manuscripts: 25-30 Paragraphs
  53. Aerobic training intervention in panic disorder: a case-series study
  54. South American Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation
  55. Treinamento para disfunção vagal cardíaca com repetições da transição repouso-exercício
  56. Evidence for the Role of Isometric Exercise Training in Reducing Blood Pressure: Potential Mechanisms and Future Directions
  57. Análise da estabilidade de uma variável submáxima em teste cardiopulmonar de exercício: Ponto ótimo cardiorrespiratório
  58. Age-related mobility loss is joint-specific: an analysis from 6,000 Flexitest results
  59. Does Flexibility Influence the Ability to Sit and Rise from the Floor?
  60. I Diretriz Brasileira de Prevenção Cardiovascular
  61. Maximum Oxygen Consumption Measurement: Valuable Biological Marker in Health and in Sickness
  62. Brazilian Portuguese Validated Version of the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire
  63. Diretriz em Cardiologia do Esporte e do Exercício da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia e da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte
  64. Maximal Heart Rate: Influence of Sport Practice during Childhood and Adolescence
  65. Ability to sit and rise from the floor as a predictor of all-cause mortality
  66. Psychiatric disorders and cardiac anxiety in exercising and sedentary coronary artery disease patients: a case-control study
  67. Cardiac Vagal Index Does Not Explain Age-Independent Maximal Heart Rate
  68. Ponto ótimo cardiorrespiratório: uma variável submáxima do teste cardiopulmonar de exercício
  69. Corrigendum
  70. A Pre-season Comparison of Aerobic Fitness and Flexibility of Younger and Older Professional Soccer Players
  71. Distância do domicílio ao local de exercício físico não influenciou a aderência de 796 participantes
  72. Comparação entre métodos de avaliação da modulação vagal autonômica
  73. Two-year citations of JAPPL original articles: evidence of a relative age effect
  74. Revisão por pares: um processo científico em constante aprimoramento
  75. Coração, exercício e os arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia
  76. Comparação entre métodos de avaliação da modulação vagal cardíaca
  77. Respostas hemodinâmicas a um protocolo de treinamento isométrico de preensão manual
  78. Índice-H dos artigos citantes: uma contribuição para a avaliação da produção científica de pesquisadores experientes
  79. Belching as a rare cause of sudden and short-lived heart rate decrease during exercise
  80. Stability of relative oxygen pulse curve during repeated maximal cardiopulmonary testing in professional soccer players
  81. Stability of relative oxygen pulse curve during repeated maximal cardiopulmonary testing in professional soccer players
  82. Anxiety, panic disorder and coronary artery disease: issues concerning physical exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy
  83. Long-term stability of the oxygen pulse curve during maximal exercise
  84. Treinamento físico intervalado como ferramenta na terapia cognitivo-comportamental do transtorno de pânico
  85. The slope of the oxygen pulse curve does not depend on the maximal heart rate in elite soccer players
  86. Prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos e ansiedade relacionada à saúde em coronariopatas participantes de um programa de exercício supervisionado
  87. Is the scientific evidence available on exercise training adequate for advising the population on lifelong exercising habits?
  88. Variability of cardio-respiratory, electromyographic, and perceived exertion responses at the walk-run transition in a sample of young men controlled for anthropometric and fitness characteristics
  89. Cardiac vagal withdrawal and reactivation during repeated rest–exercise transitions
  90. Normotensos com resposta pressórica exagerada ao exercício possuem tônus vagal cardíaco aumentado
  91. Cardiac Arrhythmias Triggered by Sudden and Dynamic Efforts
  92. Lower cardiac vagal tone in non-obese healthy men with unfavorable anthropometric characteristics
  93. Effect of muscle mass on muscle mechanoreflex-mediated heart rate increase at the onset of dynamic exercise
  94. Respostas cardiorrespiratórias e perceptivas para as mesmas velocidades de caminhada e corrida
  95. Influence of central command and muscle afferent activation on anterior cerebral artery blood velocity responses to calf exercise in humans
  96. Sexual activity: an exercise to prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality?
  97. Associação entre transientes inicial e final de frequência cardíaca no teste de exercício
  98. Does Peak Oxygen Pulse Complement Peak Oxygen Uptake in Risk Stratifying Patients With Heart Failure?
  99. Atrial fibrillation in endurance-trained athletes
  100. Medindo a pressão arterial em exercício aeróbico: subsídios para reabilitação cardíaca
  101. Maximal exercise oxygen pulse as a predictor of mortality among male veterans referred for exercise testing
  102. How often does spirometry testing induce cardiac arrhythmias?
  103. Training-related changes in the R-R interval at the onset of passive movements in humans
  104. Dismorfia muscular: análise comparativa entre um critério antropométrico e um instrumento psicológico
  105. Apresentação de temas livres em eventos científicos de ciências e medicina do esporte e publicação em periódicos indexados
  106. Avaliação da flexibilidade: valores normativos do flexiteste dos 5 aos 91 anos de idade
  107. Similar cardiac vagal withdrawal at the onset of arm and leg dynamic exercise
  109. Water intake accelerates post-exercise cardiac vagal reactivation in humans
  110. Evaluating cardiac vagal activity on a conventional electrocardiogram
  111. Age-Related Decline in Handgrip Strength Differs According to Gender
  112. Reabilitação cardíaca com ênfase no exercício: uma revisão sistemática
  113. Influence of different respiratory maneuvers on exercise-induced cardiac vagal inhibition
  114. Diretriz de reabilitação cardiopulmonar e metabólica: aspectos práticos e responsabilidades
  115. Reabilitação cardiopulmonar e metabólica: aspectos práticos e responsabilidades
  116. Adult women with mitral valve prolapse are more flexible
  117. Freqüência cardíaca máxima em testes de exercício em esteira rolante e em cicloergômetro de membros inferiores
  118. Heart Rate Variability Is Not Abolished At True Peak Exercise
  119. Arrhythmogenic Potential Of Short And Sudden Efforts
  120. Does Flexibility Always Decrease With Aging? – An 18-year Follow-up In 10 Women
  121. Effect of Ipratropium Bromide on EIB in Children Depends on Vagal Activity
  122. Initial and Final Exercise Heart Rate Transients
  123. Normatização dos equipamentos e técnicas da reabilitação cardiovascular supervisionada
  124. Flexiteste: utilização inapropriada de versões condensadas
  125. Validação do teste de exercício de 4 segundos em posição ortostática
  126. Recommendations for Physical Activity and Recreational Sports Participation for Young Patients With Genetic Cardiovascular Diseases
  127. Proposição de um critério antropométrico para suspeita diagnóstica de dismorfia muscular
  128. Há aumento do peso corporal nos finais de semana e nas festas de final de ano? Análise em participantes de programa de exercício supervisionado
  129. Fidedignidade intra e interdias do teste de exercício de quatro segundos
  130. Physiological Responses Using 2 High-Speed Resistance Training Protocols
  131. Effects of aerobic training on heart rate
  132. Self-perception and dissatisfaction with weight does not depend on the frequency of physical activity
  133. Electrocardiographic criteria for vagotonia—validation with pharmacological parasympathetic blockade in healthy subjects
  134. Physiological Responses Using 2 High-Speed Resistance Training Protocols
  135. Ausência de variação da flexibilidade durante o ciclo menstrual em universitárias
  136. Muscle power increases after resistance training in growth-hormone-deficient adults
  137. Body Mass Index: A Scientific Evidence-Based Inquiry
  138. Autopercepção corporal de variáveis da aptidão física relacionada à saúde
  139. Acurácia de critérios para vagotonia no eletrocardiograma de repouso de 12 derivações: uma análise com curvas ROC
  140. Flexiteste: proposição de cinco índices de variabilidade da mobilidade articular
  141. Transição caminhada-corrida: considerações fisiológicas e perspectivas para estudos futuros
  142. Maximal muscle power in unilateral and bilateral elbow flexion
  143. Fidedignidade inter e intradias de um teste de potência muscular
  144. Posicionamento Oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte sobre: esporte Competitivo em Indivíduos acima de 35 anos
  145. Teste de sentar-levantar: influência do excesso de peso corporal em adultos
  146. Efeitos do treinamento físico contra resistência sobre a composição corporal e a potência muscular em adultos deficientes de hormônio do crescimento
  147. Recommendations for Preparticipation Screening and the Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease in Masters Athletes : An Advisory for Healthcare Professionals From the Working Groups of the World Heart Federation, the International Federation of Sports Med...
  148. As ações de sentar e levantar do solo são prejudicadas por excesso de peso
  149. Aptidão física, saúde e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em adultos
  150. Teste de exercício: terminologia e algumas considerações sobre passado, presente e futuro baseadas em evidências
  151. Position statement of the Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine: physical activity and health
  152. Position statement of the Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine and Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology: physical activity and health in the elderly
  153. Posicionamento oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte e da Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia: atividade física e saúde no idoso
  154. Teste de sentar-levantar: apresentação de um procedimento para avaliação em Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte
  155. Posicionamentos e orientações institucionais: uma nota de cautela
  156. Skeletal muscle function and body composition of patients with hyperthyroidism
  157. Asthma, Exercise-Induced Asthma, and Aquatic Physical Activities
  158. Heart rate and blood pressure responses at the onset of dynamic exercise: effect of Valsalva manoeuvre
  160. Heart rate transient at the onsset of active and passive dynamic exercise
  161. Heart rate responses to deep breathing and 4-seconds of exercise before and after pharmacological blockade with atropine and propranolol
  163. Fast “ON” and “OFF” Heart Rate Transients at Different Bicycle Exercise Levels