All Stories

  1. Rapid up- and down-regulation of pheromone signalling due to trail crowding in the ant Lasius niger
  2. Persistence to Unrewarding Feeding Locations by Honeybee Foragers (Apis mellifera): the Effects of Experience, Resource Profitability and Season
  3. Social learning strategies in honeybee foragers: do the costs of using private information affect the use of social information?
  4. Honey bee waggle dance communication: signal meaning and signal noise affect dance follower behaviour
  5. Comparing Alternative Methods for Holding Virgin Honey Bee Queens for One Week in Mailing Cages before Mating
  6. Negative Feedback Enables Fast and Flexible Collective Decision-Making in Ants
  7. Uncovering the complexity of ant foraging trails
  8. Flower constancy in insect pollinators: Adaptive foraging behaviour or cognitive limitation?
  9. The role of wax and resin in the nestmate recognition system of a stingless bee, Tetragonisca angustula
  10. Honeybee foragers increase the use of waggle dance information when private information becomes unrewarding
  11. Hovering guards of the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula increase colony defensive perimeter as shown by intra- and inter-specific comparisons
  12. Social Learning: The Importance of Copying Others
  13. Decision making in ant foragers (Lasius niger) facing conflicting private and social information