All Stories

  1. The Relation of Personality and Intelligence—What Can the Brunswik Symmetry Principle Tell Us?
  2. Impact of Cognitive Abilities and Prior Knowledge on Complex Problem Solving Performance – Empirical Results and a Plea for Ecologically Valid Microworlds
  3. Evaluating dimensional distinctness with correlated-factor models: Limitations and suggestions
  4. Sometimes Less Is Not Enough: A Commentary on Greiff et al. (2015)
  5. Complex Problems in Entrepreneurship Education: Examining Complex Problem-Solving in the Application of Opportunity Identification
  6. Construct validity of complex problem solving: A comprehensive view on different facets of intelligence and school grades
  7. Linking complex problem solving and general mental ability to career advancement: Does a transversal skill reveal incremental predictive validity?
  8. Extending the Assessment of Complex Problem Solving to Finite State Automata
  9. The Assessment of 21st Century Skills in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Complex and Collaborative Problem Solving
  10. Problemlösen in der Pädagogischen Psychologie
  11. Komplexes Problemlösen, schulfachliche Kompetenzen und ihre Relation zu Schulnoten
  12. The computer-based assessment of complex problem solving and how it is influenced by students’ information and communication technology literacy.