All Stories

  1. Carcase and meat quality of Blanca Andaluza kids fed exclusively with milk from their dams under organic and conventional grazing-based management systems
  2. Volatile organic compounds and consumer preference for meat from suckling goat kids raised with natural or replacers milk
  3. Web-based survey of consumer preferences for the visual appearance of meat from suckling kids
  4. In memoriam of Carlos Gutiérrez Cabrera
  5. Antimicrobial drug usage from birth to 180 days of age in Irish dairy calves and in suckler beef calves
  6. Use of clinic refractometer at farm as a tool to estimate the IgG content in goat colostrum
  7. Colostrum protein uptake in neonatal lambs examined by descriptive and quantitative liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  8. Improvement of fatty acid profiles in kid meat from Murciano-Granadina goats under semi-arid environment
  9. Short-term effects of milking frequency on milk yield, milk composition, somatic cell count and milk protein profile in dairy goats
  10. The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteome profile in newborn lambs: low abundance proteins
  11. The Colostrum Proteome, Ruminant Nutrition and Immunity: A Review
  12. Effect of breed (wool and hair) and sex on the carcass quality of suckling lambs under intensive management
  13. Effects of breed and milking frequency on udder histological structures in dairy goats
  14. Effects of three management systems on meat quality of dairy breed goat kids
  15. Body live weight and milk production parameters in the Majorera and Palmera goat breeds from the Canary Islands: influence of weight loss
  16. The absorption of colostral proteins in newborn lambs: an iTRAQ proteomics study
  17. Seasonal weight loss in dairy goats from the Canary Islands: towards an integrated omics approach?
  18. Effect of electronic identification with ruminal bolus on growth parameters and stomach development in young goat kids
  19. Host-Feeding Pattern of Culex theileri (Diptera: Culicidae), Potential Vector of Dirofilaria immitis in the Canary Islands, Spain
  20. The complement system of the goat: Haemolytic assays and isolation of major proteins
  21. Sensory analysis of full-, reduced- and low-fat cheese elaborated with raw goat milk
  22. The effect of diet and DHA addition on the sensory quality of goat kid meat
  23. The effect of colostrum intake on blood plasma proteomic profiles of newborn lambs
  24. Effects of extensive system versus semi-intensive and intensive systems on growth and carcass quality of dairy kids
  25. Do secretions from the uropygial gland of birds attract biting midges and black flies?
  26. The effects of storage temperature on goat milk somatic cell count using the DeLaval counter
  27. Influência do sexo do animal e do sistema de produção nas características de carcaça de caprinos da raça Blanca Serrana Andaluza
  28. The effects of long-day photoperiod on growth, body composition and skin colour in immature gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)