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  1. Potential benefits of multicenter reliability studies in sports science: A practical guide for its implementation
  2. Comparison of reaction time between beginners and experienced fencers during quasi-realistic fencing situations
  3. Assessment of the force-velocity relationship during vertical jumps: influence of the starting position, analysis procedures and number of loads
  4. Vertical jump performance is affected by the velocity and depth of the countermovement
  5. The load-velocity profiles of three upper-body pushing exercises in men and women
  6. Feasibility of the two-point method for assessing the force-velocity relationship during lower-body and upper-body isokinetic tests
  7. Acute intraocular pressure changes during isometric exercise and recovery: The influence of exercise type and intensity, and participant´s sex
  8. Reliability and validity of different methods of estimating the one-repetition maximum during the free-weight prone bench pull exercise
  9. Influence of the breathing pattern during resistance training on intraocular pressure
  10. Precision of 7 Commercially Available Devices for Predicting the Bench Press 1-Repetition Maximum From the Individual Load-Velocity Relationship
  11. Assessment of the load-velocity profile in the free-weight prone bench pull exercise through different velocity variables and regression models
  12. Optimization of the Force–Velocity Relationship Obtained From the Bench-Press-Throw Exercise: An a Posteriori Multicenter Reliability Study
  13. Assessment of the loaded squat jump and countermovement jump exercises with a linear velocity transducer: which velocity variable provides the highest reliability?
  14. Association Between the Force–Velocity Profile and Performance Variables Obtained in Jumping and Sprinting in Elite Female Soccer Players
  15. Optimisation of applied loads when using the two-point method for assessing the force-velocity relationship during vertical jumps
  16. Differences in the one-repetition maximum and load-velocity profile between the flat and arched bench press in competitive powerlifters
  17. Ocular Accommodative Response is Modulated as a Function of Physical Exercise Intensity
  18. Acute intraocular pressure responses to high-intensity interval-training protocols in men and women
  19. Effect of the level of effort during resistance training on intraocular pressure
  20. Reliability of the Load–Velocity Relationship Obtained Through Linear and Polynomial Regression Models to Predict the 1-Repetition Maximum Load
  21. Feasibility of the 2-Point Method for Determining the 1-Repetition Maximum in the Bench Press Exercise
  22. The load-velocity profile differs more between men and women than between individuals with different strength levels
  23. Differences in the Load–Velocity Profile Between 4 Bench-Press Variants
  24. Prediction of the Maximum Number of Repetitions and Repetitions in Reserve From Barbell Velocity
  25. Selective Changes in the Mechanical Capacities of Lower-Body Muscles After Cycle-Ergometer Sprint Training Against Heavy and Light Resistances
  26. Optimal Resistive Forces For Maximizing The Reliability Of Leg Muscles Capacities Tested On A Cycle Ergometer
  27. Validity of a Linear Velocity Transducer for Testing Maximum Vertical Jumps
  28. Letter to the editor concerning the article “Bar velocities capable of optimising the muscle power in strength-power exercises” by Loturco, Pereira, Abad, Tabares, Moraes, Kobal, Kitamura & Nakamura (2017)
  29. Effects of different conditioning programmes on the performance of high-velocity soccer-related tasks: Systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials
  30. Effects of short inter-repetition rest periods on power output losses during the half squat exercise
  31. Optimal load for maximizing upper-body power: Test-retest reproducibility
  32. Relationship Between Vertical Jump Height and Swimming Start Performance Before and After an Altitude Training Camp
  33. Comparison of the force-, velocity-, and power-time curves recorded with a force plate and a linear velocity transducer
  34. The Relationship Between the Lower-Body Muscular Profile and Swimming Start Performance
  35. Force–Velocity Relationship of Upper Body Muscles: Traditional versus Ballistic Bench Press
  36. Assessment of Muscle Contractile Properties at Acute Moderate Altitude Through Tensiomyography
  37. Effect of Different Interrepetition Rest Periods on Barbell Velocity Loss During the Ballistic Bench Press Exercise
  38. Relationship between different push-off variables and start performance in experienced swimmers
  39. Predicting Maximal Dynamic Strength From the Load-Velocity Relationship in Squat Exercise
  40. Reliability Analysis of Traditional and Ballistic Bench Press Exercises at Different Loads
  41. The Effect of the Number of Sets on Power Output for Different Loads
  42. Effects of oxymetazoline on nasal flow and maximum aerobic exercise performance in patients with inferior turbinate hypertrophy
  43. Effect of Acute Exposure to Moderate Altitude on Muscle Power: Hypobaric Hypoxia vs. Normobaric Hypoxia
  44. Training load quantification in elite swimmers using a modified version of the training impulse method