All Stories

  1. Contemporary parenting and its association with parents’ well-being in the face of COVID-19: The mediating role of guilt.
  2. Adjustment Disorder in the Face of COVID-19 Outbreak: The Impact of Death Anxiety, Media Exposure, Fear of Contagion and Hypochondriasis Symptoms
  3. Educational Archaeological Excavations at the Barkan Wine Presses Site
  4. Psychometric evaluation of the Adjustment Disorder New Module-20 (ADNM-20): A multi-study analysis
  5. Optimism as a mediator of the association between social support and peripartum depression among mothers of neonatal intensive care unit hospitalized preterm infants
  6. A Dissociation Between Two Cognitive Biases in Acute Stress Disorder: Preliminary Evidence for the Reverse Gambling Fallacy
  7. Adjustment Disorder Amongst Welfare Social Service Clients: The Role of Period of Service Receipt and Social Worker’s Alternation
  8. Psychological Distress and Intention to Leave the Profession: The Social and Economic Exchange Mediating Role
  9. Maternal self-efficacy mediates the association between spousal support and stress among mothers of NICU hospitalized preterm babies
  10. Factors Associated with Adjustment Disorder – the Different Contribution of Daily Stressors and Traumatic Events and the Mediating Role of Psychological Well-Being.
  11. A cross-country psychiatric screening of ICD-11 disorders specifically associated with stress in Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana
  12. Spousal Relationship (E) Quality and Adjustment to Motherhood in Israel
  13. Revalidation of Adjustment Disorder–New Module‐4 screening of adjustment disorder in a non‐clinical sample: Psychometric reevaluation and correlates with other ICD‐11 mental disorders
  14. Subjective traumatic outlook as a screening tool for psychological trauma: Cut-off values and diagnostic criteria
  15. Neighborhood poverty and child abuse and neglect: The mediating role of social cohesion
  16. Truck attack: Fear of ISIS and reminder of truck attacks in Europe as associated with psychological distress and PTSD symptoms
  17. Screening of adjustment disorder: Scale based on the ICD-11 and the Adjustment Disorder New Module
  18. The perceived risk of pregnancy as a mediator of the association between prenatal depression and depression 5 years after giving birth
  19. Anxiety and defensiveness as predictors of maternal child-centrism
  20. Evoked Death-Related Thoughts in the Aftermath of Terror Attack
  21. Do previous experience and geographic proximity matter? Possible predictors for diagnosing Adjustment disorder vs. PTSD
  22. Exploring DSM-5 criterion A in Acute Stress Disorder symptoms following natural disaster
  23. Parental self-efficacy mitigates the association between low spousal support and stress
  24. Typhoon survivors' subjective wellbeing—A different view of responses to natural disaster
  25. Social Workers’ Perceptions of the Association Between Role Playing Games and Psychopathology
  26. Intergenerational Transmission of Sociability: The Mediating Role of Maternal Competence and Maternal Child-Centrism
  27. “A man's home is his castle and fortress”: Effect of age on the psychological distress associated with house damage following super typhoon Haiyan
  28. Measuring Collective Efficacy in the Context of Community-Based Child Maltreatment Prevention
  29. Association between Media Use, Acute Stress Disorder and Psychological Distress
  30. From Hiroshima to Fukushima: PTSD symptoms and radiation stigma across regions in Japan
  31. Parental involvement in school: A test of Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler's model among Jewish and Arab parents in Israel
  32. Administrative Data as Children’s Well-Being Indicators: The South Carolina Data Bridge Project